Departments, agencies and public bodies
Ministerial departments
There are 24 Ministerial departments
Works with 4 agencies and public bodies
Non-ministerial department
Works with 27 agencies and public bodies
Executive office
Ministerial department
Non-ministerial department
Executive agency
Executive non-departmental public body
- Civil Service Commission
- Corporate Officers of the House of Commons
- Corporate Officers of the House of Lords
- Equality and Human Rights Commission
Advisory non-departmental public body
- Advisory Committee on Business Appointments
- Committee on Standards in Public Life
- House of Lords Appointments Commission
- Security Vetting Appeals Panel
- Senior Salaries Review Body
- Social Mobility Commission
Ad-hoc advisory group
- Commissioner for Public Appointments
- Evaluation Task Force
- Government Estates Management
- Independent Adviser on Ministerial Standards
- Infrastructure and Projects Authority
- Office for Equality and Opportunity
- Office of the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists
- Privy Council Office
- UK Commission on Covid Commemoration
Civil service
Works with 19 agencies and public bodies
Non-ministerial department
Executive agency
Executive non-departmental public body
- Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service
- British Hallmarking Council
- Competition Service
- Financial Reporting Council
- Small Business Commissioner
- Trade Remedies Authority
Advisory non-departmental public body
Public corporation
Works with 42 agencies and public bodies
Non-ministerial department
Executive non-departmental public body
- Arts Council England
- British Film Institute
- British Library
- British Museum
- Gambling Commission
- Historic England
- Horniman Public Museum and Public Park Trust
- Horserace Betting Levy Board
- Imperial War Museum
- Museum of the Home
- National Gallery
- National Heritage Memorial Fund
- The National Lottery Community Fund
- National Museums Liverpool
- National Portrait Gallery
- Natural History Museum
- Royal Armouries Museum
- Royal Museums Greenwich
- Science Museum Group
- Sir John Soane's Museum
- Sport England
- Sports Grounds Safety Authority
- Tate
- UK Anti-Doping
- UK Sport
- Victoria and Albert Museum
- VisitBritain
- VisitEngland
- Wallace Collection
Advisory non-departmental public body
- The Advisory Council on National Records and Archives
- The Reviewing Committee on the Export of Works of Art and Objects of Cultural Interest
- The Theatres Trust
- Treasure Valuation Committee
Public corporation
Works with 18 agencies and public bodies
Non-ministerial department
Executive agency
Executive non-departmental public body
- Construction Industry Training Board
- Engineering Construction Industry Training Board
- Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education
- LocatED
- Oak National Academy
- Office for Students
- Office of the Children's Commissioner
- Social Work England
- Student Loans Company
Advisory non-departmental public body
Works with 15 agencies and public bodies
Non-ministerial department
Executive non-departmental public body
- Civil Nuclear Police Authority
- Committee on Climate Change
- Great British Nuclear
- Mining Remediation Authority
- North Sea Transition Authority
- Nuclear Decommissioning Authority
- Salix Finance Ltd
- UK Atomic Energy Authority
Advisory non-departmental public body
Public corporation
Works with 35 agencies and public bodies
Non-ministerial department
Executive agency
- Animal and Plant Health Agency
- Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science
- Rural Payments Agency
- Veterinary Medicines Directorate
Executive non-departmental public body
- Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board
- Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
- Consumer Council for Water
- Environment Agency
- Joint Nature Conservation Committee
- Marine Management Organisation
- Natural England
- Office for Environmental Protection
- Seafish
Advisory non-departmental public body
- Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment
- Defra's Science Advisory Council
- Independent Agricultural Appeals Panel
- Veterinary Products Committee
- British Wool
- Broads Authority
- Covent Garden Market Authority
- Dartmoor National Park Authority
- Exmoor National Park Authority
- Flood Re
- Independent Water Commission
- Lake District National Park Authority
- National Forest Company
- New Forest National Park Authority
- North York Moors National Park Authority
- Northumberland National Park Authority
- Peak District National Park Authority
- South Downs National Park Authority
- Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority
Works with 16 agencies and public bodies
Executive agency
Executive non-departmental public body
Public corporation
Works with 23 agencies and public bodies
Non-ministerial department
Executive agency
- Active Travel England
- Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
- Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency
- Maritime and Coastguard Agency
- Vehicle Certification Agency
Executive non-departmental public body
- British Transport Police Authority
- East West Railway Company Limited
- High Speed Two (HS2) Limited
- National Highways
- Network Rail
- Northern Lighthouse Board
- Transport Focus
- Trinity House
Public corporation
- Civil Aviation Authority
- Crossrail International
- DfT Operator Limited
- London and Continental Railways Limited
Works with 12 agencies and public bodies
Executive non-departmental public body
Advisory non-departmental public body
Public corporation
- National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) Corporation
- Office for Nuclear Regulation
- Pension Protection Fund
Works with 23 agencies and public bodies
Works with 10 agencies and public bodies
Executive agency
Executive non-departmental public body
- British Council
- Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK
- Great Britain-China Centre
- Marshall Aid Commemoration Commission
- Westminster Foundation for Democracy
Advisory non-departmental public body
Works with 18 agencies and public bodies
Non-ministerial department
Executive agency
Executive non-departmental public body
Advisory non-departmental public body
Works with 28 agencies and public bodies
Executive non-departmental public body
- Disclosure and Barring Service
- Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority
- Immigration Advice Authority
- Independent Office for Police Conduct
- Security Industry Authority
Advisory non-departmental public body
- Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs
- Animals in Science Committee
- Biometrics and Forensics Ethics Group
- Migration Advisory Committee
- Police Advisory Board for England and Wales
- Police Remuneration Review Body
- Technical Advisory Board
Independent monitoring body
- Biometrics and Surveillance Camera Commissioner
- Independent Anti-slavery Commissioner
- Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration
- The Adjudicator’s Office
- College of Policing
- Commission for Countering Extremism
- Forensic Science Regulator
- HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services
- Independent Family Returns Panel
- Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation
- Investigatory Powers Commissioner's Office
- National Counter Terrorism Security Office
- National Crime Agency Remuneration Review Body
- The Security Service
Works with 25 agencies and public bodies
Executive agency
- Defence Equipment and Support
- Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
- Submarine Delivery Agency
- UK Hydrographic Office
Executive non-departmental public body
- Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust
- Atomic Weapons Establishment
- National Army Museum
- National Museum of the Royal Navy
- Royal Air Force Museum
- Single Source Regulations Office
Advisory non-departmental public body
- Advisory Committee on Conscientious Objectors
- Armed Forces' Pay Review Body
- Independent Medical Expert Group
- Nuclear Research Advisory Council
- Scientific Advisory Committee on the Medical Implications of Less-Lethal Weapons
- Veterans Advisory and Pensions Committees
Public corporation
Works with 15 agencies and public bodies
Non-ministerial department
Executive agency
Executive non-departmental public body
- Ebbsfleet Development Corporation
- Homes England
- Housing Ombudsman
- Leasehold Advisory Service
- Regulator of Social Housing
- Valuation Tribunal Service
Advisory non-departmental public body
Public corporation
Works with 35 agencies and public bodies
Executive agency
- Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority
- HM Courts & Tribunals Service
- HM Prison and Probation Service
- Legal Aid Agency
- Office of the Public Guardian
Executive non-departmental public body
- Cafcass
- Criminal Cases Review Commission
- Independent Monitoring Authority for the Citizens’ Rights Agreements
- Judicial Appointments Commission
- Legal Services Board
- Parole Board
- Youth Justice Board for England and Wales
Advisory non-departmental public body
- Advisory Committees on Justices of the Peace
- Civil Justice Council
- Civil Procedure Rule Committee
- Criminal Procedure Rule Committee
- Family Justice Council
- Family Procedure Rule Committee
- Independent Advisory Panel on Deaths in Custody
- Insolvency Rules Committee
- Law Commission
- Online Procedure Rule Committee
- Prison Service Pay Review Body
- Sentencing Council for England and Wales
- Tribunal Procedure Committee
Works with 4 agencies and public bodies
Executive non-departmental public body
- The Independent Commission for Reconciliation and Information Recovery
- Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
- Parades Commission for Northern Ireland
Advisory non-departmental public body
Works with 1 public body
Advisory non-departmental public body
Works with 1 public body
Non ministerial departments
There are 20 Non ministerial departments
Works with 7 agencies and public bodies
Executive non-departmental public body
Advisory non-departmental public body
- Advisory Committee on Animal Feedingstuffs
- Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes
- Advisory Committee on the Microbiological Safety of Food
- Committee on Mutagenicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment
- Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment
- Social Science Research Committee
Works with 2 agencies and public bodies
Executive agency
Works with 2 agencies and public bodies
Works with 1 public body
Agencies and other public bodies
There are 423 Agencies and other public bodies
Works with 3 agencies and public bodies
Executive non-departmental public body
Works with 2 agencies and public bodies
Works with 2 agencies and public bodies
Executive non-departmental public body
Works with 1 public body
Executive non-departmental public body
Works with 1 public body
Executive agency
Works with 3 agencies and public bodies
Executive non-departmental public body
Works with 8 agencies and public bodies
Executive agency
- Legal Services Agency (Northern Ireland)
- Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service
- Northern Ireland Prison Service
- Youth Justice Agency of Northern Ireland
Executive non-departmental public body
Works with 1 public body
Civil service
Works with 1 public body
Works with 1 public body
Civil service
Works with 1 public body
Works with 3 agencies and public bodies
Works with 1 public body
Advisory non-departmental public body
Works with 1 public body
Works with 7 agencies and public bodies
Works with 1 public body
Works with 1 public body
High profile groups
There are 115 High profile groups
Public corporations
There are 19 Public corporations
Devolved administrations
There are 3 Devolved administrations
Works with 10 agencies and public bodies
- Department for Communities (Northern Ireland)
- Department for Infrastructure (Northern Ireland)
- Department for the Economy (Northern Ireland)
- Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (Northern Ireland)
- Department of Education (Northern Ireland)
- Department of Finance (Northern Ireland)
- Department of Health (Northern Ireland)
- Department of Justice (Northern Ireland)
- The Executive Office (Northern Ireland)
- Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland
Works with 1 public body
Executive agency
Works with 5 agencies and public bodies
Errors or omissions? Tell us here. For official lists of non–departmental public bodies see public bodies.