Air Accidents Investigation Branch

Anniversary Statement: EC175 B, G-MCSH
News story
Rotor blades failed whilst helicopter parked in strong winds with an unserviceable rotor brake, Elgin Oil Platform, North Sea, 17 February 2023

Air accident monthly bulletin February 2025
Independent report
The AAIB Bulletin is a compilation of AAIB reports and is published on the second Thursday of the month.

AAIB attends memorial service honouring the 270 lives lost in the air and on the ground

A team of inspectors has been sent to investigate an accident which occurred on 22 December 2024

Boeing 737-8K5 (G-FDZS), insufficient thrust on takeoff, Bristol Airport, 4 March 2024

What you need to know if you are involved in, or witness, an air accident or serious incident

Latest from Air Accidents Investigation Branch
What we do
The Air Accidents Investigation Branch investigates civil aircraft accidents and serious incidents within the UK, its overseas territories and crown dependencies.
AAIB works with the Department for Transport.
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01252 512299 (From outside the UK: +44 1252 512299)
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Farnborough House, Berkshire Copse Road
GU11 2HH
United Kingdom
01252 510300
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During office hours
01932 440015
Out of hours
0300 777 7878
Requests for technical assistance from overseas accident investigation authorities
Telephone - 24 hours
From outside the UK: +44 1252 512299
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