Council for Science and Technology
CST reports on science and technology
The Council for Science and Technology (CST) reports to the Prime Minister on science, engineering, technology and mathematics.

Eight new members have been appointed to the Council that advises the Prime Minister and Cabinet on science and technology.

Letter to the Chancellor on scale-up finance for innovative science and technology companies
Advice to the Chancellor on how government can increase and incentivise scale-up finance for innovative science and technology companies.

Letter to the Prime Minister on Antimicrobial Resistance
Advice to the Prime Minister on addressing the global burden of antimicrobial resistance

Advice to the Prime Minister on harnessing research and development in the UK creative industries

The Prime Minister’s Council for Science and Technology (CST) met with the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) today in Washington, D.C. to discuss shared science and technology priorities.

Latest from the Council for Science and Technology
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The Council for Science and Technology (CST) advises the Prime Minister on science and technology policy issues across government.
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