Military Aviation Authority

An introduction to the challenges of certification for Multi-Core Processors in safety critical aircraft systems

To counter threats of cyber-attack on military air systems, new regulation has been introduced to assess and mitigate potential impacts on air safety.

A new evaluation tool to help with Self-Assessment of Air Safety Management.

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What we do
The Military Aviation Authority is responsible for the regulation, assurance and enforcement of the defence air operating and technical domains.
MAA is part of the Ministry of Defence and the Defence Safety Authority.
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MAA Regulatory Publication (MRP) enquiries (for enquiries from the Regulated Community)
Regulatory Publications Team
#5102 Level 1
Juniper Building
MOD Abbey Wood (North)
BS34 8QW
United Kingdom
General enquiries (for enquiries from the general public and Freedom of Information (FOI) requests)
#5102 Level 1
Juniper Building
MOD Abbey Wood (North)
BS34 8QW
United Kingdom
Copyright and Intellectual Property Group
Poplar 2 #2214
MOD Abbey Wood
BS34 8JH
United Kingdom
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- Check our previous releases to see if we’ve already answered your question.