
Sustainability and Climate Change: MOD

This series brings together Ministry of Defence sustainability publications.

As a central government department, Ministry of Defence (MOD) is mandated to support the delivery of the government’s sustainability objectives and contribute towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In a defence context sustainability is about ensuring that we are resilient and adaptable to enable us to respond to future risks and address the implications for defence capabilities, whilst respecting and minimising the impacts on the environment, availability of resources, changes in the climatic and geographical arena, at home and abroad.

The MOD Climate Change and Sustainability Strategic Approach – One Year On

Ministry of Defence Climate Change and Sustainability Strategic Approach


Corporate reporting

MOD’s annual progress and performance against the Government Policy requirements, Greening Government Commitments and MOD’s contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for 2018/19 and 19/20 is integrated into the MOD’s Annual Report and Accounts.

Previous performance can be found in standalone Sustainable MOD Annual Reports.

Future MOD annual performance reporting will be integrated into the MOD’s Annual Report and Accounts.

Corporate publications

Updates to this page

Published 20 September 2013
Last updated 20 August 2024 + show all updates
  1. Added News/Announcements: Royal Air Force missions fuelled sustainably.

  2. News/Announcements section updated.

  3. Updated 'Corporate publications' with most recent documents.

  4. Page updated with recent information.

  5. Addition of 'Strategy for Defence Infrastructure'.

  6. Added the Ministry of Defence Climate Change and Sustainability Strategic Approach report.

  7. Updated the collection page and added the most recent documents.

  8. Added a link regarding 2018 to 2019 sustainability report.

  9. Added Sustainable MOD annual report 2017/18.

  10. Added Sustainable MOD annual report 2016 to 2017

  11. First published.