Procurement at MOD

Doing business with defence: information for those looking to become a supplier or contractor.

This page contains information about doing business with defence, and guidance for those who want to become a Defence Supplier.

Ministry of Defence Procurement: an overview

An overview of Ministry of Defence procurement and information on doing business with Defence.

The Ministry of Defence Procurement Process

The Ministry of Defence’s approach to procurement, and where to find defence opportunities.

MOD Acquisition Pipeline

The Acquisition Pipeline is a forward look of future potential procurement activity undertaken by the Ministry of Defence (MOD).

The Ministry of Defence Supply Base

Information on the Ministry of Defence works with the Defence sector to achieve our goals.

Ministry of Defence Organisations

Information about the different organisations Defence procurement buy their equipment, products and services through.

Ministry of Defence: Engagement with Trade Associations

Information on the different trade associations that defence procurement work alongside.

Innovation in the Defence Supply Chain

Information on ways defence encourages funding innovation in the defence procurement Supply Chain.

Defence Procurement: useful information

Useful information about defence procurement and links to related guidance.

Defence COVID-19 Communications

This page contains specific communications relating to defence procurement during COVID-19.

Supply chain opportunities

Encouraging suppliers to offer wider access to procurement opportunities to increase visibility of opportunities and enable a more diverse supply base, particularly for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

Frameworks Agreements

Framework Agreements are an established method of procurement used by the Ministry of Defence and other public authorities.

Procurement at DIO

Details of Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) procurement plans and contracts.

Doing business with defence webinars

Information and links to helpful webinars for defence industry.