Statistics at DfT

Browse, search and learn about official statistics releases relating to the transport system across the United Kingdom.

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Use the Transport Statistics Finder to explore and discover the latest data and reports published by the Department for Transport.

You can use the search functions in the finder to explore, download and view all the statistical content the department has published.

Latest transport statistics

19 September 2024

17 September 2024

12 September 2024

11 September 2024

Browse our transport statistics

Faster indicators of transport activity

The department monitors transport activity on a timelier basis for topical issues relating to transport.

  • Daily domestic transport use by mode - daily indexed indicators of usage since January 2020

  • Developing faster indicators - timely indicators monitoring developing transport-related events, currently including:

    • practical car driving tests in Great Britain
    • electric vehicle public charging devices available in the UK
    • large goods vehicle vocational testing in Great Britain

Statistical collections

Hover over each of the statistical collections below for a brief explanation of what is included. Alternatively, use the Transport Statistics Finder to search all statistical content published by the department in one place.

See our forthcoming publications

The forthcoming publication schedule lists the dates of all of the department’s annual, quarterly and compendium statistical releases for the coming year.

Departmental information about our statistics

Hover over each of the links below for a brief explanation of what is included.

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