
Explanatory memoranda on EU documents

Explanatory memoranda summarise important EU documents and the UK government’s policy position on them.

An explanatory memorandum (EM) is the government’s written evidence to Parliament about EU documents that propose changes to EU law that remains applicable to the UK, or on other matters which are relevant to the UK’s new relationship with the EU.

An EM summarises a specific EU document and the government’s policy position on it.

All EMs are considered by the Commons European Scrutiny Committee and the Lords European Affairs Committee and its Sub-Committee on the Windsor Framework.

Reports published by the Committees and correspondence with ministers on EMs considered can be found on the Committees’ websites.

This page contains all EMs published by the government since 8 March 2022.

Read EMs published between April 2012 and March 2022 on the archived European Memoranda website.

Explanatory memoranda

Published 31 March 2022