
Hysbysiadau preifatrwydd yr Asiantaeth Iechyd Anifeiliaid a Phlanhigion

Sut mae'r Asiantaeth Iechyd Anifeiliaid a Phlanhigion yn trin eich data personol.

Applies to England, Scotland and Wales



Mae’r hysbysiadau hyn yn nodi sut mae’r Asiantaeth Iechyd Anifeiliaid a Phlanhigion (APHA) yn casglu, yn defnyddio ac yn storio eich gwybodaeth bersonol pan fyddwch yn defnyddio ei gwasanaethau ar-lein.

Mae siarter gwybodaeth bersonol APHA yn esbonio mwy am eich hawliau dros eich data personol.

Cyhoeddwyd ar 2 November 2022
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 19 March 2024 + show all updates
  1. Updated the Welsh version of ‘Exotic, notifiable and reportable diseases privacy notice’.

  2. Updated the Welsh version of ‘Variety and seeds privacy notice’

  3. Amended attachment for Registration of livestock keepers privacy notice.

  4. Added the pet travel scheme privacy notice in Welsh.

  5. Added pet travel scheme privacy notice.

  6. 2 privacy notices have been updated to clarify what personal data is collected. They are: 'Variety and seeds' and 'Exotic, notifiable and reportable diseases'.

  7. Updated 3 privacy notices: Animal health and welfare, Animal by-products, and Plant biosecurity, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) inspections and alien and invasive species.

  8. The following privacy notices have been updated: Trade surveillance and diagnostic laboratory testing, One Health, National Wildlife Management Centre, Endemic disease, APHA international trade, National Bee Unit – statutory bee health programme, Groupage export facilitation scheme membership, Bird flu helpline.

  9. Added the Animal and Plant Health Agency privacy notice in Welsh.

  10. Added Welsh translation for 'Bird flu helpline privacy notice'.

  11. Added the privacy notice for the bird flu helpline.

  12. Added groupage export facilitation scheme membership privacy notice.

  13. Added the latest version of the Animal and Plant Health Agency privacy notice.

  14. Added 2 privacy notices to the Welsh page.

  15. Added privacy notices to the English and Welsh pages.

  16. Added 2 privacy notices to the English page. Added a Welsh language page with 7 privacy notices.

  17. Added 6 privacy notices.

  18. Added 3 privacy notices (endemic disease, APHA international trade and National Bee Unit - statutory bee health programme).

  19. First published.