Publication scheme

This is the publication scheme for the Regulator of Social Housing (the regulator) drawn up under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

The purpose of this publication scheme is to set out:

  • classes of information we commit to publish as a matter of course
  • how this information will be published
  • whether the information is available free of charge or on payment

The publication scheme fulfils the requirements of the Information Commissioner as set out in the model publication scheme for public authorities supported by the Information Commissioner’s requirements for non-departmental public bodies.

Who we are and what we do

This includes:

What we spend and how we spend it

This includes:

What our priorities are and how we are doing

This includes:

How we make decisions

This includes:

Our regulatory procedures and guidance

This includes:

Our policies

This includes:

Lists and registers

This includes:

The services we offer

This includes:

This also includes:

Our quarterly and annual reports

Other publications

Data and datasets

The regulator publishes the following data and data sets on its website and on NROSH+:

Requesting information

If you can’t find what you are looking for through this scheme on our website, please email We do not make a charge for accessing information which is published on our website or NROSH+ for information that can be downloaded directly from these websites. We may charge for the posting and printing of hard copy versions of certain information if it is for commercial use or if you need multiple hard copies.

If you can’t find what you want through our website using the publication search function or in our published responses to requests for information, you can make a request to us under the Freedom of Information Act.

Alternative formats

The regulator is committed to providing accessible information where possible and we will consider providing information within our publication scheme in alternative formats such as large print, audio and Braille upon request. If you need assistance, please call: 0300 124 5225 or email us at More details can be found in our Accessibility Statement.

The regulator owns the copyright and any other rights in all material on this site other than any Parliamentary material, third party stock images (such as photographs) and other material as indicated. This includes but is not limited to the information and documents within our guidance. If you want to copy or use any materials on our website, please refer to our copyright notice and disclaimer for the terms and conditions applicable including use of the Open Government Licence.

Review of publication scheme

This scheme will be reviewed annually, or whenever there is a significant change to the way we work, the types of information we publish, or the way in which we make that information available.