
HS2 Phase One environmental statement: documents

Documents that together form the HS2 Phase One environmental statement.

The High Speed Two (HS2) Phase One environmental statement was produced to accompany the High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill.

The HS2 Phase One environmental statement includes:

  • likely significant environmental impacts along the route
  • measures to manage and reduce these impacts

We sought comments on documents forming the environmental statement through a consultation which ran from 25 November 2013 to 27 February 2014.

A summary of issues raised by comments on the environmental statement (PDF, 6.2MB) has been published on Parliament’s website.

Guide to the environmental statement

This document does not form part of the ‘HS2 Phase One environmental statement’ itself but provides a short guide to the makeup of the environmental statement.

Non-technical summary and glossary

Volume 1: introduction and background information

This provides an introduction to the HS2 Phase One environmental statement under consultation. This volume also includes an overview of the impact assessment process and the consultation itself, and the main strategic, route-wide and local alternatives considered.

Volume 2: area reports

Reports of the main environmental effects of HS2 in different geographical areas (known as ‘community forum areas’) along the HS2 Phase One route. This volume also contains books of maps relevant to each report.

Volume 3: route wide effects

This document sets out the likely route wide environmental effects of the construction and operation of Phase One of HS2.

Volume 4: off-route effects

This document sets out the likely significant environmental effects of Phase One of HS2 expected at locations beyond the route corridor, such as rail stations, rail depots and rail lines. This volume covers areas not included in the community forum area reports in volume 2.

Volume 5: supporting information and planning

Documents providing information including: planning consents, standard measures to be followed when building the route, and environmental effects of moving parts of the route within its legal limits.

Certain documents within the Volume 5 suite inadvertently omitted some information in a limited number of cases, prior to 13 December 2013. These items were fully updated on GOV.UK and elsewhere as soon as possible and all information here is correct and present.

Volume 5: environmental topic reports and map books

Reports by topic of the environmental effects of the building and operation of Phase One of HS2. This volume also contains books of maps relevant to each report.


A consultation on the environmental statement which accompanies the HS2 Phase One hybrid Bill ran between 25 November 2013 and 27 February 2014. This consultation was required under parliamentary rules and allowed members of the public and other interested parties to provide comments.

A draft of the HS2 Phase One environmental statement was consulted on in spring 2013.

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Published 25 November 2013