Corporate report

Department for Work and Pensions single departmental plan - December 2017

Updated 17 February 2020

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

This corporate report was withdrawn on

Our single departmental plan sets out our objectives and how we will achieve them.


DWP wants to run an affordable and sustainable welfare system that provides financial security and supports economic growth and improved productivity through the extension of opportunity and promotion of personal responsibility to help people transform their lives.

Secretary of State for Work and Pensions:

The Rt Hon Esther McVey MP

Permanent Secretary:

Peter Schofield

Our objectives

We will:

  1. Support economic growth and improved productivity by ensuring work always pays and people are supported to find and progress in work
  2. Help reduce the disadvantages faced by disabled people and people with health conditions through the welfare system and labour market
  3. Increase saving for, and financial security in, later life
  4. Maximise the number of children benefiting from an effective child maintenance arrangement, encourage family based arrangements where appropriate and reduce parental conflict in families
  5. Transform the way we deliver our services to improve quality and reduce costs

1. Support economic growth and improved productivity by ensuring work always pays and people are supported to find and progress in work

Lead ministers:

Alok Sharma MP, Minister of State for Employment

Lead officials:

Jonathan Mills, Director General, Strategy, Policy and Analysis

Neil Couling CBE, Director General, Universal Credit Programme

Susan Park, Director General, Universal Credit Operations

Andrew Rhodes, Director General, Operations

1.1 Deliver an effective labour market strategy

How we will achieve this
Continue to support the government’s ambition to strive for full employment
Complete the roll out of additional support for young people in line with the roll out of Universal Credit Full Service
Support the retention, retraining and recruitment of older workers in the labour market through policy initiatives aimed at encouraging Fuller Working Lives
Use data findings of the Race Disparity Audit to improve employment outcomes for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic groups

1.2 Ensure that work always pays through effective working age benefit design

How we will achieve this
Finalise policy, legislate and implement plans for migrating legacy benefit claimants onto Universal Credit with appropriate transitional protection
Continue to review and assess the labour market impacts of policy changes on Universal Credit claimants, including both those in employment and those who are self-employed
Provide policy assurance of Universal Credit roll out to ensure delivery aligns with the policy intent

1.3 Complete the roll out of Universal Credit

How we will achieve this
Continue the roll out of the Universal Credit Full Service to job centres by December 2018 and complete the migration of existing benefit claims to Universal Credit by 2022
Implement a £1.5bn package, announced at the Autumn Budget, to give further support to claimants transitioning onto Universal Credit by offering 100% advances, additional Housing Benefit support and quicker access to Universal Credit
Switch all DWP 0345 numbers over to Freephone numbers starting with Universal Credit

1.4 Provide effective employment services

How we will achieve this
Improve further the service we offer claimants within Universal Credit Full Service by changing how job centres and service centres work together
Develop further our personalised support for claimants, across all our benefits, by continuing to focus on building Work Coach capability, forging strong positive partnerships with those who can help enhance our service offer, and by fully exploiting the opportunities offered by technology
Support unemployed people to start their own businesses through the New Enterprise Allowance
Support those affected by redundancy via our Rapid Response service which is designed to ensure customers get the help and support they need quickly

Our performance

Overall UK employment rate

Quarter Overall UK employment rate (%)
2017 Q3 75.0
2017 Q2 75.1
2017 Q1 74.8

Source: ONS labour market statistic

Release schedule: monthly

Young people (18-24) not in full-time education in employment

Quarter Young people not in full-time education in employment (%)
2017 Q3 76.9
2017 Q2 77.4
2017 Q1 77.1

Source: ONS labour market statistics

Release schedule: monthly

Children living in workless households

Quarter Children living in workless households (%)
2017 Q3 10.4
2017 Q2 10.5
2017 Q1 10.6

Source: ONS working and workless households in the UK / Release schedule: quarterly

2. Help reduce the disadvantages faced by disabled people and people with health conditions through the welfare system and labour market

Lead minister:

Sarah Newton MP, Minister of State for Disabled People, Health and Work

Lead official:

Jonathan Mills, Director General, Strategy, Policy and Analysis

2.1 Support disabled people and people with health conditions to find and remain in work

How we will achieve this
Lead jointly with the Department of Health, the delivery across Government, with employers, the health system and other partners, of the strategy set out in the command paper Improving Lives: the Future of Work, Health and Disability
Work collaboratively to deliver work to positively influence employers and the health system to improve their offer, to improve employment and health outcomes
Develop and deliver Access to Work, Disability Confident, the Personal Support Package, the Work and Health Programme and other contracted provision to support people with disabilities and health conditions

2.2 Protect disabled people on low income

How we will achieve this
Continue to process and pay Employment and Support Allowance/Universal Credit as income protection/replacement for those with health conditions that affect an individual’s ability to work
Continue to process and pay Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefits to compensate those with ill health or injury as a direct or indirect result of work

2.3 Support disabled people and people with health conditions to live independently

How we will achieve this
Continue the payment of Personal Independence Payment/Disability Living Allowance/Attendance Allowance as contribution towards additional costs resulting from health conditions and disabilities
Respond to the Second Independent Review of PIP and implement the recommendations made, where appropriate
Complete the roll out of PIP (Full PIP Roll-out) in a safe and consistent manner

2.4 Encourage stakeholders, business and disabled people to work together to support disabled people’s full participation in economic and social life

How we will achieve this
Lead efforts to improve the accessibility of government and society, working collaboratively with other government departments, business, stakeholders and disabled people
Report on the UK’s implementation of the UN’s Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Our performance

Employment rate of disabled people

49.2% 2017 Q2

Source: ONS labour market statistics

Release schedule: quarterly

The percentage of disabled people with a low income

Quarter Individuals below headline low income indicators BHC, by family disability (%)
2015/16 20
2014/15 20

Source: Households below average income (HBAI) statistics

Release schedule: annual

3. Increase saving for, and financial security in, later life

Lead minister:

Guy Opperman MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Pensions and Financial Inclusion

Lead official:

Jonathan Mills, Director General, Strategy, Policy and Analysis

3.1 Deliver a simplified state pension system which aids retirement planning

How we will achieve this
Continue to deliver the new State Pension
Encourage, through our communications, more citizens to access the Check your State Pension digital service to view a forecast of their State Pension and options they may have to improve it

3.2 Protect low income pensioners

How we will achieve this
No change to the pensions triple lock for the duration of the Parliament
Continue to deliver means tested Pension Credit and provide additional financial support through Winter Fuel payments, Cold weather payments and part-fund free TV licenses for people aged 75 and over

3.3 Get more people in workplace pension schemes

How we will achieve this
Continue the successful roll out of the Auto Enrolment scheme and extend it to small employers and self-employed people
Publish a Pensions White Paper that will set out plans to meet the government’s commitment to strengthen the powers of The Pension Regulator to protect private pension schemes

Our performance

Eligible employees in a pension scheme sponsored by their employer

Year Eligible employees participating in a workplace pension (million)
2016 16.2
2015 15.1

Source: Workplace pension participation and saving trends statistics

Release schedule: annual

Total pensions savings of eligible savers

Year Total pensions savings of eligible savers (£billion)
2016 87.1
2015 81.8

Source: Workplace pension participation and saving trends statistics

Release schedule: annual

The percentage of pensioners with a low income

Year Pensioners with a low income (%)
2015/16 16
2014/15 14

Source: Households below average income HBAI statistics

Release schedule: annual

4. Maximise the number of children benefiting from an effective child maintenance arrangement, encourage family based arrangements where appropriate and reduce parental conflict in families

Lead minister:

Kit Malthouse MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Family Support, Housing and Child Maintenance

Lead officials:

Jonathan Mills, Director General, Strategy, Policy and Analysis

Andrew Rhodes, Director General, Operations

4.1 An effective Child Maintenance policy which encourages family based arrangements

How we will achieve this
Continue to run Child Maintenance Options to provide free and impartial advice to help parents make informed decisions about their child maintenance arrangements

4.2 An effective Child Maintenance Service which deals with the Child Support Agency legacy

How we will achieve this
Continue the effective operation of the Child Maintenance Service
End Child Support Agency liabilities by 2018 and ensure parents have the right information to make decisions on their next maintenance arrangement

4.3 Implement the national strategy to reduce parental conflict in workless families

How we will achieve this
Integrate interventions into local services for families through the Reduce Parental Conflicts programme

Our performance

Children in couple-parent families reporting relationship distress

11.4% 2013/14

Source: Improving lives: Helping Workless Families - evidence base

Release schedule: Every two years

Separated families with a maintenance arrangement

96% 2013/14

Source: Estimates of the separated family population

Release schedule: every two years

5. Transform the way we deliver our services to improve quality and reduce costs

Lead ministers:

Baroness Buscombe, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Work and Pensions (Lords)

Lead officials:

Charu Gorasia, Director General, Finance (Interim)

Andrew Rhodes, Director General, Operations

5.1 Provide an outstanding service to our customers and claimants

How we will achieve this
Deliver a highly capable, engaged workforce which operates within more flexible hours to match customer demand
Design and deliver secure, high performing and user-friendly digital services
Improve timeliness and accuracy of benefit processing

5.2 Reduce fraud and error within DWP benefits

How we will achieve this
Work towards the 2017/18 target of 1.6% for the net loss from fraud and error overpayments on DWP benefits plus Tax Credits
Continue to explore how we can share information across government and with third parties to further reduce error and detect fraud

Our performance

Customer and claimant opinion of departmental services

Year Customer and claimant satisfaction departmental services (%)
2016/17 86
2015/16 84

Source: DWP claimant service and experience survey

Release schedule: annual

New claims processed within planned timescales

86.8% 2016/17

Source: DWP annual report and accounts

Release schedule: annual

Net loss due to fraud and error as a percentage of overall benefit expenditure

Year Net loss due to fraud and error as % of overall benefit expenditure
2016/17 1.4
2015/16 1.3

Source: Fraud and error in the benefit system

Release schedule: twice a year

Our finances

Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) - £6.8 billion

Resource DEL (including depreciation) - £6.4 billion

Capital DEL – £0.3 billion

Annually Managed Expenditure – £176.9 billion

Control totals included in this document are in line with the latest voted by Parliament in the Main Supply Estimates 2017/18

Source: Main Supply Estimates 2017/18