
Calculating and reporting teacher assessment results

Published 5 September 2014

This guidance was withdrawn on

This content is out of date. Up-to-date information on ‘Teacher assessment at key stage 1 and 2’ is available.


Schools need to finalise key stage 1 (KS1) teacher assessment (TA) levels by Thursday 2 July. You must submit results to your local authority (LA) by the end of the summer term (or final term) of each academic year.

Calculating teacher assessment levels

You need to determine:

  • levels for reading, writing, and speaking and listening
  • a level for each attainment target in mathematics
  • a level for each attainment target in science


You should enter levels for reading, writing, and speaking and listening into your school’s management information system (MIS). If you reach a level 2 judgement for reading and writing, you should then consider whether the performance is just into level 2 (2C), securely at level 2 (2B) or at the top end of level 2 (2A).


Once you have information about each attainment target, you must reach an overall subject level. It must give greatest emphasis to a pupil’s performance in ‘Number’ (including handling data) as this accounts for more than half of the overall performance in mathematics. This means that ‘Number’ (including handling data) accounts for 3 fifths of the pupil’s overall performance and ‘Using and applying mathematics’ and ‘Shape, space and measures’ each account for 1 fifth.

If you decide that a pupil is at level 2 based on judgements for each attainment target, you should then consider whether the performance is just into level 2 (2C), securely at level 2 (2B) or at the top end of level 2 (2A). You should enter the overall subject level for mathematics into your MIS.


Your MIS will automatically calculate a subject level for science when the levels for the individual attainment targets are entered into it. Where it is not possible to calculate an overall level because of absence or disapplication from more than 1 attainment target, the software will generate the code ‘U’. Weightings remain unchanged from previous years.

Attainment target Weighting
Scientific enquiry (Sc1) 3
Life processes and living things (Sc2) 1
Materials and their properties (Sc3) 1
Physical processes (Sc4) 1

Calculating P scales

Teachers must use P scales to report achievements for children with a special educational need (SEN), who are working below level 1 of the national curriculum. You must report P scales in English, mathematics and science.

Reporting teacher assessment to LAs

Schools must submit TA results to their LAs for all pupils. This must include:

  • a TA level in reading, writing, and speaking and listening
  • a separate TA level for each science attainment target
  • an overall TA level in mathematics and science

For pupils with SEN who are working towards level 1, a P scale must be reported.

Pupils working towards level 1 of the national curriculum who do not have a special educational need should be reported as ‘W’ (Working below the level). This includes pupils who are working towards level 1 solely because they have English as an additional language. The overall level for science will be generated by the school’s MIS. Schools are not required to report an overall TA level for English.

You will need to use the correct codes when submitting your data.

Description TA code
For assessing reading, writing and mathematics. If you believe the pupil is working above level 4, the you should submit level 4. 1, 2C, 2B, 2A, 3, 4
For assessing speaking and listening, and each science attainment target. If you believe the pupil is working above level 4, you should submit level 4. 1, 2, 3, 4
A secure level cannot be recorded because of long periods of absence or insufficient information (due to late arrival). A (not enough information available to calculate a TA level)
Disapplied – used where a pupil has been disapplied from the national curriculum, including statutory assessment requirements. (Only use if this has been agreed with the LA.) D (U – science subject only) for those parts of the statutory assessment arrangements that are included in the disapplication
Working towards level 1 without SEN W, NOTSEN
Working towards level 1 with SEN W and P Scale

If you’re unable to make a teacher assessment

There may be pupils that you can’t record and report TA for. In these cases, the appropriate code from the table above should be recorded.

If you can’t make a TA judgement, you should write a short report setting out the reasons why. A copy of the report should be placed on the pupil’s educational record and sent to:

  • the chair of the governing body
  • the LA
  • the pupil’s parents

If a headteacher thinks parents may have difficulty understanding the report, they should offer appropriate assistance.

Pupils should only be reported as ‘A’, ‘D’ or ‘U’ in a subject when moving on to the key stage 2 programme of study in the following school year. Pupils remaining at KS1 shouldn’t be reported.