
Statistics: further education and skills

Statistics on participation and learner outcomes in the further education (FE) and skills sector, including apprenticeships, reported from January 2014 to date.

The latest data and additional breakdowns are available on explore education statistics, along with historic data going back up to 6 years.

Breakdowns of older data from earlier releases are available in the FE data library. The table finder tool allows you to find specific datasets in the FE data library.

Latest releases

The most recent statistics covering apprenticeship starts, apprenticeship service registrations, learner participation and achievements in the further education and skills sector.

Related statistical publications

Apprenticeships and traineeships - older data

Earlier statistics covering the number of apprenticeships and traineeships in England.

FE and skills - older data

Earlier statistics covering post-16 learner participation and achievements in further education (FE) and skills training.

Apprenticeships and levy - older data

Earlier releases covering the number of apprenticeship starts and apprenticeship service registrations. These statistics are released monthly.

Public sector apprenticeships in England - older data

Apprenticeship service stats - discontinued dataset

Experimental statistics on the use of the apprenticeship service after changes to the system were introduced in May 2017. This release was replaced by monthly ‘Apprenticeship and levy statistics’ from January 2018.

Updates to this page

Published 13 September 2016
Last updated 12 September 2024 + show all updates
  1. Added ‘Apprenticeships: September 2024’.

  2. Added ‘Apprenticeships: August 2024’ to the collection.

  3. Added 'Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics: 2021 to 2022' to the 'Related releases' section.

  4. Added ‘Apprenticeships: July 2024' and 'Further education and skills: July 2024'.

  5. Added 'Apprenticeships: June 2024' to latest releases. Moved 'Apprenticeships: May 2024' to Apprenticeships and traineeships - older data.

  6. Added ‘Apprenticeships: May 2024’ to the collection.

  7. Added 'Apprenticeships: April 2024' to latest releases. Moved 'Apprenticeships: March 2024' to Apprenticeships and traineeships - older data.

  8. Added 'Apprenticeships and 19-plus further education skills index: 2022 to 2023' to related releases.

  9. Added 'Further education and skills: March 2024' and 'Apprenticeships: March 2024' to latest releases. Moved ' Further education and skills: January 2024' to FE and skills - older data and 'Apprenticeships: February 2024' to Apprenticeships and traineeships - older data.

  10. Added 'Apprenticeships: February 2024' to 'Latest releases'.

  11. Added 'Apprenticeships: January 2024' and 'Further education and skills: January 2024'

  12. Added 'Apprenticeships and traineeships: November 2023' and 'Further education and skills: July 2023'.

  13. Added 'Skills Bootcamps: starts 2022 to 2023'.

  14. Added 'Apprenticeships and traineeships: October 2023' to 'Latest releases'.

  15. Added ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: September 2023’ to the collection.

  16. Added 'Apprenticeships and traineeships: August 2023' to 'Latest releases'.

  17. Added ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: July 2023’ and 'Further education and skills: July 2023' to the collection.

  18. Added ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: June 2023’ to the collection.

  19. Added ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: May 2023’.

  20. Added ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: April 2023’.

  21. Added 'Further education skills index' for 2020 to 2021 and 2021 to 2022.

  22. Added 'Apprenticeship and traineeships: March 2023' and 'Further education and skills: March 2023'.

  23. Added ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: February 2023’ to the 'Latest releases' section and moved 'Apprenticeships and traineeships: January 2023' to the 'Apprenticeships and traineeships - older data’ section.

  24. 'Apprenticeship and traineeships: January 2023' and 'Further education and skills: January 2023' added to 'Latest releases' section.

  25. Added ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: December 2022’

  26. Added 'Skills Bootcamps: starts 2021 to 2022 '.

  27. Added 'Apprenticeship and traineeships: November 2022' and 'Further education and skills: November 2022'.

  28. Added ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: October 2022’

  29. Added ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: September 2022’.

  30. Added ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: August 2022’.

  31. Added 'Apprenticeship and traineeships: July 2022' and 'Further education and skills: July 2022'.

  32. Added ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: June 2022’.

  33. Added ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: May 2022’.

  34. Added ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: April 2022’ and 'Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics: 2020 to 2021'.

  35. Added 'Apprenticeship and traineeships: March 2022' and 'Further education and skills: March 2022'.

  36. Added ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: February 2022’.

  37. Added 'Apprenticeship and traineeships: January 2022' and 'Further education and skills: January 2022'.

  38. Added ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: December 2021’.

  39. Added 'Apprenticeship and traineeships: November 2021' and 'Further education and skills: November 2021'.

  40. Added ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: October 2021’.

  41. Added ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: August 2021’ to the collection.

  42. Added 'Apprenticeships and traineeships: July 2021' and 'Further education and skills: July 2021'.

  43. Added ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: June 2021’ to the collection.

  44. Added ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: May 2021’ to the collection.

  45. Added ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: April 2021’ to the collection.

  46. Added 'Apprenticeships and traineeships: March 2021' and 'Further education and skills: March 2021'.

  47. Added ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: February 2021’ to the collection.

  48. Added 'Apprenticeships and traineeships: January 2021' and 'Further education and skills: January 2021'.

  49. Added 'Apprenticeships and traineeships: December 2020'.

  50. Added 'Apprenticeship and traineeships: November 2020' and 'Further education and skills: November 2020'.

  51. Added 'Apprenticeships and traineeships: October 2020'.

  52. Added 'Apprenticeships and traineeships: August 2020' to the collection.

  53. Added 'Apprenticeships and traineeships: July 2020'.

  54. Added 'Further education and skills: July 2020' to the collection.

  55. Added 'Apprenticeships and traineeships: June 2020' to the collection.

  56. Added 'Apprenticeships and traineeships: May 2020' to the collection.

  57. Added ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: April 2020’ to the collection along with an update on publications in light of the COVID-19 outbreak.

  58. Added ‘Further education and skills: March 2020’ and ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: March 2020'. Added 'Further Education for Benefit Claimants, England: 2017 to 2018' and removed the 2016 to 2017 release.

  59. Replaced 'Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics' with the latest version 'Apprenticeships in England by industry characteristics 2018 to 2019'.

  60. Added ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: February 2020'.

  61. Added ‘Further education and skills: January 2020’ and ‘Apprenticeships and traineeships: January 2020’ to the collection.

  62. Added Further education and skills: November 2019 to Latest releases. Added Apprenticeship and levy statistics: October 2019 to the Apprenticeships and levy - older data Added Further education and skills: March 2019 to the FE and skills - older data Added Public sector apprenticeships in England: 2017 to 2018 to new section Public sector apprenticeships in England - older data

  63. Updated the page to indicate forthcoming changes to our statistics publication.

  64. Added Apprenticeship and levy statistics: October 2019

  65. Added 'Apprenticeship and levy statistics: August 2019' to latest releases.

  66. Added 'Apprenticeship and levy statistics: July 2019' to latest releases. Moved May 2019 release to older data group.

  67. Added 'Apprenticeship and traineeships: July 2019'.

  68. Added 'Apprenticeship and levy statistics: May 2019'.

  69. Added 'Apprenticeship and levy statistics: April 2019'.

  70. Added 'Apprenticeship and levy statistics: March 2019' and 'Further education and skills: March 2019 to latest releases.

  71. Added 'Apprenticeship and levy statistics: February 2019'.

  72. Added 'Apprenticeship and levy statistics: January 2019'.

  73. Added 'Apprenticeship and traineeships: January 2019' to latest releases.

  74. Added Apprenticeship and levy statistics: December 2018 to latest releases. Moved Apprenticeship and levy statistics: November 2018 to older data.

  75. Added 'Further education and skills: November 2018' and 'Apprenticeship and levy statistics: November 2018' to latest releases.

  76. Added 'Public sector apprenticeships in England: 2017 to 2018'.

  77. Added 'Apprenticeship and levy statistics: October 2018' to the collection.

  78. Added 'Apprenticeship and levy statistics: September 2018' to the collection.

  79. Added 'Apprenticeship and levy statistics: August 2018' to the collection

  80. Added the 'Apprenticeship and levy statistics: July 2018' and 'Apprenticeships and traineeships: July 2018' publications.

  81. Added 'Apprenticeship and levy statistics: June 2018' to the collection.

  82. Added 'Apprenticeship and levy statistics: May 2018' to the collection and updated the introductory section to explain publication changes.

  83. Added 'Apprenticeship and levy statistics: April 2018' along with amended contact details.

  84. Added 'Further education and skills: March 2018' and 'Apprenticeship and levy statistics: March 2018' to the collection.

  85. February 2018 release showing the latest monthly apprenticeship service registrations and commitments and monthly apprenticeship starts for 2017 to 2018 academic year.

  86. Added 'Apprenticeships and traineeships: January 2018' and 'Apprenticeship and levy statistics: January 2018' to the collection.

  87. Apprenticeship service registrations and commitments to October 2017

  88. Added 'Further education and skills: November 2017', which includes information about planned changes to this and other further education statistics releases.

  89. Change to include latest statistics from the apprenticeship service which includes registered apprenticeship service accounts and commitments, reported to 30 September 2017.

  90. Added 'Further education and skills: October 2017'.

  91. Added 'Apprenticeship service registrations and commitments: August 2017'.

  92. Added apprenticeship service statistics to 31 July 2017.

  93. Apprenticeship service registrations and commitments to June 2017 added.

  94. Added a request for feedback as part of a development review for the statistical first release.

  95. Added 'Further education and skills: July 2017' and 'Apprenticeship service registrations and commitments to May 2017'.

  96. Update to include the March 2017 SFR

  97. Updated to include January 2017 release on 26 January 2017.

  98. Further education and skills: November 2016 added to collection on 17 November 2016.

  99. New page titled Further education and skills: statistical first release October 2016 added to collection on 6 October 2016.

  100. First published.