
Further information and what steps to take before you complete your claim form.

About these notes

These notes complement the instructions on pages 1 and 2 of the Environmental Stewardship (ES) Revenue claim form.

Please read the notes carefully and refer to them as you work through your claim form.

Take time to make sure you complete your claim form accurately. This will help us process your claim as quickly as possible.

Further information

If you have read the notes and are still not sure how to complete any part of the form, please call us on 03000 200 301, selecting the option for Environmental Stewardship.

Before you complete your revenue claim form:

  1. Read pages 1 and 2 of the claim form letter carefully, and note that if an agent is completing the form, then section 6 must be completed.

  2. Note that to be valid your claim form must:

    • be completed by hand (not be completed electronically) and without any correcting fluid

    • have all of the declarations in Section 5 ticked

    • be signed and dated in Section 7, and

    • have Section 6 completed if an agent is completing the form.

Where relevant you must also complete the following sections:

  • Section 2 – if there are any changes to your contract details

  • Section 3 – to provide the location and area of all Rotational Arable Options (RAO), or declare that you will provide this by 1 September 2022 if you do not currently know this

  • Section 4 – if there are any changes to your claim. For example, to the land parcels and/or management shown in Annexes 1 and 2 where the area has changed, or if you have not undertaken the required management this year.

  1. Section 3 is now prepopulated with your RAO option data, if any. If this section is blank then you do not have any RAO in your agreement.

  2. You can find guidance on GOV.UK by searching for Environmental Stewardship: guidance and forms for agreement holders.