
DWP benefits statistics

Accredited Official Statistics and Official Statistics on the main benefits administered by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

This collection brings together DWP Accredited Official Statistics and Official Statistics published quarterly on Stat-Xplore on the following benefits:

  • Attendance Allowance (AA)
  • Benefit combinations
  • Bereavement benefits (BB)
  • Bereavement Support Payment (BSP)
  • Carer’s Allowance (CA)
  • Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
  • Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Housing Benefit (HB)
  • HB flows
  • Incapacity Benefit (IB)
  • Income Support (IS)
  • Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB)
  • Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA)
  • Pension Credit (PC)
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
  • Severe Disablement Allowance (SDA)
  • State Pension (SP)
  • Universal Credit (UC)
  • Widow’s Benefit (WB)

We also publish Official Statistics on Maternity Allowance (MA) on a quarterly basis via data tables. These statistics are currently suspended, please see the MA collection page for more information.

We have previously published Accredited Official Statistics and Official Statistics on the following benefit breakdowns twice a year in May and November via data tables within this collection:

  • State Pension 5% sample

These data tables were suspended from August 2021 due to the source data not being representative following the introduction of a new DWP computer system.

Similar benefit statistics for Northern Ireland are available.

Delay in statistics release on 12 November 2024

There will be a delay in the release of the upcoming DWP Benefits Statistics on Stat-Xplore. The planned release date of Tuesday 12 November is no longer possible due to delays in data processing. These statistics will instead be published on Thursday 28 November 2024.

The delay is primarily due to issues encountered by our data suppliers, which have affected the timely delivery of necessary data to our Official Statistics production team. As a result, the process of preparing the data for analysis was 2 weeks behind schedule. However, the required data is now available, and the production of statistics has commenced. We are working diligently to ensure the timely release of accurate and comprehensive statistics.

Benefit Combinations Statistics are impacted by this delay and will also be delayed to 28 November 2024.

Partial release on 28 November 2024

The following statistics come from unaffected data sources and will be published as planned on 12 November 2024:

  • Bereavement Support Payment
  • Housing Benefit
  • Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit

Continued suspension of State Pension statistics from the August 2024 statistical release

The Accredited Official Statistics for State Pension remain suspended. This follows the suspension of these statistics from the release of DWP Benefits Statistics published on 13 February 2024.

Benefit Combinations statistics for recipients above State Pension age also remain suspended. The latest available statistics for both series run to May 2023.

The stability of the feed of data from the Get Your State Pension (GYSP) service has not been sufficient to provide accurate and reliable estimates of recipient numbers or entitlement amounts. While the underlying data was received from the service correctly, processing issues have led to observable inaccuracies appearing in the final GYSP data outputs.

The data processing issues have now been resolved and DWP analysts will shortly begin to test the data quality to ensure the accuracy of State Pension statistics. Once quality checks are complete, we will confirm when these statistics can be reinstated. The statistics will cover the missing period from June 2023 onwards.

If we can publish them in the next release of statistics on 12 November 2024, we will update this page with confirmation of our intention to publish before then. Updates will also be provided via the Statistical Work Programme document.

Other statistics usually published as part of the quarterly releases, including working age Benefit Combinations, are unaffected by the above issue.

Housing Benefit: Data issues with “Passporting Status” field on Stat-Xplore

Labelling issues were identified in the Passported Benefit Status field for some Local Authorities, between September 2023 and February 2024. This is a data tabulation error in the administrative system used by Local Authorities. As a result, the field has been supressed while we review this. Other fields, including overall totals and actual claims, are not affected.

Housing Benefit: Na h-Eileanan Siar Council data

Housing Benefit data covering the period from October 2023 onwards are affected by an interruption in the supply of data from Na h-Eileanan Siar (Western Isles) Council. As a result of a criminal cyber-attack, Na h-Eileanan Siar Council is unable to supply DWP with Housing Benefit data until further notice. Until the data supply is restored, HB statistics that cover Na h-Eileanan Siar Council will be derived from earlier data using a standard data cleaning approach utilised previously for other cyber-attacks.

Please refer to our background information note for more information on the impacts to our statistics and how we have managed this interruption.

Scottish devolution: changes to the presentation of DWP statistics

The devolution of social security benefits to the Scottish Government is beginning to impact DWP statistics.

Please refer to our background information note for more information on presentational changes we have made to our statistics in response to Scottish devolution.

Further information

Read our background information note for more details about changes and revisions to the release.

Email if you have any comments or questions about the information above.

Find contact information and more about DWP statistics on the Statistics at DWP page. Find future benefits statistics publication dates in our statistics release calendar.

Latest release

Background information and guidance

We’ve published our policies and procedures for DWP statistics in the interests of transparency and to comply with the UK Statistics Authority code of practice.

We’ve also published specific policies and statements on DWP statistical summaries.

DWP benefit statistics tools

Stat-Xplore allows you to download and customise DWP statistics. For help with Stat-Xplore, see DWP benefit statistics tools.

Previous releases

Updates to this page

Published 16 October 2013
Last updated 15 October 2024 + show all updates
  1. Added a note about a delay to a statistics release on 12 November 2024.

  2. Added a link to the latest release of DWP benefits statistics (DWP benefits statistics: August 2024).

  3. Updated the note on the page about the suspension of State Pension statistics.

  4. Added a link to the latest release of DWP benefits statistics (DWP benefits statistics: May 2024). Updated the note on the page about the suspension of State Pension statistics. Also added 2 new notes to the page about Housing Benefit data.

  5. Updated the note on the page about the suspension of State Pension statistics.

  6. Updated the note on the page about the suspension of State Pension statistics.

  7. Added a link to the latest release of DWP benefits statistics.

  8. Added a note about future changes to Benefit Combinations statistics.

  9. Added a note to the page about the suspension of State Pension statistics from the next quarterly release of DWP benefits statistics on 13 February 2024.

  10. Added a note to the page about future changes to Benefit Combinations statistics.

  11. Added a link to the latest release of DWP benefits statistics.

  12. Added update that State Pension statistics that were suspended from Stat-Xplore in August 2021, will be restored to Stat-Xplore on 14 November 2023 as part of the next quarterly DWP Benefits Statistics release.

  13. Added a link to the latest release of DWP benefits statistics.

  14. Added a link to the latest release of DWP benefits statistics.

  15. Added a link to the latest release of DWP benefits statistics.

  16. Added information to the page about an error in the published statistics for Industrial Injuries and Disablement Benefit.

  17. Added a link to the latest release of DWP benefits statistics.

  18. Added a link to the latest release of DWP benefits statistics.

  19. Added a note that the delayed May 2022 release of IIDB statistics will be released on Stat-Xplore at 9.30am on 19 July 2022.

  20. Updated the information on the page about the delayed May 2022 release of Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB) statistics.

  21. Added a link to the latest release of DWP benefits statistics. Also added information about the impact of Scottish devolution, the Housing Benefit dataset (Passported Status field), and Housing Benefit (Hackney Borough Council data and Gloucester City Council).

  22. Added information that the release of Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB) statistics (due to be released on 17 May 2022) is delayed.

  23. Added a link to the latest release of DWP benefits statistics. Also updated the note on the page about IIDB (Pneumoconiosis (Workers' Compensation) Act 1979 and 2008 Mesothelioma Schemes) statistics.

  24. Added a note about the temporary withdrawal of some Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit datasets on Stat-Xplore.

  25. Added a link to the latest release of DWP benefits statistics.

  26. Updated the note on the page about State Pension statistics and “Get Your State Pension” (GYSP).

  27. Added a link to the latest release of DWP benefits statistics.

  28. Updated the note on the page about State Pension statistics - some data about Get Your State Pension (GYSP) cases will be published in the August 2021 statistics release.

  29. Updated the information about the latest Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB) statistics. These statistics are now available on the Stat-Xplore online tool.

  30. Added a link to the latest release of DWP benefits statistics.

  31. Note added about the next release of Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit statistics, due for publication on Tuesday 18 May 2021.

  32. Added a link to the latest release of DWP benefits statistics.

  33. Note added about experimental “Benefit Combinations” statistics that will be released as part of the next DWP benefits statistics in February 2020.

  34. Added a link to the latest release of DWP benefits statistics.

  35. Updated the note about Bereavement Support Payment statistics - Official Statistics on Bereavement Support Payment claims in payment will be reinstated on Stat-Xplore from 10 November 2020.

  36. Added a link to the latest release of DWP benefits statistics.

  37. Added a link to the latest release of statistics on the main benefits administered by DWP.

  38. Added a link to the latest release of DWP benefits statistics.

  39. Added note that explains some of the Bereavement Support Payment data tables have been removed and replaced while they are being corrected.

  40. Added note to explain that corrected figures for the number of Widow's Benefit claimants for February and May 2019 will be released on Stat-Xplore on 17 December 2019.

  41. Added a link to the latest release of DWP benefits statistics.

  42. Added a link to the latest release of DWP benefits statistics.

  43. Note added about a review of the frequency of publication of some benefit statistics.

  44. Added a link to the latest release of DWP benefits statistics. Also added a note about changes to data on Stat-Xplore.

  45. Income Support data is available again through Stat-Xplore.

  46. Added note to say that Income Support data is currently unavailable on Stat-Xplore.

  47. Added a link to the latest release of DWP benefits statistics.

  48. Updated with the latest information about improvements to the geography information published as part of this statistical release.

  49. Note added about medical condition and International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes.

  50. Note added that DWP will publish ESA, IB and SDA and ESA sanctions data again by high level medical conditions in the next statistical publication, on 14 August 2018.

  51. Added information about new official experimental statistics on the Bereavement Support Payment (BSP), and improvements to DWP statistical geographies.

  52. Added a note that the DWP benefit statistics due for release on 15 May 2018 will include official experimental statistics on the Bereavement Support Payment (BSP).

  53. Added a note stating that DWP is investigating a discrepancy with the medical condition/International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes for Employment and Support Allowance, Incapacity Benefit and Severe Disablement Allowance.

  54. Added the DWP statistical summaries for 2018, which include the latest quarterly summary for February 2018. Also added a note stating that DWP will reduce the frequency of the quarterly benefit summary to 6-monthly.

  55. Added a note stating that DWP is considering reducing the frequency of the quarterly benefit summary to six-monthly.

  56. Added a note stating that the quarterly statistical summary due to be released on 16 August 2017 will include a new set of experimental Official Statistics on benefit combinations.

  57. Added a note that the monthly statistical summaries will no longer be published.

  58. Added a note stating that the quarterly statistical summary due to be released on 17 May 2017 will include statistics on the number of sanction decisions for Universal Credit.

  59. Added the DWP statistical summaries for 2017, this includes the latest monthly summary for January 2017.

  60. Added information about our plans to stop updating the Tabulation Tool and move our statistics onto Stat-Xplore.

  61. Added a link and note about a revision to the number of Universal Credit claims between 8 April and 1 September 2016 in the 19 October 2016 publication, because of a methodological issue we've identified.

  62. Published the latest full quarterly statistical summary (data to February 2015) – see DWP statistical summaries 2015.

  63. Published the latest full quarterly statistical summary (data to November 2014) – see DWP statistical summaries 2015.

  64. Published April 2015 monthly statistical summary.

  65. Published a progress update on correcting problems in the latest quarterly release - publication of normal geographical breakdowns will be on 26 March 2015.

  66. Published March 2015 monthly statistical summary.

  67. Added under 'Latest summary' - After thorough investigation, we have confirmed that this issue does not affect 5% tabulation tool breakdowns. Therefore, we will now release the 5% tabulation tool (including data for August 2014) on Friday 27 February at 9.30am. New publication dates for 100% and flows tabulation tools will be pre-announced here as soon as they are available.

  68. Published February quarterly statistics summary.

  69. Added latest monthly summary for January 2015.

  70. Published December 2014 statistical summary.

  71. Published November 2014 quarterly statistics summary.

  72. Published latest monthly stats summary with data to end of August 2014.

  73. Published monthly stats summary with data to end of July 2014.

  74. Published quarterly statistical summary August 2014.

  75. Updated main points from latest DWP Monthly Statistical Summary (July 2014).

  76. Published June 2014 monthly statistical summary.

  77. Quarterly statistical summary May 2014 released.

  78. Updated main points with data from latest monthly statistical summary (March 2014).

  79. Quarterly statistical summary February 2014 released.

  80. Statistical summaries page 2014 added to page. January 2014 monthly summary published.

  81. December monthly summary published

  82. Link to Census Ouput Area numbers on workless benefit claimants for England and Wales redirected from the DWP Tabtool page to the Census output area data on workless benefit claimants in 2013 collections page.

  83. updated to include the latest summary from the full quarterly National Statistics on benefit claimants published on 13 November 2013.

  84. First published.