Finding a job
Job search, Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA), job offers, right to work share codes, apprenticeships and volunteering
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A to Z
- Access to Work: get support if you have a disability or health condition
- Apply for communication support at a job interview if you have a disability or health condition (Access to Work)
- Become an apprentice
- Career skills and training
- Check if you need to tell someone about your criminal record
- Checks employers can make on job applicants
- Contact Jobcentre Plus
- Criminal record checks when you apply for a role
- Documents you need for a criminal record check
- Employment rights and pay for interns
- Find a job
- Find an apprenticeship
- Find an internship
- Help with moving from benefits to work
- Job offers: your rights
- Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA)
- Looking for work if you're disabled
- Prove your right to work to an employer
- References: your rights
- Register for alerts about careers in international organisations
- Report a problem about a criminal record check or barring decision
- Request a basic DBS check
- Universal Credit
- Volunteer opportunities, rights and expenses
- Your rights and safety when looking for a job