Complete your application form, maps and annexes

This section tells you how to fill in your Countryside Stewardship Woodland Creation and Maintenance Grant application form, maps and annex.

Step 1 – Your application form

Complete your application form on paper or electronically, as described above.

Step 2 – Your map(s)

Prepare a map for your application

You need to provide a map which shows all areas of proposed woodland creation and associated capital items within your application. If your application is successful and we offer you an agreement, the map you sent with the application will become the ‘Agreement Map’ so it needs to be clear, legible and meet the standards set out in the Minimum mapping standards section.

We suggest you complete the annex and your map(s) alongside each other. This means you can add your capital item in the annex then immediately mark it on the map as you go along.

How to create a map

You can create the application map yourself (as long as it meets the Minimum mapping standards below), request one from the Forestry Commission map request service, or contact us and ask the RPA to send you one.

The agreement map needs to reflect the details recorded in the Woodland Creation and Maintenance annex, showing:

  • all land parcels in your application, with their RPA numbers
  • the location of capital items applied for and the location of proposed maintenance work. Please show WD1 code within any area of proposed maintenance.
  • any integral open space within the area proposed for grant support must be limited to 20% of the total woodland area and individual areas of open space must not be more than 0.5ha or 20m in width. Anything over this is not eligible to receive the Woodland Maintenance section of this grant. Open space includes forest tracks, rides, wayleaves and other permanent open areas.
  • other relevant information outlined in the Minimum Mapping Standards section.

As part of your application, supporting maps for the Woodland Creation plan should contain more detailed information about the woodland creation, such as stocking density, species, wayleaves, rides and open areas. Supporting maps should be based on OS based maps and/or Geographical Information System (GIS)-generated digital maps with OS backdrop. Maps should be based on a scale of 1:2,500 or 1:5,000 or for large schemes 1:10,000. If you are using a GIS based map, add a scale bar to the map so that this can be used to measure lengths.

If you send a map that does not meet these requirements or the minimum standards outlined, we’ll return it to you and ask you to send us a new one. Depending on why your map did not meet the minimum standards, it may be possible for you to amend it to meet them and then send it back to us. If you cannot amend your map to meet the minimum standards, you’ll need to create a new map that does and then send it to the RPA.

If you use the Forestry Commission map request service, you can highlight any existing Environmental Stewardship (ES) agreements on the land parcels proposed for tree planting. This means we can discuss initial eligibility issues with you. There will be more detailed eligibility checks undertaken throughout the application process.

You are responsible for providing updated maps if there are any changes agreed to your application.

Minimum mapping standards

When creating your application map (or marking capital items on the base map provided) you must follow these rules:

  • The map(s) should be based on a scale of 1:2500 or 1:5000 or for large schemes 1:10000. If you are using a GIS based map at a non-standard scale, add a scale bar to the map so that this can be used to measure lengths.
  • The map(s) must show the whole land parcel on which the capital items to be included are located. The land parcel number must be clearly identified.
  • The map(s) must show the location of the proposed capital works (mark the capital items with a coloured pen and list the capital item code(s) next to them). This includes proposed planting areas .
  • The map(s) must show any proposed areas of open space within the proposed planting areas.
  • The map(s) must show fence lines, stating which type of fence (code) you are applying for.
  • The map(s) must have a number (1, 2, 3, and so on). Include this map number and also the total number of maps, for example 1 of 3.

You must also:

  • Write your Single Business Identifier (SBI) – consisting of 9 digits, the application year and agreement title (as detailed on the application form) on the top right-hand corner of the map.
  • Write the name of the business or applicant – this should be the name (beneficiary) that is registered with us for the SBI - on the right-hand side of the map.
  • Write the 6 figure OS grid reference for the centre of the map on the bottom left of the map, if there are no numbered OS grid lines.

Please use black ink. If you make a mistake, strike through it. Do not use correction fluid on your map.

If you send a map that does not meet these standards we’ll return it to you to amend or ask you to send us a new one.

Additional Maps

You should provide additional maps to support your Woodland Creation plan. These maps should be based on an appropriate ordnance survey (OS) map (you can use the Forestry Commission map request service if needed) and include the following items:

  • planting design - showing woodland types, including species
  • water courses and open water
  • access tracks to be created and maintained
  • open ground map - showing and identifying features that justify/support internal open space, such as a Public Right of Way, rides/tracks or wayleaves.
  • important features that need to be considered when designing the woodland, for example scheduled monuments or attractive external viewpoints such as churches or hedgerows.

You can see examples of a Site Appraisal Plan and Concept Design Plan by searching ‘Create woodland: overview’ on GOV.UK.

If you are including capital item FY2 in your application you must include a map showing the route of the proposed infrastructure, following the standards in the Minimum Mapping Standards section.

Step 3 – Woodland Creation and Maintenance Annex

The Woodland Creation and Maintenance annex has been designed to capture all the information needed to complete your Woodland Creation and Maintenance application. This includes information about your land parcels, any prior agreements on the holding and the capital items you want to apply for on each land parcel. Enter as much detail as you can in this annex.

Email (or call 03000 200 301) to get a copy of the annex. This is available in electronic or paper format.

You must begin with the ‘START HERE’ tab and complete the annexes in order. This is important because the information you enter pre-populates for you to choose from in the other annexes where relevant, to save you time.

If you can, you should fill in the Woodland Creation and Maintenance annex electronically so that your Forestry Commission Woodland Officer has access to your self-calculating document. If you’re completing a paper annex, it does not pre-populate information, so you need to write all the information into it.

This annex forms your Woodland Creation Plan and will be your Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) enquiry application.

START HERE worksheet

Start your application by completing this worksheet. If you are completing the form electronically, this information carries through to the other annexes as you complete them, so this information must be accurate. Enter all information in the yellow cells.

Name of Lead Applicant

Enter the lead applicant’s full name. This must match a named applicant on the application form.

Single Business Identifier

Enter the application SBI. This must match the application form.

Proposed Woodland Name

Enter the name you want the proposed woodland to be known by (max 20 characters).

Which Forestry Commission area team will be advising you?

Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then select the Forestry Commission area team who cover the area where your woodland is located.

Use the Forestry Commission Area and Woodland Officer boundaries map on GOV.UK to check which team to select. Search for ‘Forestry Commission area offices’ on GOV.UK.

What is the grid reference of the centre of your woodland?

Enter the six figure grid reference of the centre of your woodland.

What is the nearest town or locality to the woodland?

Enter the name of the town or locality nearest your woodland.

Preferred agreement start date

Tell us if you prefer your agreement to start either as soon as possible or after a set date. We do not usually accept requests for start dates that are more than 6 months after you submit your final application. It is likely to take at least 5-6 months for your initial application to reach the point when you can submit a final application. At the site visit, your Forestry Commission Woodland Officer will discuss with you the start date you requested.

Annex A: Land Summary

Use this annex to list all the land parcels being used in your Woodland Creation and Maintenance application. Only list the land parcels being used in your application, not all the land parcels linked to your SBI. This annex is used to identify Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), Scheduled Monuments (SM) and any land parcels containing pre-existing Environmental Stewardship (ES) agreements. This information populates into other annexes, so it must be accurate.

Complete this annex in full with all relevant land parcels before you complete the rest of the annexes.

Name of lead applicant/SBI

This pre-populates when you enter the information in the ‘START HERE’ tab unless you are using a paper form. You cannot edit this cell.

Land Parcel Reference

Enter the land parcel number from the Rural Payments service in the format LP1234 5678. Do not enter the grid reference.

You must leave the space in the land parcel number, or an error message will appear. You need to check you’ve included the space if you copy and paste land parcel numbers into the annex.

You can only enter one land parcel number on each line. Only include land parcels being used in your Woodland Creation and Maintenance application and only enter each land parcel once in this annex.

This information is populated into the Item Detail and Creation Items annexes.

Total area of this parcel (ha)

Enter the total area (to 4 decimal places) of this land parcel in hectares. This is the full area of the land parcel, whether it contains proposed capital items or not.

This information is populated into the Creation Items annex.

Proposed Gross Work Area in this parcel (ha)

Enter the proposed work area (to 4 decimal places) of this land parcel in hectares. This is the area of land in the parcel that will contain all proposed capital items in the woodland creation application, including trees, guards and fencing. Any internal woodland open space should also be included in this area.

This information is populated into the Creation Items annex.

Does any part of this parcel contain a SSSI?

For each land parcel, confirm whether there is a site of special scientific interest (SSSI) on the land parcel. Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Do not delete any land parcels that are in an SSSI. On a paper annex, write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

You must make sure no capital items in your application are located on the SSSI.

Does this parcel contain a Scheduled Monument?

For each land parcel, confirm whether there is a scheduled monument on the land parcel. Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Do not delete any land parcels that contain a scheduled monument. On a paper annex, write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

You must make sure no capital items in your application are located on the SM.

Existing ES or MT agreement on this parcel?

For each land parcel, confirm whether there is an existing Environmental Stewardship (ES) or CS Mid Tier (MT) agreement on this parcel. Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Do not delete any land parcels that are included in an ES or MT agreement.

If you confirm ‘Yes’, you must contact the RPA before applying so we can consider your existing agreement and your application. We’ll then tell you if you need to amend your existing agreement. You may want to split a land parcel to remove part of it from your ES or MT agreement. You need to submit an RLE1 form to do this. If the land is under a MT option, you may have to repay any MT payments if you change to a Woodland Creation and Maintenance agreement.

How many hectares of this parcel are under any ES or MT agreement?

If you confirmed ‘Yes’ in the previous column, you need to enter the area (to 4 decimal places) of this land parcel that has an existing ES agreement or MT agreement.

If you confirmed ‘No’ in the previous column, you can leave this column blank.

What is the ES or MT agreement number?

Enter the ES or MT agreement number. The number format for the ES agreement is AG00000000. If there is more than one ES agreement on this parcel, enter the number of the most recent agreement.

If you confirmed ‘No’ in column ‘H’, you can leave this column blank.

What is the expiry date of the existing ES or MT agreement?

Enter the expiry date of the most recent ES or MT agreement on this parcel, in the format DD/MM/YY.

If you confirmed ‘No’ in column ‘H’, you can leave this column blank.

Annex B: Woodland Creation Plan - Outline

You must complete a woodland creation plan as a part of your Countryside Stewardship application. This plan is a management plan for the establishment period (years 1 to 10) of your new woodland. It should tell us what you plan to do, how you plan to do it and what the woodland will deliver for the Countryside Stewardship Scheme. You should also include a brief description of the plan to make sure the woodland you create through this grant will progress to become established woodland at the end of the 10 year management payment phase (if you are applying for this option – WD1).

Your woodland design and proposal must align with the UK Forestry Standard. Go to GOV.UK and search for ‘UK Forestry Standard’.

You must also apply to the Forestry Commission for an opinion on whether a proposal for afforestation is likely to have a significant impact on the environment. However, the woodland creation plan included in the Woodland Creation and Maintenance annex is considered sufficient for this purpose. This means you do not need to submit a separate Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) application form, but you do need to provide all of the information asked for in the Woodland Creation and Maintenance annexes.

Where a question asks for brief details on mitigation you may be required to provide further details on these actions in additional documentation to be submitted with your final application form. The Woodland Officer will discuss this with you when reviewing your application.

Complete all annexes with as much detail as you can to help us understand your proposal.

Name of lead applicant and SBI

These will pre-populate when you enter this information in the ‘START HERE’ tab unless you are using a paper form. You cannot edit these cells.

1a. Do you have a Forestry Commission approved Woodland Creation Plan, via the Woodland Creation Planning Grant?

Confirm whether you have a Forestry Commission approved Woodland Creation Plan through the Woodland Creation Planning Grant on the area of land for this application. Click into this box, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

If you confirmed ‘Yes’, enter the reference number or name of your existing Woodland Creation Plan in the box at 1b.

If you confirmed ‘No’ the cell will turn grey and you can go to question 2.

2. Total (gross) area of woodland creation in this application (ha)

This pre-populates from the information you entered in the Land Summary annex. It’s the total area of woodland planting in your application (including both planted area and internal open space). You cannot edit this cell.

3. What is the long term vision for the new woodland?

Tell us how your woodland meets and addresses the Countryside Stewardship priority objectives against which it has been scored (Biodiversity, Water or both). Also add what functions the woodland will fulfil in the long term.

This box should also be used to give details of the proposed maintenance operations required up to year ten to ensure full establishment of the woodland.

4. You have the first 2 years of your agreement in which to complete your planting; please indicate in which year/s this will be

Click into the box, click the dropdown arrow, then confirm either ‘Scheme Year 1’, ‘Scheme Year 2’ or ‘Both’ to tell us when you will undertake planting.

Further Notes

Use this box to tell us anything else about your proposal that you feel we need to know about, for example, an explanation of any protection items you’ve applied for.

Also include whether the capital items applied for in this grant make up the full woodland, or whether the completed woodland will have additional planting that is not included in this application.

Annex C: Woodland Creation Plan – Objectives

Use this annex to tell us the objective(s) of your woodland planting, specifically showing how you will achieve sustainable forest management. Objectives tell us how you propose to meet the long term requirements and any Countryside Stewardship Biodiversity or Water priorities. They must be measurable.

You should also use supplementary maps (following the mapping guidance given in Section 5.6 of the Countryside Stewardship Woodland Creation and Maintenance Grant Manual) to give more information about what you plan to do with the woodland.

If you have other objectives unrelated to the Countryside Stewardship priorities, you should also include them in this annex.

Name of lead applicant/SBI

This pre-populates when you enter this information in the ‘START HERE’ tab. You cannot edit this cell.

Objective Number

This is generated automatically as you enter the objective. You cannot enter text in this cell.

Woodland Creation Objective

Enter your objective statements in this column. These should relate to biodiversity, water or both. Make sure these objectives are measurable (for example, number of hectares or trees achieving ‘x’ priority) and set out when they’ll be achieved.

Annex D: Woodland Creation Plan – Constraints

Use this annex to tell us anything that might prevent you from planting trees in the areas you have suggested. You must take these constraints into consideration otherwise your woodland proposal might not comply with the UK Forestry Standard. Go to GOV.UK and search for ‘UK Forestry Standard’.

Name of lead applicant/SBI

These will pre-populate when you enter this information in the ‘START HERE’ tab. You cannot edit this cell.

1. Please complete details of any designations on the land in your application using the table.

Designation For each of the designations from 1a) to 1m) answer the questions in the other columns for the land in your application.

Use the FC Land Information Search and/or MAGIC maps to help you. Or go to GOV.UK and search for ‘Forestry Commission Land Information search’ or

Present on the land in your application (Yes or No)

For each row, confirm whether the designation in the first column is present on the land in your application. Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. On a paper annex, write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

If you confirm ‘No’, leave the rest of the row blank.

Adjacent land to, or could be affected by, your application (Yes or No)

Confirm whether there is any adjacent land, or other land, that could be affected by your application. Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. On a paper annex, write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

If yes, in which parcel(s)/ near which parcel(s)

If you selected ’Yes’, list the land parcel(s) the designation is in. If the designation is in all parcels in your application please enter ’All’.

If you selected ‘No’, leave blank.

Designation Details

If you selected ‘Yes’, enter the details of the designation. For example, name of National Park, reference number.

If you selected ‘No’, leave blank.


If you selected ‘Yes’, enter brief details of what you intend to do to maintain the designated areas in line with your legal responsibilities.

If you selected ‘No’ leave blank.

Evidence on the checks you have made included with the application

Confirm that you have provided evidence of the checks that you have made including checks that show designations are not present. Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm either ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or ‘N/A’. On a paper annex, write ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or ‘N/A’

2. Is the whole of the project within a woodland creation Low Risk area for woodland creation?

Use the Forestry Commission map browser and Land Information Search, search for ‘Forestry Commission map browser and Land Information Search’ on GOV.UK to see if all of the proposed land in your application is in a Low Risk area using the ’Low Risk Areas for Woodland Creation’ Forestry Commission Layer.

Select ‘Yes’ if your land is all in a Low Risk area otherwise select ‘No’.

3. Have you considered the effect this proposal will have on wild birds and the area and diversity of habitat(s) for wild birds?

Select ‘Yes’ to confirm that you have considered the effect this proposal will have on wild birds and the area and diversity of habitat(s) for wild birds.

Tell us at 3b the expected effects your proposal will have and how you intend to reduce any negative effects.

4. Please confirm that you are aware of the Good Practice to safeguard European Protected Species forestry operations and the need to obtain a licence if you cannot comply with the Good Practice.

You must confirm that you are aware of the Good Practice to safeguard European Protected Species forestry operations and the need to obtain a licence if you cannot comply with the Good Practice. Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm ‘Yes’. On a paper annex, write ‘Yes’.

You can find this information by searching on GOV.UK for ‘manage and protect woodland wildlife’.

5a. Is the woodland being planted in the catchment of a water body which has a designation (for example, a Special Area of Conservation)?

Confirm if the proposed woodland is in the catchment of a water body, such as a river or lake which has a designation such as being a Special Area of Conservation. Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. On a paper annex, write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

5b. If yes, please explain the potential effects this new woodland might have on the designated water body and explain how you will make sure the designated feature is/ are maintained.

If you confirmed the proposal is in the catchment of a designated water body, explain any effect the planting might have on the water body and what you’ve done to maintain it.

6. Please confirm that you have undertaken a wildfire risk assessment and can demonstrate effective control measures to protect new and existing forests and woodlands and other surrounding land uses

Use the wildfire resilience information to help you assess the risk of wildfires on your land. Find the information by going to and searching for ‘wildfire resilience’. Then confirm if you’ve carried out the wildfire risk assessment. Click into the box, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. On a paper annex, write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

Annex E: Woodland Creation Plan – Stakeholder Contacts

You need to make sure your woodland creation plans will not damage important features such as priority habitats and historic or archaeological features on or next to where any work will take place. This means you may need to speak to neighbours and interested parties to explain the work. You should consult with your neighbours and any interested parties. If you have any rare species present on your land, you should contact specialists in case the rare species might be affected.

You should use this annex to tell us who you’ve already contacted, and who you plan to contact about the woodland creation proposal. You also need to tell us what feedback they gave you. If you have detailed information from these groups or individuals you can supply this to the Forestry Commission Woodland Officer at the site visit, or by email, after you’ve submitted your initial application form.

Name of lead applicant/SBI

These pre-populate when you enter this information in the ‘START HERE’ tab. You cannot edit this cell.

Individual or Organisation

Enter the name of the group or individual you have contacted.

Contact details

Enter a contact telephone number or email address.

Date contacted

Enter the date you contacted the group or individual.

Date feedback received

The date they provided (or estimated date they will provide) information or feedback.

Their response

Briefly summarise their response.

How you will incorporate the response in Woodland Creation Plan?

Briefly describe how you have adjusted - if needed - your woodland creation proposal to take into consideration this feedback or information.

Evidence of response included with application

Confirm if you have supplied evidence of the stakeholder’s response with your application. Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’

Annex F: Woodland Creation Plan - Environmental Checks

To detail the environmental features on the land that may influence your woodland creation plan.

Use this annex to tell us about the environmental checks that you have carried out in relation to your Woodland Creation and Maintenance Grant application. You must account for environmental features that are in your proposed land area or that may be affected by the proposed work.

Below is a list of resources that may support you with your application:

For map-based data on nationally designated areas of sensitivity:

For information on species and habitats in or surrounding your project area:

  • National Biodiversity Network – use a search engine to search for ‘National Biodiversity Network’.
  • Association of Local Environmental Records Centres – use a search engine to search for ‘Association of Local Environmental Records Centres’.
  • JNCC list of Priority Species - go to and search for ‘priority species’.
  • JNCC list of Priority Habitats - go to and search for ‘priority habitats’
  • go to and enter your postcode, town or place.

For information on water and flooding:

  • The flood map for planning service: go to GOV.UK and search for ‘flood map for planning service’
  • Email your request to the Environment Agency -

For information on open access land:

For information on National Landscape Character:

  • NCA profiles - go to GOV.UK and search for ‘NCA profiles’.

Name of lead applicant/SBI

These pre-populate when you enter this information in the ‘START HERE’ tab. You cannot edit this cell.

Feature: Habitats/ Water/ Historic Environment/ Open Access (q1-9)

For each question (1 to 9) in the first column, confirm either yes or no in the second column. Click into the box in the second column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. On a paper annex, write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. If you confirm ‘No’, leave the rest of the row blank.

What checks were undertaken (for example, data sources used).

Tell us what checks you carried out and include which data sources you used. You must also send us evidence of these checks with your application.

If yes, in or adjacent to which parcel(s) (q1-9)

If you selected ’Yes’ list the land parcel(s) affected by this feature. If the environmental feature is in all the land parcels in your application please state ‘All’.

If you selected ’No’, leave blank.

Details (q1-9)

If you selected ’Yes’, enter any relevant details about the environmental feature. For example, habitat feature – pond, habitat type – heathland; name of landscape feature.

If you selected ‘No’ leave blank.

Mitigation (q1-9)

If you selected ‘Yes’, enter brief details of what you intend to do to maintain the environmental feature.

If you selected ‘No’, leave blank.

Evidence of research included (q1-9)

Confirm that you’ve either included evidence of the checks that you have made, or that this does not apply. Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm either ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or ‘N/A’. On a paper annex, write ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or ‘N/A’.

Feature: Landscape (q10)

Confirm whether your proposed woodland creation meets the requirements of the local landscape character. Click into the box in this column then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. On a paper annex, write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

If you confirmed ‘No’, you’ll need to provide further reasons why your proposal will be beneficial to the local landscape character.

What checks were undertaken (for example, data sources used).

Tell us what checks you carried out and include which data sources you used. You must also send us evidence of these checks with your application.

Local Landscape Character Details

Enter the details (including what it is called) of the local landscape character where your proposal is based.

National Landscape Character Details

Enter the details (including what it is called) of the national landscape character where your proposal is based.


If your woodland creation proposal is likely to affect the local and national landscape character, enter a brief description of how you plan to reduce any negative effects.

Evidence of research included

Confirm that you’ve either included evidence of the checks that you’ve made with the application, or that this is not relevant. Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm either ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or ‘N/A’. On a paper annex, write ‘Yes’, ‘No’ or ‘N/A’

Annex G: Woodland Creation Plan – Item Detail

Use this annex to give detailed information for each woodland block. This should include the proposed woodland planting, species and breakdown, stocking density, open space and protection, and the planting objectives and threats for each woodland block.

This annex is also part of your woodland creation plan.

The information in this annex pre-populates the TE4 column in the Creation Items annex.

Choose your species and codes from the Species List tab.

Name of lead applicant/SBI

This pre-populates when you enter this information in the ‘START HERE’ tab. You cannot edit this cell.

Land Parcels with TE4 and/or TP items

Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then select the relevant land parcel from the drop down list.

Make sure that you’ve fully completed the Land Summary annex before you complete this section.

Woodland block reference

Enter a reference for the woodland block. This can be a brief name (for example, Hag’s Wood) or reference ID allocated by you (for example, A, B, C). Use a different line for each individual woodland block. These must have a minimum block size of 0.5ha (for biodiversity objectives) or 0.1ha (for water objectives).

Gross area (ha) of woodland creation

Enter the proposed planted area (to 4 decimal places) of the proposed woodland block (including internal open space).

The values will be highlighted red if the sum of the column is greater than or less than the value shown in ’Total Gross Area of Woodland Creation (ha)’. If the values in your woodland blocks are still highlighted red after you’ve entered all of the values, you need to check and correct the values in this column and/or in the Land Summary annex.

Stocking Density

Confirm the stocking density. Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then select the appropriate stocking density from the drop down list. If you want to use an alternative stocking density, you can enter your chosen value manually.

Stocking density is the number of stems in each hectare of planted area, excluding open space.

This value will be used to calculate the number of trees in your woodland block.

% internal open space in this block

Enter the internal open space in the woodland block. This may not exceed 20%.

The definition of what is open space is ‘integral open space that is limited to 20% of the total forest area and individual open spaces that do not exceed 0.5 ha or 20 metres in width. Any larger open areas shall not be considered as ‘forest’. Open space shall include forest tracks, rides, wayleaves and other permanent open areas.’

Number of trees in this block

This will be automatically calculated when you enter values for ‘Gross area of woodland creation’, ’Stocking density’ and the ‘% internal open space in this block’.

This cell will pre-populate TE4 in the Creation Items annex. You cannot edit this cell.

All species in this block

Enter a list of the species to be planted in this woodland block. You can use either accepted abbreviations, for example, OK, BE, or use full names.

You can use the information in the ’Species List’ tab to help you enter the correct species names or abbreviations.

Species %

You must include all species and the values must add up to 100%.

Broadleaf %

Enter the percentage of your woodland block that contains broadleaf species.

The combined total of the columns ‘Broadleaf %’ and ‘Conifer %’ must add up to 100% for each woodland block.

Conifer %

Enter the percentage of your woodland block that contains conifer species.

The combined total of the columns ‘Broadleaf %’ and ’Conifer %’ must add up to 100% for each woodland block.

Predicted yield class

Enter the predicted yield class for the woodland block.

If you are planting to mitigate for climate change, then over 80% of the area in the proposed woodland block should contain tree species that achieve at least yield class 6 for broadleaves and yield class 12 for conifers.

Planting objective

Confirm the planting objective for this woodland block. Click into the box in this column, then click the small dropdown arrow that appears. Then confirm the appropriate objective(s): ‘Biodiversity’, ‘Water’ or ‘Biodiversity and Water’

Cultivation Method

If you are preparing the land for tree planting, confirm the method you will use. You can type over the entries in the drop down list if you need to.


Enter the threat(s) to the woodland block and the protection items applied for.

Species List

Use this tab to help you complete the Item Detail annex. It contains a list of broadleaf and conifer species with their name, scientific name and a species code/abbreviation that can be used with your Woodland Creation and Maintenance application.

Annex H: Creation Items

Use this annex to list the number of capital items you are applying for on each land parcel, for example, how many trees you wish to plant (TE4), how many tree guards you need (TE5) and how many metres of fence (FG various) you need.

The total number of trees applied for will be calculated automatically using information entered in the Item Detail annex.

The total cost on each land parcel will be shown, as well as the ‘Cost per hectare’ calculation.

This annex populates other annexes.

Name of lead applicant/SBI

These pre-populate when you enter this information in the ‘START HERE’ tab. You cannot edit this cell.


This ID number was generated automatically and carries through from the Land Summary annex to the other annexes as you complete them. You cannot edit this cell.

Land parcel

This pre-populates from the information you entered in the Land Summary annex. You cannot edit this cell.

Total area of this parcel (ha)

This pre-populates from the information you entered in the Land Summary annex . You cannot edit this cell.

Proposed Work Area in this parcel (ha)

This pre-populates from the information you entered in the Land Summary annex . You cannot edit this cell.

Woodland Creation capital items

Enter the amount of each capital item you want to apply for on each land parcel. You can click on the item code to read a short description of each item. Enter all measurements for fencing items to 4 decimal places.

The values in the column for TE4 are calculated automatically from the Item Details annex and cannot be edited in this annex.

Total cost on this field parcel

This is a calculation of the cost of all capital items proposed on this land parcel. It calculates automatically as capital items are added. The total for the items RP32 and RP33 (Leaky Woody Dams) are not included in this calculation. You cannot edit this cell.

Cost per ha of work in this parcel

This is a calculation of the cost per hectare in this land parcel. The area used for this calculation is the ‘proposed work area’. The maximum grant is £6,800/ha and if this is exceeded, the value will be highlighted red.

The £6,800/ha cap calculates as an average across the whole application. This means it’s possible for this cap to be exceeded in some land parcels as long as the average, taking into account all other land parcels, is less than £6,800/ha. The average cost per hectare across the application must be £6,800 or less, otherwise the application is ineligible.

The total for the items RP32 and RP33 (Leaky Woody Dams) are not included in this calculation.

The ‘SUMMARY’ tab shows your average cost per hectare across your application.

Annex I: Capital Item Woodland Infrastructure (FY2)

Completing this annex is optional.

Use this annex to list the 3 quotes you have received to deliver the capital item FY2: Woodland Infrastructure. You need to submit the detailed quotes with your final application.

You also need to use this annex to confirm if you require planning consent for development and to outline the rationale, building specification and estimated length of road for item FY2.

You need to submit supporting evidence for this capital item with your initial application:

  • Evidence of the planning authority’s view on the requirement of permitted development Subject to planning authority response to your proposal, you’ll need to complete an EIA enquiry form for Roads and Quarries for review by the Forestry Commission.

Supporting evidence that must be submitted with the final application may include:

  • a detailed specification of the proposed work including maps and technical drawings
  • evidence that you are not registered for VAT of your status as non-VAT registered (if relevant)

This annex pre-populates other annexes.

Name of lead applicant/SBI

These pre-populate from the information you entered in the ‘START HERE’ tab. You cannot edit this cell.

Are you VAT Registered?

Click into the box and choose ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to answer the question ‘Are you VAT registered?’.

If you answer ‘YES’ you are not VAT registered – this also states that you cannot claim for VAT on contractors’ or agents’ fees. You should still indicate the VAT charged (if any) as part of your quotes, below.

If you answer ‘NO’ you are not VAT registered – this also states that you may claim for VAT charged by contractors and agents, but MUST provide evidence from an accountant of your status as non-VAT registered with your final application.

Agent Fees

If you intend to claim for agents’ fees, enter the Agent Name, the fee amount excluding VAT, and the VAT amount (please enter ‘0’ if no VAT is charged). The Total will calculate automatically. You cannot edit this cell.

Quotations 1-3

Enter the following details, for 3 contractors’ quotes:

  • Contractor Name
  • Fee amount excluding VAT
  • VAT amount (enter ‘0’ if no VAT is charged).

The total amounts will be calculated automatically in the Total box.

Select Quotation

Choose the quote you’re accepting from the drop-down list and enter a Quotation Reference (for example, the name of the contractor). This reference must be no more than 15 characters in length.

Justification for selection

Leave this box blank. For FC use only.

Selection approved by Woodland Officer (name and date)

Leave this box blank. For FC use only.

Total actual costs of infrastructure, including VAT and agents fees (where applicable)

This calculates automatically from the information you enter for the quote you accept. You cannot edit this cell.

Payment: 40% of actual costs:

This calculates automatically after you’ve selected a quote. It will show the value of the payment you’ll actually receive under your Woodland Creation and Maintenance agreement (40% of actual costs). You cannot edit this cell.

Will your work be permitted development?

Confirm ‘Yes’ if your work will be permitted development.

Does your work require planning permission?

Confirm ‘Yes’ if your work will require planning permission.

Do you have planning permission in place?

Confirm ‘Yes’ if you have planning permission in place. If your work does not require planning permission please select ‘NA’.

Please state approximate length and proposed building specification for Woodland Infrastructure (FY2):

Provide the approximate length of the road in metres (to 4 decimal places) next to the type of road, for example Light Vehicle Track.

Read roads and tracks operations note 25 to help you. Go to GOV.UK and search for ‘roads and tracks operations note 25’.

The total Length (m) calculates automatically.

What is your rationale for applying for this capital item:

Supply a detailed explanation of how this item will benefit your overall woodland creation plan. You should also include how this will benefit the establishment of your new woodland and the future management.

Select ‘Yes’ to confirm that you have attached a detailed specification (including maps and technical drawings) of the project with your application.

Select ‘Yes’ to confirm you’ve attached all supporting information with your application. This will include a detailed specification for the quotation chosen which should include maps and technical drawings.

Annex J: Scoring Table

This annex contains a table that automatically calculates your woodland creation application score. This score will be verified by your woodland officer after submission.

All applications must be submitted with a score, entered and calculated in the Scoring Table annex. A Forestry Commission Woodland Officer will validate your score after receiving your application and completing a site visit. Applications which progress to final submission will be subject to a ranking process against a nationally determined ‘clearing score’ to decide whether they will progress to agreement. Schemes will also be subject to the normal consultation and Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations considerations. For more information on the scoring process, read section 5.5 of the relevant Countryside Stewardship Woodland Creation and Maintenance Grant Manual.

In order for your application to be accepted and progress, it needs to:

  • reach a minimum threshold score of 12
  • deliver against biodiversity and/or water objectives and meet the relevant design criteria set out in the table below - it’s not acceptable to only achieve points against the ‘cross cutting’ objective
  • meet the minimum agreement and block size thresholds as set out in the relevant Countryside Stewardship Woodland Creation and Maintenance Grant Manual.

Name of lead applicant/SBI

These pre-populate from the information you enter in the ‘START HERE’ tab. You cannot edit this cell.


A list of the woodland creation objectives (Biodiversity, Water and Cross-cutting) and the priorities in each. You cannot edit these cells.

Total Area (Ha) for Objective from Annex B(A)

Enter the area (ha) of your woodland that scores against each priority level. Use the Forestry Commission Land Information Search to do this and select the advanced search option. Go to GOV.UK and search for ‘Forestry Commission Land Information search’.

Each proposed block of woodland in the application should be scored with the total area against each layer being included in the application. If a proposed block includes a higher priority layer and the block meets the relevant design criteria the total area of that block can be scored against the high level.

Areas in the woodland creation proposal can score against more than one objective where the proposed planting areas meet all the relevant design criteria and the area is in more than one priority layer.

As there are lower area thresholds for woodland planted under the water objective, areas of less than 3ha will be awarded the equivalent score of 3ha x Points per hectare. If applicable, this is indicated in brackets in the ‘Applicant Self score’ column. Any areas over 3ha will be scored in the normal way

Next to the cross-cutting objectives, choose either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. The flat rate of 9 points will apply if you choose ‘Yes’.

How to score the Biodiversity and Water priorities

Applications are scored at the application level. To be eligible, the woodland must meet the requirements for either biodiversity and/or water. It’s not possible to score only under the ‘cross-cutting’ objective.

If a woodland application meets the ‘gateway’ criteria for either biodiversity and/or water, it can be scored. The gateway criteria are described below, further information and detail can be found in Annex B at the end of this guidance.

The gateway criteria for each priority are:

  • Biodiversity - Habitat Networks – All the proposed woodland must be in the Biodiversity Habitat Priority Layer (higher or lower) and the choice of tree species must be appropriate to the location so that the application meets the design gateway criteria.
  • Biodiversity – Priority Species – A minimum of 50% of the proposed woodland must be in the priority species layer and the design needs to be appropriate for the targeted priority species.
  • Biodiversity – Woodland Bird Assemblage - A minimum of 50% of the proposed woodland must be in a woodland bird assemblage area and the design must benefit one or more of the woodland bird species listed for the area.
  • Water - Improve Water Quality - A minimum of 50% or 1ha (whichever is the greater) of the proposed woodland must be in a priority area (higher or lower) and the design must meet the relevant design criteria.
  • Water - Reduce Flood Risk – A minimum of 50% or 1ha (whichever is the greater) of the proposed woodland must be in a priority area (higher or lower) and the design meet the relevant design criteria.

How to score the cross-cutting priorities

If your woodland application meets the gateway criteria for the cross-cutting objectives, then a flat rate score of 9 is applied. The objectives in the cross-cutting priority are:

  • Climate Change Mitigation (Yield class)
  • Climate Change Adaptation (Keeping Rivers Cool)
  • Landscape Scale and Partnerships

How to calculate your score

To calculate the total score:

Area (ha) of planting against the priority layer X (multiplied by) points per hectare for that objective.

Different priority layers have different points per hectare scores. These are listed in the Scoring Table.

Some priority objectives have a ‘higher’ and a ‘lower’ spatial layer. Where a woodland block spans both higher and lower spatial layers, the higher score is applied to the total area of the block. This means you do not have to measure what proportion of the block falls in the higher layer and which falls in the lower layer.


If part of a 10ha woodland block is in the higher spatial layer and the rest is in the lower spatial layer, the entire block of woodland (10ha) can be counted as higher, meaning the entire area is multiplied by the higher score.

It’s possible for an area to score against multiple priorities. For example, the 10ha woodland block example above could also pass the spatial and design gateways for the woodland bird assemblage, meaning the 10ha will be scored a second time. Simply record the area of this woodland block in the Scoring Table against both priorities.

To work out the area of your planting in each priority layer, check the Forestry Commission Land Information Search website. Go to GOV.UK and search for ‘Forestry Commission Land Information search’.

Your application is scored for eligibility on the basis of the application areas you supply. It’s your responsibility to make sure there is accuracy and consistency between your application map and the area figure in the application form. You must tell us if you make any corrections or amendments to the application areas after you submit your application form as this may affect the eligibility of your application.

You can read further information about designing woodland to create priority habitats for biodiversity or priority species and to improve water quality or reduce flood risk at the Forestry Commission on GOV.UK. Go to GOV.UK and search for ‘Forestry Commission’.

Total Area (Ha) for Objective from Annex B(A) (for FC use only)

This is used by your Forestry Commission Woodland Officer to agree and validate your final score after the site visit. Please leave these cells empty.

Points per Hectare (B)

These are the points per hectare scores assigned to each priority. They cannot be changed. You cannot edit these cells.

Applicant Self-Score (A x B)

This is the calculation of the area score (A) multiplied by the Points per Hectare score (B). This will give you a total score for that particular priority.

The number at the bottom of this column is your total self-score for the Woodland Creation and Maintenance application. You cannot edit these cells.

FC Agreed Score

This is used by your Forestry Commission Woodland Officer to agree and validate your final score after the site visit.

Please leave these cells empty.

Summary worksheet

This shows the totals for each of the items and options in your application. This includes the grant total and the cost per hectare (£6,800 maximum).

The totals are pre-populated from the information you entered in the other annexes. The Summary is for information only, you cannot edit it.

Name of lead applicant/SBI

These pre-populate from the information you entered in the ‘START HERE’ tab.

Capital item (Within Cap)

This is the list of capital items available for the Woodland Creation and Maintenance Grant.

Overall quantity for this item across the agreement

These values are the sum total of each capital item in your application. For example, the total number of trees (TE4) applied for or the total length of each fence type. These lines pre-populate from the information you enter in the Creation Items annex.

Unit of measurement

This is the unit of measurement for each capital item, for example, metres, trees.

Overall cost for this item across the agreement

This is how much grant you are applying for, for each capital item individually. This is the cost across the full agreement (all land parcels included in your application).


This is the total for the capital items included within the cap that you are applying for (the sum total of all capital items included in the cap of £6,800 per ha).

Average cost per hectare across this application

This is the average cost per hectare across the whole application (for capital items within the cap). This average must be equal to or less than £6,800/ha or the application will be ineligible.

If the £6,800/ha cap has been reached or exceeded, the value is highlighted red. Return to the Item Detail and Creation Items annexes to edit the amount of capital items applied for to bring the total below the limit.

Cap exceeded?

This indicates whether or not the £6,800/ha cap has been exceeded.

Capital Item (excluded from cap)

This is the list of capital items available for the Woodland Creation and Maintenance Grant that are outside of the cap.

Overall quantity for this item across the agreement

This pre-populates from the information you entered in the Creation Items and Capital Item Woodland Infrastructure (FY2) annexes. It’s the sum total of each capital item in your application. These capital items are all calculated as ‘units’.

Unit of measurement

This is the unit of measurement for each capital item for example, metres, trees, units.

Overall cost for this item across the agreement

These pre-populate from the information you entered in other annexes. They show how much grant you are applying for, for each capital item individually. This is the cost across the full agreement - all land parcels included in the application.


This is the total for the capital items excluded from the cap that you are applying for.

Actual Value of Item FY2 to be received

This is the actual value that you will receive for capital item FY2. This is 40% of the actual cost of the work.

Total Grant Applied for (including all capital items and 100% cost of item FY2)

This is the total value for all of the capital items included in your application that you have applied for under the Woodland Creation and Maintenance Grant. This total includes 100% of capital item FY2 – you will only receive 40% of the value of FY2.

Step 4 – Continue your application form

Fill in Section 2: Declaration and undertakings to confirm that you have read and understood the requirements of the CS scheme and the undertakings that you are making in submitting your application.

Read the declaration, undertakings and warning carefully.

If you are submitting your application by post, sign Section 2 and enter your name in block letters, your capacity (for example sole trader, company director, agent and so on) and the date of your signature.

If you are submitting your application online, you do not need to sign the declaration.

Step 5 – Checklist

Use the checklist below to make sure that you have completed your application in full and attached any required supporting documents and evidence including maps, photographs, briefs, specifications or consents before sending it to us.

Make sure that:

  • you have completed all relevant Parts of the application form, including signing and dating Section 2
  • all your land and business details are up to date and correct on Rural Payments
  • you have arranged for ‘Submit’ permissions in Rural Payments, if you’re acting as an agent
  • you have completed map(s) showing the land parcels in this application. Go to Step 2 for details on how to do this
  • you have attached any applicable supporting documents or evidence
  • you have attached any continuation sheets you’ve used in your application.

For the capital item descriptions, search Countryside Stewardship grants on GOV.UK. You can also read Countryside Stewardship: Record keeping and inspection requirements on GOV.UK.

Step 6 - Submit your application

By email

Send us all parts of the completed form, together with maps and other supporting documents and remember to include the Annex with your application.

A signature is not needed if you send your application by email.

Email the application and supporting documents to us at: and put ‘Countryside Stewardship, Woodland Creation and Maintenance grant application, 2021, [SBI] as the title.

You must also put your SBI in your email and check they’re on everything you send to us.

You’ll receive an automated email to confirm we have received your application. Check your spam mailbox if you don’t receive this.

By post

If you prefer, you can post them to us at our address in the ‘Important information about your application’ document attached to your application form. Put your SBI on everything you send to us.

If you are sending the form to us by post you must sign your application and any supporting forms.

For any documents you send us by post, we recommend that you get proof of postage. You’re advised to keep a copy of your completed application form and maps.