Annex 1 – Application map(s)

You must complete application map(s) for all Woodland Management Plan applications.

You must provide map(s) showing the full area of the woodland you are including in your proposed Woodland Management Plan. The map needs to be clear, readable and meet the standards set out below. Read the ‘Supporting documents’ section for more information about sending the map(s) to RPA.

How to create a map

You can create the map associated with a Woodland Management Plan application yourself, as long as it meets the standards set out below, or you can request one through the Forestry Commission map request service.

Maps you supply should be based on ordnance survey (OS) maps and/or Geographical Information System (GIS) generated digital maps. Maps should be based on a scale of 1:2500 or 1:5000 or for large schemes 1:10000. If you are using a GIS based map at a non-standard scale, add a scale bar to the map so that this can be used to measure lengths.

You should mark the land parcel references and the SBI clearly on the map.

If you’re sending your supporting documents to us by email, send us your map as a PDF file.

Minimum mapping standards

If you create your own agreement map, or are marking up a map you’ve received from the Forestry Commission map request service, you must make sure they meet the following rules:

  • The map(s) must show whole land parcels with land parcel references and a clear boundary for the extent of the Woodland Management Plan

  • The map(s) must have a number (1, 2, 3, and so on). Include this map number and also the total number of maps, for example, 1 of 3

  • Write your Single Business Identifier (SBI) – consisting of 9 digits, the application year and agreement title (as detailed on the application form) on the top right of the map

  • Write the name of business or applicant – this should be the name that is registered with us for the SBI, on the righthand side of the map

  • If there are no numbered OS grid lines, write a 6 figure OS grid reference for the centre of the map on the bottom left of the map

  • Please use black ink when you write on the Agreement Map. If you make a mistake do not use correction fluid – strike through the mistake instead.