
Allied Joint Doctrine for Logistics (AJP-4)

Allied Joint Publication-4 provides NATO's keystone doctrine for logistics on operations.



Allied Joint Publication (AJP)-4, Allied Joint Doctrine for Logistics (Edition B Version 1) provides the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO’s) keystone doctrine for logistics on operations.

AJP-4 provides joint commanders and their staff with a common framework to command, coordinate and synchronise all Alliance joint logistic and medical operations. It provides them with the principles and general guidance to plan and conduct joint logistic and medical support to campaigns and operations.

Who should read this publication

This publication is primarily intended for use by NATO commanders and their staff when planning and conducting multinational operations. AJP-4 details NATO logistic principles and policies and provides guidance, with an operational-level focus, to foster common understanding and cooperative logistic planning and execution among NATO military authorities, nations and NATO agencies.

Published 7 February 2019