Press release

Baroness Anelay responds to Amnesty International report on death sentences and executions worldwide

Baroness Anelay responds to Amnesty International report on death sentences and executions worldwide

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government

Amnesty International has published today its annual report on death sentences and executions around the world.

Human Rights Minister Baroness Anelay said:

I am deeply troubled by the increase in the number of reported executions in 2015, which was driven by concerning increases in Pakistan, Iran and Saudi Arabia.

The UK opposes the death penalty in all circumstances and we make our opposition well known at the highest levels to countries which continue to apply it. Our message to them is clear, the death penalty is unjust, outdated and ineffective. It also risks fuelling extremism.

Despite these concerning figures there has been progress in many countries. It is welcome that in 2015 Fiji, the Republic of Congo, Madagascar and Suriname all abolished the death penalty.

The Foreign Office will continue to use its diplomatic network to push for progress towards the global abolition of the death penalty.


*Media Office l Foreign and Commonwealth Office l 020 7008 3100

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Published 6 April 2016