
Woodland capital grants 2015: choose options

Find out about eligibility, requirements and payment rates for Countryside Stewardship woodland capital grants 2015.

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Applies to England

To get a grant, applicants have to agree to carry out work on their woodland to support the environment. Applicants can select from a range of capital items, which offer different amounts of funding.

Capital items are one-off payments towards the cost of certain items or activities, such as planting a tree or installing sheep netting.

A maintenance payment option is also available to support newly created woodland. It has 10 annual payments.

The individual option guides set out:

  • payment rates
  • what must be done
  • eligibility

Read the main guide for information on how to apply.


Applicants should choose from the full list of options and capital items for Countryside Stewardship woodland capital grants 2015. The full specification for each item is set out in the individual option guides.

Code Type Title Payment Aim
FG1 Capital Fencing £4/m Method of stock control, to help habitat management or protect environmental features
FG2 Capital Sheep netting £4.90/m Exclude sheep to protect environmental features
FG4 Capital Rabbit fencing supplement £2.50/m Supplement to fencing (FG1) or sheep netting (FG2) to exclude rabbits to help protect environmental features
FG5 Capital Fencing supplement - difficult site £1.24/m Supplement to fencing (FG1) to cover the extra costs of fencing on a difficult site
FG9 Capital Deer fencing £7.20/metres (m) To protect newly created woodland from deer browsing
FG12 Capital Wooden field gate or wooden wings £390/gate Facilitate stock management and keep livestock out of watercourses. Can only be used with a management option
FG14 Capital Badger gate £135/gate Provide badgers unrestricted access either side of a newly erected fence, which crosses known badger routes
FG15 Capital Water gates £240/gate Use across streams in conjunction with other stock control options
PA3 Capital Woodland management plan First 100ha at £20/ha, additional area at £10/ha - minimum payment £1,000 Support the creation of a detailed woodland management plan in accordance with the UK Forestry Standard
SB1 Capital Scrub control & felling diseased trees £260/ha to £1,680/ha - dependent on stem size, and percentage of ground cover To remove all diseased trees within the target area
SB6 Capital Rhododendron control £2,800/ha, £3,200/ha, £4,400/ha To destroy all rhododendron within the target area. The payment rate depends on the slope of the site or height of the rhododendron.
TE4 Capital Tree planting £1.28/tree To supply, plant and weed young trees and protect with a 0.6m spiral guard
TE5 Capital Individual tree shelter £1.60/unit To protect young trees with either a 1.2m or 1.8m tree shelter
WD1 10 annual payments Woodland creation maintenance payment £200/ha per year Support the creation of new woodland where this will provide environmental or social benefits

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Published 17 February 2015

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