
Make a subject access request to HMRC

Find out how to ask for access to personal data that HMRC holds about you, or someone who has died.


You have the right to ask for access to your personal information, known as a subject access request (SAR).

This allows you to get a copy of the personal information we hold about you and to check that we are lawfully processing it.

You will not have to pay a fee to access your personal information. However, we’re lawfully allowed to charge a reasonable fee if your request for access is unfounded or excessive. We can also refuse to meet the request in these circumstances.

We take our responsibilities for data protection seriously. Our privacy notice explains how we collect and use personal information about you in accordance with data protection law.

We’ll action the request without delay, within one month of receipt. We can extend the time to respond by a further 2 months if the request is complex or we have had many requests from the same person.

You can ask for any personal information that we hold on you, such as:

  • employment history
  • record of earnings
  • tax paid
  • National Insurance contributions paid
  • benefits received
  • record of written correspondence or telephone calls

You can ask your solicitor, tax agent or a family member to ask for personal information on your behalf. You’ll need to complete and print out the HMRC consent form or write a letter confirming exactly what information we can send them. They will need to include this consent with their application and send this by post.

Find out more about what to expect when you make a subject access request on the Information Commissioners Office website.

Make a SAR to HMRC

If you’re already dealing with one of our case advisers you can get in touch with them to ask for your information.

Personal Tax Account

You can log into your Personal tax account or set one up to access personal data for the last 5 years.

If you need more information that what is shown you will need to contact us.

Apply online

You can fill out the form and send it online or print it and send it to the postal address.

Ask for information about:

Apply by phone or webchat

You can contact HMRC helplines to ask for information.

Apply in writing

Include as much information as you can about:

  • what information you need
  • the years you need the information for
  • the reason for the request

You’ll also need to confirm your identity by sending HMRC your:

  • full name
  • National Insurance number
  • date of birth
  • address history for the last 5 years
  • original signature (not needed for online requests)

Income Tax and National Insurance SARs should be sent to:

HM Revenue and Customs
National Insurance Contributions Office

Send tax credits, Child Benefit, VAT, customs, other records and SARs to the ‘Data Protection Officer’ at the HMRC office you’ve been dealing with.

Ask for your employment history for a compensation claim

You can apply to get information about your employment history to support a claim for compensation or support.

Ask for information about someone who has died

You can apply to get the information of someone who’s died to settle National Insurance or Income Tax if you’re legally allowed to do so on behalf of their estate.

Ask for information from the Valuation Office Agency

Follow the guidance for the Valuation Office Agency.

Updates to this page

Published 14 January 2016
Last updated 8 June 2021 + show all updates
  1. Overview and Make a SAR to HMRC sections have been updated.

  2. Information about where to send a SAR for Income Tax has been updated.

  3. The 'Make a SAR to HMRC' apply online section has been updated.

  4. Information about your rights to request personal information, any fees you may have to pay, and how long this may take has been added to the guidance.

  5. Address to send Subject Access Requests has been updated.

  6. Information about making a subject access request for tax credits, Income Tax, Child Benefit, VAT, customs and other records has been added.

  7. The address to send the subject access request has been updated.

  8. First published.

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