Accredited official statistics

DCMS Sectors Economic Estimates 2018: Business Demographics

National Statistics used to provide an estimate of the contribution of DCMS Sectors to the UK economy, measured by the number of businesses.


Tables 1-26: Businesses by sector

Pre-release access list


Headline Findings

  • In 2018 there were 637,000 UK businesses in DCMS sectors (excluding Civil Society), representing 25.7% of the UK non-financial business economy (UKNFBE).
  • The number of businesses in DCMS sectors grew 2.2% between 2017 and 2018 compared to 1.8% for the wider UKNFBE.
  • Nearly 9 in 10 (88.3%) businesses in DCMS sectors (excluding Civil Society) employed fewer than 10 people in 2018, similar to the proportion for the wider UKNFBE (89.3%).
  • The vast majority (99.0%) of businesses in DCMS sectors (excluding Civil Society) in 2017 were UK owned, similar to the wider UKNFBE (98.9%).


These Economic Estimates are National Statistics used to provide an estimate of the contribution of DCMS Sectors to the UK economy, measured by the number of businesses.


These statistics cover the contributions of the following DCMS sectors to the UK economy;

  • Civil Society
  • Creative Industries
  • Cultural Sector
  • Digital Sector
  • Gambling
  • Sport
  • Telecoms
  • Tourism

A definition for each sector is available in the associated methodology note along with details of methods and data limitations.


29 May 2020

Feedback and consultation

DCMS aims to continuously improve the quality of estimates and better meet user needs. Feedback and responses should be sent to DCMS via email at

The UK Statistics Authority

This release is published in accordance with the Code of Practice for Official Statistics (2009), as produced by the UK Statistics Authority. The Authority has the overall objective of promoting and safeguarding the production and publication of official statistics that serve the public good. It monitors and reports on all official statistics, and promotes good practice in this area.

The responsible statisticians for this release is Sam Atkin. For further details about the estimates, or to be added to a distribution list for future updates, please email us at

Pre-release access

The document above contains a list of ministers and officials who have received privileged early access to this release. In line with best practice, the list has been kept to a minimum and those given access for briefing purposes had a maximum of 24 hours.

Quality assurance report

This document summarises the quality assurance processes applied during production of the DCMS Sectors Economic Estimates 2018: Business Demographics release. It covers quality assurance carried out by both DCMS and our data providers (ONS).

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Published 29 May 2020

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