
Regulatory Article (RA) 5000 series: type airworthiness engineering regulations (TAE)

This is the combined series for the 5000 TAE RAs. Produced by the Military Aviation Authority (MAA).


5000 series (TAE)


The purpose of Regulatory Articles (RA) is to provide the framework of policy, rules, directives, standards, processes and the associated direction, advice and guidance, which governs military aviation activity and against which air safety is assessed. The regulator develops regulations in response to applicable UK law, MOD needs, legal changes and recommendations resulting from both assurance or investigation functions.

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Published 28 November 2014
Last updated 31 May 2024 + show all updates
  1. The combined 5000 Series has been updated to reflect changes to RA 5810 - Military Type Certificate (MRP Part 21 Subpart B) - Issue 9, RA 5820 - Changes in Type Design (MRP Part 21 Subpart D) - Issue 8. See NAA 24/30. RA 5010 - Type Airworthiness Strategy - Issue 2, RA 5723 - Ageing Air System Audit - Issue 8, RA 5726 – Integrity Management - Issue 7, RA 5835 – Production Organizations (MRP Part 21 Subpart G) - Issue 6, RA 5850 – Military Design Approved Organization (MRP Part 21 Subpart J) - Issue 9, RA 5865 – Repairs (MRP Part 21 Subpart M) - Issue 5. See NAA 24/31.

  2. The combined 5000 Series has been updated to reflect changes to RA 5103 – Certificate of Design - Issue 7, RA 5212 – Weight and Moment Determination - Issue 6, RA 5219 - Instrumentation and Flight Data Recorder Requirements for Flight Trials of Air Systems - Issue 6, RA 5405 – Special Instructions (Technical) - Issue 10, RA 5723 - Ageing Air System Audit - Issue 7, RA 5724 - Life Extension Programme - Issue 7, RA 5725 - Out of Service Date Extension Programme - Issue 6, RA 5805 – Airworthiness Directives and Service Bulletins (MRP Part 21 Subpart A) - Issue 5, RA 5810 - Military Type Certificate (MRP Part 21 Subpart B) - Issue 8, RA 5812 – Digital Models and Simulations Supporting AirworthinessRelated Decision-Making - Issue 2, RA 5820 - Changes in Type Design (MRP Part 21 Subpart D) - Issue 7, RA 5825 – Fault Reporting and Investigation - Issue 4, RA 5835 – Production Organizations (MRP Part 21 Subpart G) - Issue 5, RA 5855 - Parts and Appliances (MRP Part 21 Subpart K) - Issue 6, RA 5865 – Repairs (MRP Part 21 Subpart M) - Issue 4, RA 5875 – (European) Technical Standard Order (MRP Part 21 Subpart O) - Issue 5, RA 5880 – Military Permit to Fly (Development) (MRP Part 21 Subpart P) - Issue 9, RA 5885 – Identification of Products, Parts and Appliances (MRP Part 21 Subpart Q) - Issue 4, RA 5890 – Cyber Security for Airworthiness and Air Safety – Type Design and Changes / Repairs to Type Design - Issue 2, RA 5013 - Air Safety Management of Equipment and Commodity Items - Issue 2, RA 5301 – Air System Configuration Management - Issue 6, RA 5305 – In-Service Design Changes - Issue 8, RA 5406 – Aircrew Publications - Issue 8, RA 5407 – Support Policy Statement - Issue 2, RA 5726 – Integrity Management - Issue 6, RA 5815 – Instructions for Sustaining Type Airworthiness - Issue 4 and RA 5850 – Military Design Approved Organization (MRP Part 21 Subpart J) - Issue 8 - See NAA 23/60 and NAA 23/61.

  3. The combined 5000 Series has been updated to reflect changes to RA 5220 – Special Flying Instructions and Restrictions on Flying - Issue 7, RA 5301 – Air System Configuration Management - Issue 5, RA 5305 – In-Service Design Changes - Issue 7, RA 5602 – Propulsion Systems Part Lifing, Critical and Common Pool Parts - Issue 4, RA 5724 - Life Extension Programme - Issue 6, RA 5725 - Out of Service Date Extension Programme - Issue 5, RA 5805 – Airworthiness Directives and Service Bulletins (MRP Part 21 Subpart A) - Issue 4, RA 5825 – Fault Reporting and Investigation - Issue 3, RA 5875 – (European) Technical Standard Order (MRP Part 21 Subpart O) - Issue 4 and RA 5880 – Military Permit to Fly (Development) (MRP Part 21 Subpart P) - Issue 8. See NAA 23/26. RA 5405 – Special Instructions (Technical) - Issue 9, RA 5406 – Aircrew Publications - Issue 7, RA 5726 – Integrity Management - Issue 5, RA 5810 - Military Type Certificate (MRP Part 21 Subpart B) - Issue 7, RA 5815 – Instructions for Sustaining Type Airworthiness - Issue 3, RA 5820 - Changes in Type Design (MRP Part 21 Subpart D) - Issue 6, RA 5835 – Production Organizations (MRP Part 21 Subpart G) - Issue 4, RA 5850 – Military Design Approved Organization (MRP Part 21 Subpart J) - Issue 7 and RA 5855 - Parts and Appliances (MRP Part 21 Subpart K) - Issue 5. See NAA 23/27. RA 5890 – Cyber Security for Airworthiness and Air Safety – Type Design and Changes / Repairs to Type Design - Initial Issue. See NAA 23/23.

  4. The combined 5000 Series has been updated to introduce RA 5010 - Type Airworthiness Strategy - Initial Issue, RA 5011 - Type Airworthiness Safety Management System - Initial Issue, RA 5012 - Type Airworthiness Safety Assessment - Initial Issue, RA 5013 - Air Safety Management of Equipment and Commodity Items - Initial Issue and RA 5407 – Support Policy Statement - Initial Issue - see NAA 22/29.

  5. The combined 5000 Series has been updated to reflect changes to RA 5219 - Instrumentation and Flight Data Recorder Requirements for Flight Trials of Air Systems - Issue 5, RA 5405 – Special Instructions (Technical) - Issue 8, RA 5725 - Out of Service Date Extension Programme - Issue 4, RA 5726 – Integrity Management - Issue 4, RA 5810 - Military Type Certificate (MRP Part 21 Subpart B) - Issue 6, RA 5820 - Changes in Type Design (MRP Part 21 Subpart D) - Issue 5, RA 5825 – Fault Reporting and Investigation - Issue 2, RA 5835 – Production Organizations (MRP Part 21 Subpart G) - Issue 3, RA 5850 – Military Design Approved Organization (MRP Part 21 Subpart J) - Issue 6, RA 5880 – Military Permit to Fly (Development) (MRP Part 21 Subpart P) - Issue 7 - see NAA 22/17.

  6. The combined 5000 series has been updated to reflect changes to RA 5305 – In-Service Design Changes - Issue 6, RA 5405 – Special Instructions (Technical) - Issue 7, RA 5812 - Digital Models and Simulations Supporting Airworthiness-Related Decision-Making - Initial Issue, RA 5815 – Instructions for Sustaining Type Airworthiness - Issue 2, RA 5850 – Military Design Approved Organization (MRP Part 21 Subpart J) - Issue 5, RA 5875 – (European) Technical Standard Order (MRP Part 21 Subpart O) - Issue 3, RA 5880 – Military Permit to Fly (Development) (MRP Part 21 Subpart P) - Issue 6 and RA 5885 – Identification of Products, Parts and Appliances (MRP Part 21 Subpart Q) - Issue 3 - See NAA 21/72, NAA 21/73 and NAA 21/74

  7. The combined 5000 series has been updated to reflect changes to RA 5220, RA 5726, RA 5885 and RA 5810 - See NAA 21/63, NAA 21/64 and NAA 21/65

  8. The combined 5000 series has been updated to reflect the changes to RA 5810 - Military Type Certificate (MRP Part 21 Subpart B) - Issue 4, RA 5820 - Changes in Type Design (MRP Part 21 Subpart D) - Issue 4 and RA 5850 - Military Design Approved Organization (MRP Part 21 Subpart J) - Issue 4 - See NAA 21/36.

  9. The combined 5000 Series has been updated to reflect the withdrawal of RA 5002 - Remotely piloted air systems type airworthiness engineering regulations - Issue 5. See NAA 20/50.

  10. The combined 5000 Series has been updated to reflect the changes to RA 5103 - Issue 5, RA 5301 - Issue 4, RA 5305 - Issue 5 - See NAA 20/39; RA 5203 - Issue 3, RA 5206 - Issue 3, RA 5303 - Issue 4, RA 5304 - Issue 3, RA 5306 - Issue 4, RA 5307 - Issue 3, RA 5308 - Issue 7, RA 5309 - Issue 3, RA 5311 - Issue 3, RA 5312 - Issue 4, RA 5313 - Issue 4, RA 5502 - Issue 4, RA 5601 - Issue 4, RA 5604 - Issue 4, RA 5615 - Issue 3 - See NAA 20/40; RA 5212 - Issue 5, RA 5219 - Issue 4, RA 5602 - Issue 3 - See NAA 20/41; RA 5220 - Issue 5, RA 5320 - Issue 5, RA 5405 - Issue 6 and RA 5406 - Issue 6 - See NAA 20/42; RA 5723 - Issue 6, RA 5724 - Issue 5, RA 5725 - Issue 3, RA 5726 - Issue 2 - See NAA 20/43; RA 5805 - Issue 3, RA 5810 - Issue 3, RA 5815 - Initial Issue, RA 5820 - Issue 3, RA 5825 - Initial Issue, RA 5835 - Initial Issue, RA 5840 - Issue 2, RA 5850 - Issue 3, RA 5855 - Issue 3, RA 5865 - Issue 3, RA 5875 - Issue 2, RA 5880 - Issue 5, RA 5885 - Issue 2, RA 5401 - Issue 5, RA 5404 - Issue 3 - See NAA 20/44.

  11. The combined 5000 series has been updated to reflect the withdrawal of RA 5104 - Material Specification - Issue 2, RA 5207 - Identification Under the NATO Codification System - Issue 2 - See NAA 20/12 and RA 5800 – General Requirements – Delivery Teams and Organizations (MRP 21) - Issue 3 - See NAA 20/13.

  12. The combined 5000 series has been updated to reflect the changes to RA 5212 - Mass and Centre of Gravity Determination - Issue 4, RA 5301 - Control of Designs - Issue 3, RA 5305 - Modification Classifications - Issue 4, RA 5313 - Design Modifications - Issue 3, RA 5320 - Aircraft Maintenance Programme - Design Guidelines - Issue 4, RA 5401 - Provision of Technical Information - Issue 4, RA 5406 - Aircrew Publications - Contractor Responsibilities - Issue 5 - See NAA 19/39, RA 5723 - Ageing Air System Audit - Issue 5, RA 5726 - Integrity Management - Initial Issue - See NAA 19/40.

  13. The combined 5000 series has been updated to reflect the changes to RA 5220 - Special Flying Instructions and Restrictions on Flying Issue 4, RA 5306 – Draft Modification Leaflets Issue 3, RA 5308 – Service Modifications Issue 6, RA 5405 – Special Instructions (Technical) Issue 5, RA 5406 – Aircrew Publications – Contractor Responsibilities Issue 4, RA 5723 - Ageing Aircraft Audit Issue 4 and RA 5880 – Military Permit to Fly (MRP 21 Subpart P) Issue 4 – See NAA 19/01 and NAA 19/02.

  14. The combined 5000 series has been updated to reflect the changes to RA 5002 - Remotely Piloted Air Systems Type Airworthiness Engineering Regulations Issue 4, RA 5103 – Certificate of Design Issue 4, RA 5212 – Mass and Centre of Gravity Determination Issue 3, RA 5220 - Special Flying Instructions and Restrictions on Flying Issue 3, RA 5303 - Local Technical Committee Issue 3, RA 5308 – Service Modifications Issue 5, RA 5312 – In-Service Design Changes Issue 3, RA 5405 – Special Instructions (Technical) Issue 4, RA 5406 – Aircrew Publications – Contractor Responsibilities Issue 3, RA 5720 – Structural Integrity Management Issue 6, RA 5721 – System Integrity Management Issue 6, RA 5722 – Propulsion Integrity Management Issue 8, RA 5725 - Out of Service Date Extension Programme Issue 2, RA 5800 – General Requirements – Delivery Teams and Organizations (MRP 21) Issue 2, RA 5805 - Responsibilities of the Holders of a Military Type Certificate and MAA Design Organization Approvals (MRP 21 Subpart A) Issue 2, RA 5810 - Military Type Certificate (MRP 21 Subpart B) Issue 2, RA 5820 - Changes in Type Design (MRP 21 Subpart D) Issue 2, RA 5850 – Military Design Approved Organization (MRP 21 Subpart J) Issue 2, RA 5855 - Parts and Appliances (MRP 21 Subpart K) Issue 2, RA 5865 – Repairs (MRP 21 Subpart M) Issue 2 and RA 5880 – Military Permit to Fly (MRP 21 Subpart P) Issue 3 – See NAA 18/13.

  15. The combined 5000 series has been updated to reflect the changes to RA 5720 – Structural Integrity Management Issue 5; RA 5721 – System Integrity Management and RA 5722 – Propulsion Integrity Management – See NAA 17/21.

  16. The combined 5000 series has been updated to reflect the change to RA 5880 – Military Permit to Fly (MRP 21 Subpart P) Issue 2 – See NAA 17/17.

  17. The combined 5000 series has been updated to reflect the change to RA 5601 - Propulsion System Design and Certification issue 3, RA 5602 - Propulsion System Part Lifing and Critical Parts Issue 2, RA 5603 - Design Change Approval and Validation of Modifications Issue 2, RA 5604 - Flight Clearance of Non-Production Standard Propulsion Systems Issue 3, RA 5605 - Engine Specification Issue 2, RA 5607 - Mass and Centre of Gravity Data of Aircraft Engines and Jet Pipes Issue 2, RA 5608 - Engine and Jet Pipe Mock-Ups and Installation Jigs Issue 2, RA 5610 - Technical Documentation for Engines and Accessories Issue 2, RA 5612 - Allotment and Movement of Engines Issue 2, RA 5613 - Reporting Procedures for Movement and Serviceability of Engines and Modules Issue 2, RA 5614 - Repair/Salvage Schemes for Engines and Associated Equipment Issue 2, RA 5615 - Propulsion System Production Design Assurance Issue 2, RA 5616 - Drawing Procedure, Control of Designs and Design Records Issue 3 and RA 5617 - Post Delivery Fault Reporting and Investigation Issue 3 – See NAA 16/28.

  18. The combined 5000 series has been updated to reflect the change to the 5000 Series Foreword – See NAA 16/26.

  19. The combined 5000 series has been updated to reflect the major changes in the RA 5000 series – See NAA 16/20.

  20. The combined 5000 series has been updated to reflect the change to RA 5002 – remotely piloted air systems (RPAS) design and modification engineering (DME) regulations Issue 2 – See NAA 16/05.

  21. See NAA 15/25

  22. See NAA 15/13

  23. DME 5000 series combined document has been updated

  24. First published.

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