
Flying authorisers course (FLAC)

Updated 6 July 2022

Course overview

To prepare aircrew for duties as authorisers in addition to flying supervisory support duties. Please note this course contains discussion and images of recent aircraft accidents and incidents.

On successful completion of the course the following JPA competencies will be recorded for Service personnel:

  • Flight safety I Flying authorisers course joint
  • Flight safety I Human factors continuation training joint

Personnel attending courses delivered remotely will not be entitled to Human Factors competencies.

Contractors and overseas applicants are to apply through International Defence training, all enquiries to


3 days


Centre of Air Safety Training, Defence Academy, Shrivenham.

Course validity

This course is valid for 5 years from the date of completion and is recorded for military attendees as a JPA competency. Regulations on air safety training can be found in RA 1440: air safety training.

Application form

Course application form

Course dates



For more information email or call 01793 314183.