
Fuel poverty statistics

This series brings together all documents relating to fuel poverty statistics.

Fuel poverty in England is measured using the Low Income Low Energy Efficiency (LILEE) indicator. Under this indicator, a household is considered to be fuel poor if:

  • they are living in a property with a fuel poverty energy efficiency rating of band D or below


  • when they spend the required amount to heat their home, they are left with a residual income below the official poverty line

There are 3 important elements in determining whether a household is fuel poor:

  • household income
  • household energy requirements
  • fuel prices

The 2020 fuel poverty dataset and the associated English Housing Survey (EHS) data behind the statistics will be available on the UK data archive later in 2022. You need to register before you can access the data.

Contact us

If you have questions about these statistics, please email:

2023 statistics

2022 statistics

2021 statistics

2020 statistics

2019 statistics

2018 statistics

2017 statistics

2016 statistics

2015 statistics

2014 statistics

2013 statistics

2012 statistics

2011 statistics

2010 statistics


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Updates to this page

Published 19 September 2013
Last updated 13 September 2024 + show all updates
  1. Added 'Fuel poverty and Winter Fuel Payment in England ad hoc statistics, 2023 and 2024'.

  2. Added links to Sub-regional fuel poverty report and data for 2024 (2022 data).

  3. Added Annual fuel poverty statistics report: 2024 and related data.

  4. Sub-regional fuel poverty statistics 2023 (2021 data) added.

  5. Annual fuel poverty statistics report 2023 and related statistical documents published.

  6. Fuel poverty statistics 2022 added.

  7. Fuel poverty statistics projections, 2021 added.

  8. Fuel poverty statistics 2021 added.

  9. Energy Trends June 2020 special feature article added.

  10. 2020 fuel poverty statistics added.

  11. Fuel poverty statistics 2019 published (2017 data).

  12. 2018 fuel poverty statistics published (2016 data)

  13. Latest fuel poverty statistics published.

  14. Accessing the 2014 Fuel Poverty dataset on the UK Data Service - a note to users.

  15. latest annual reports and data

  16. Latest statistics published.

  17. First published.