Marriage, civil partnership and divorce
Includes getting married abroad, decree absolutes and looking after children
Getting married
- Marriages and civil partnerships in England and Wales
- Getting married or registering a civil partnership abroad
- Come to the UK to get married
- Order a commemorative marriage certificate
- Change your name by deed poll
- Convert a same-sex civil partnership into a marriage
- Forced marriage
- Order a birth, death, marriage or civil partnership certificate
Getting separated or divorced
- Separating or divorcing: what you need to do
- Get a legal separation
- Annul a marriage
- Divorce or end a civil partnership if your partner is missing
- Get a copy of a decree absolute or final order
- Money and property when you divorce or separate
- Get a divorce
- End a civil partnership
- Visas when you separate or divorce
- Contact with your grandchild if their parents divorce or separate
- Making child arrangements if you divorce or separate
- Child Maintenance Service
- Staying in your partner's property during a divorce or separation