
Cysylltu â Swyddfa’r Dyfarnwr

Cael gwybod sut i gysylltu â Swyddfa’r Dyfarnwr.

Cysylltu â Swyddfa’r Dyfarnwr

Mae Swyddfa’r Dyfarnwr yn ymchwilio i gŵynion am Gyllid a Thollau EM (CThEM) ac am Asiantaeth y Swyddfa Brisio.

Mae’n rhaid i chi gwyno wrth Gyllid a Thollau EM (CThEM) neu Asiantaeth y Swyddfa Brisio (VOA) yn y lle cyntaf, cyn i Swyddfa’r Dyfarnwr allu ymchwilio i’ch cwyn.

Gallwch ofyn i CThEM neu Asiantaeth y Swyddfa Brisio am gael:

  • adolygiad cyntaf i ystyried eich cwyn
  • ail adolygiad os nad ydych yn cytuno â’r canlyniad

Rydym yn adolygu penderfyniadau’r Swyddfa Gartref ynghylch hawl i iawndal a wnaed o dan y Cynllun Iawndal Windrush. Yn ychwanegol, rydym yn ymchwilio i gŵynion ynghylch sut y gwnaeth y Swyddfa Gartref ddelio â hawliad am iawndal a wnaed o dan y Cynllun Iawndal Windrush.

Pan fyddwch yn cysylltu â ni, rhowch unrhyw gyfeirnod a roddwyd i chi gan y sefydliad perthnasol.

I gwyno neu i ofyn am adolygiad, gallwch:

Swyddfa’r Dyfarnwr / The Adjudicator’s Office
PO Box 11222

Os oes angen unrhyw help neu addasiad rhesymol arnoch wrth ddelio â ni, rhowch wybod i ni.


Ffôn: 0300 057 1111
Dydd Llun i ddydd Gwener, rhwng 9am a 5pm
Ar gau ar benwythnosau a gwyliau banc.

Gwybodaeth am gost galwadau.

Updates to this page

Cyhoeddwyd ar 26 July 2019
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 12 September 2024 + show all updates
  1. Updated to confirm our telephone lines will be closed on Friday 13 September 2024.

  2. Christmas and New Year phone lines message removed

  3. Christmas and New Year telephone opening hours

  4. Updated staff training telephony message removed.

  5. Updated to confirm our telephone lines will be closed on 21 November 2023.

  6. Added translation

  7. Our old postal address has now been removed. We are now operating from our new postal address.

  8. Updated to remove closed telephone line message. Updated to add notification that our PO Box address is changing.

  9. Updated to confirm our telephone lines will be closed on 27 April 2023.

  10. Removed holiday closing times

  11. Added translation

  12. Added telephone opening hours for December and January.

  13. Removed online complaints form issue

  14. Notifying the public of a temporary issue with our online complaints form.

  15. Removed phone line issue

  16. Notifying the public of a temporary issue with our phone line.

  17. Updated information to explain that a complaint should go to HMRC/VOA before the Adjudicator's Office

  18. Removed holiday closing times

  19. Added Telephone opening hours for December and January. (will remove this section after 3 January)

  20. Added translation

  21. Removed Christmas & New Year helpline opening hours

  22. Added Christmas telephone helpline opening times.

  23. Removed notification that our online form is unavailable.

  24. Included a notice that our online contact form is temporarily unavailable.

  25. Change in helpline opening times.

  26. Updated Coronavirus info.

  27. Removed fax number from contact details

  28. Change to telephone availability.

  29. Update to reflect impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) and changes to process within the Adjudicator's Office.

  30. We have included the link to the online application form

  31. We updated the page to include our Windrush Compensation Scheme independent review role.

  32. First published.

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