How to become a regulated immigration adviser
Updated 18 October 2024
If you’re already an immigration adviser, read about regulations that immigration advisers must follow.
1. Immigration advisers
Immigration advisers provide advice and services mainly on:
- claims for asylum
- applications for entry clearance or leave to enter or remain in the UK
- immigration employment documents
- nationality
- citizenship
- residence
- deportation or removal
- bail applications and appeals against deportation
It is a criminal offence for a person to provide immigration advice or services in the UK unless their organisation is regulated by the Immigration Advice Authority (IAA) or is otherwise covered by the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999. Members of certain professional bodies may give immigration advice without registering with IAA.
These include:
- General Council of the Bar
- Law Society of England and Wales
- Chartered Institute of Legal Executives
- Faculty of Advocates
- Law Society of Scotland
- General Council of the Bar of Northern Ireland
- Law Society of Northern Ireland
1.1 Fitness and competence
An individual or organisation will be considered ‘fit’ to provide immigration advice and/or services if they can sufficiently demonstrate to the Immigration Services Commissioner that there is:
- the likelihood of compliance with IAA’s regulatory scheme
- a history of honesty and legal compliance
- a history of financial probity
The commissioner’s guidance on fitness for advisers and guidance on fitness for owners explains how a person can demonstrate that they meet the requirement of fitness and how he will assess this.
The commissioner provides guidance on the approach taken to advisers and applicant advisers that have a criminal conviction(s).
An individual or organisation will be considered competent to provide immigration advice or services if they can sufficiently demonstrate to the commissioner the necessary knowledge and skills required to meet the needs of clients seeking immigration advice or services at a specified advice level and category. This includes an organisation’s capability to act competently in the manner in which it operates its business.
The commissioner recognises 3 distinct advice levels of competence. Details of these levels, the work permitted at each level and the relevant knowledge and skills required are set out in the commissioner’s guidance on competence.
2. Immigration advice
The Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, as amended, defines ‘immigration advice’ (section 82) as advice relating to a particular individual given in connection with one or more ‘relevant matters’ by a person who knows that he is giving such advice.
This does not include advice given in connection with representing an individual before a court in criminal proceedings or matters ancillary to criminal proceedings.
‘Relevant matters’ are defined in the act as including:
- a. a claim for asylum
- b. an application for:
- i. or for the variation of, entry clearance or leave to enter or remain in the United Kingdom
- ii. an immigration employment document
- c. unlawful entry into the United Kingdom
- d. nationality and citizenship under the law of the United Kingdom
- e.
- f.
- g.
- h. removal or deportation from the United Kingdom
- i. an application for bail under the Immigration Act or under the Special Immigration Appeals Commission Act 1997
- j. an appeal against, or an application for judicial review in relation to any decision taken in connection with a matter referred to in paragraphs (a) to (i)
The 1999 act defines ‘immigration services’ as the making of representations, in connection with one or more relevant matters, on behalf of a particular individual either in:
- a. civil proceedings before a court, tribunal or adjudicator in the United Kingdom
- b. in correspondence with a Minister of the Crown or government department
Such services are regulated when provided in the course of business, whether or not done for profit. This includes occasional help offered to members of a community. Organisations that undertake these activities as an ancillary service to their main business (for example, colleges assisting students to apply for visas) still need to be regulated by the IAA.
Second tier advice is advice given by one advice service to another. If you only provide second-tier advice or signpost clients to other advisers, you do not need to apply for regulation by the IAA.
The commissioner’s clarification on the IAA’s jurisdiction provides further guidance on ‘relevant matters’.
3. Check if you need to apply for registration
If you wish to provide immigration advice or services, you must apply for registration with the IAA.
Section 84 (1) of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 (‘the act’) prohibits the provision of immigration advice or services other than by a ‘qualified person’.
The act states that a person is a qualified person if he or she is:
- a. a registered person with the IAA within the UK
- b. authorised by a designated professional body to practise as a member of the profession whose members that body regulates
- i. a person authorised to provide immigration advice or immigration services by a designated qualifying regulator.
- c.
- d.
- e. acting on behalf of, and under the supervision of, a person within any of paragraphs a to d (whether or not under a contract of employment)
Most voluntary and community organisations and most businesses that offer immigration advice or services in the UK need to apply to the IAA for registration.
Operating an immigration advice service where work is checked by a solicitor or barrister is not sufficient to satisfy paragraph e. If you are working with a solicitor or barrister the relevant professional body itself must regulate the work. Further, solicitors or barristers assisting unregulated advisers to practise in this way may be acting in breach of Solicitors Regulation Authority or Bar Standards Board Rules.
The IAA provides further information on the IAA’s regulatory jurisdiction and solicitors.
If you need any further help or clarification, please contact the IAA on 0345 000 0046 or email:
3.1 Ministerial exemptions
The Secretary of State currently provides three exemptions (through Statutory Instruments) from the requirement to be regulated by the IAA. This means that organisations operating in line with the exemptions can provide immigration advice and services without needing to be regulated by the Commissioner.
Statutory Instrument No. 235 Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 (Part 5 Exemption: Licensed Sponsors) Order 2022. (This Order replaces the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 (Part V Exemption: Licensed Sponsors Tiers 2 and 4) Order 2009 (as amended), which it revokes.)
The Order exempts employers and educational establishments who hold sponsor licences, issued by the Home Office, from the general prohibition, contained in Part V of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, on providing immigration advice and services, unless registered, authorised or otherwise exempt under section 84 of that Act.
You are exempt from registering with the IAA if you are a licensed sponsor. The exemption is restricted to immigration advice and services provided free of charge by sponsors to people they are directly sponsoring (and, if applicable, their immediate family members) in connection with their application for entry clearance or leave to enter or remain in the UK on a sponsored work or study route.
Article 2 of the Order specifies “licensed sponsors” for this purpose, when providing immigration advice or immigration services in specific situations described in article 2(2) and (3). Licensed sponsors are persons licensed by the Secretary of State who, in accordance with the United Kingdom immigration rules, sponsor individuals from abroad to do particular work or attend particular courses of study in the United Kingdom. Two registers of licensed sponsors are maintained by the Home Office, and article 2(5) of this Order defines “licensed sponsor” as a person listed in either of those registers.
Statutory Instrument 2003 No 3214 – The Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 (Part V Exemption: Relevant Employers Order 2003 (Amended by The Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Act 2020 (Consequential, Saving, Transitional and Transitory Provisions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 (SI No. 1309).
This is also known as the ‘Exemption of relevant employers’. You are exempt from registering with the the IAA if you:
• Provide immigration advice and/or services free of charge (and) • The immigration advice and/or services is provided to an employee or prospective employee
The employee or prospective employee must: • Be subject to an application for a work permit submitted by the prospective employer, or • Has been granted a work permit entitling them to work with the employer
Statutory Instrument 2001 No. 1403 (Educational Institutions and Health Sector Bodies) (As Amended)
This is also known as the ‘exemption of educational institutions’ and the ‘exemption of health sector bodies’.
You are exempt from registering with the IAA if you are: • A specific educational institution, or a person employed by or acting on behalf of such a body together with their respective student unions described in Schedule 2 of the Statutory Instrument. • A specific health sector body, or a person employed by or acting on behalf of such a body as described in Schedule 3 of the Statutory Instrument The exempted persons or entities listed above are however still required to comply with the Commissioner’s Code of Standards.
The exempted persons or entities listed above are however still required to comply with the Commissioner’s Code of Standards.
4. Applying for the correct level
When completing the application form you should consider both the levels (complexity of work to be undertaken) and categories of advice (areas of knowledge) that you wish to work at.
Details of the work covered at each level and category can be found in the guidance on competence issued by the commissioner.
The levels include:
level 1: basic immigration advice within the Immigration Rules
level 2: more complex casework, including applications outside the Immigration Rules
level 3: appeals
You should apply for regulation at the level that reflects your competence and service. If you are uncertain as to what is appropriate for you, please read the guidance on competence.
4.1 Providing immigration advice at more than one level
If you wish to operate at different levels for categories of advice, you should apply at the highest level for any specific category.
You can apply to move up levels in the future but will have to make an application to raise your level in order to do so.
4.2 Transferring regulation to another organisation
Your regulation with the Commissioner is not transferable to another organisation. You can apply for regulation with another organisation, but the organisation you are joining must make an application to add you as a new adviser and wait for the Commissioner to approve the application.
However, should you be transferring from one IAA organisation to another within six months at the same levels and categories, then the organisation can request you to be added to their registration without the need to make an application through the online form. To do this the primary contact should make the request through the ‘enquiries’ tab within the IAA portal.
The Commissioner must provide you with the authorisation to work at the new organisation, before you begin to do so.
5. Application process
5.1 Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check
As part of your application for regulation you may need to undergo a DBS service check.
Please note that:
- the IAA will only accept a copy of an original DBS certificate if it’s dated within 6 months of the application for regulation being received by the IAA (please only provide a copy of the DBS certificate, not the original)
- existing advisers who are moving to a new organisation (with less than a 6 month break), and those increasing their level or categories, are not required to provide a DBS certificate
- the IAA reserves the right to request a new DBS check any at time
Obtaining your DBS disclosure application form
You can read how to apply for a DBS disclosure certificate.
Enhanced DBS disclosures
The IAA processes DBS checks at Standard Level. Should you wish to obtain an Enhanced Disclosure, as this is not a requirement for IAA advisers, you are required to obtain your disclosure certificate at this level from an umbrella body that can process this for you. A list of umbrella bodies is found on the GOV.UK website
5.2 Application form
Applications for registration by the IAA are completed through an online application form available on the IAA portal.
To access the online forms, applicants will need to have a GOV.UK One Login account which verifies their identity.
It is advised that applicant organisations select an individual to act as the primary contact person for the organisation while it undertakes the application process.
The online form for registration has the following six sections:
- Organisation’s details
- Location Details
- Individual Details
- Additional Information
- Codes & declarations
- Submit your application
The primary contact will be asked to complete the sections of the online form relating to the organisation and indicate the level and categories at which the organisation is seeking registration. It is important that you read the Commissioner’s guidance on competence to understand the work permitted within the various levels and categories.
The primary contact will also be asked to provide an email addresses for the applicant advisers to be included in the application, along with details of the business owners and those involved in the running of the organisation, each of whom will have sections within the application to complete.
Those who need to contribute to the application will be sent a link to the sections that they need to complete. Once all individuals relevant to the application have completed their sections, the application will be submitted to the IAA.
Full guidance on applying for registration can be found within the ‘Guidance’ tab of the portal.
Please note that the IAA is unlikely to approve an application from a person who has an unspent conviction under sections 91 or 92(b) of the 1999 Immigration and Asylum Act (as amended), or if a fine relating to the conviction is not yet cleared.
An application from a person who has been convicted under sections 25 or 26 of the 1971 Immigration Act cannot be approved.
5.3 Application fee
All organisations must pay a fee for an application for registration unless the applicant is a person who is:
- a. Providing immigration advice or immigration services in the course of a business that is not for profit; and
- b. Does not charge a fee, directly or indirectly, for the provision of that advice or those services
The commissioner considers membership fees and obligatory donations to be fees.
IAA application fees are paid via GOV.UK Pay following submission of your fully completed online application for registration.
There will be subsequent yearly fees for continued registration applications, and the fee is dependent on the level of advice intended to be given and, for a Level 2 or 3 application, the number of prospective advisers.
The scale of fees is set by The Immigration and Nationality and Immigration Services Commissioner (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 No. 296 and determined by the Home Office.
Details of fees applicable for registration and continued registration can be found in the guidance for registration and continued registration fees.
The IAA has no power to refund application fees in respect of withdrawn or unsuccessful applications, and refunds will only be made under the following exceptional circumstances;
- Where the application has been made in error,
- The IAA has in some material aspect mishandled the application; or
- A refund is justified on medical or compassionate grounds
Please note that this also applies if you submit an application at Level 2 or 3, but you fail the Level 1 assessment. Your application will be refused and you will not receive any refund (including partial) of your application fee.
6. After applying
It is not possible to submit the online application form for registration without uploading all of the required supporting documents, but we may require additional detail regarding the documents or require that amendments are made to them where we believe they do not currently meet the requirements of our code of standards.
Each new adviser will be invited to sit a level 1 competence assessment as part of an overall assessment of his or her competence. You may also be asked to sit an assessment at levels 2 and 3 (please note this only applies to applicants wishing to work at level 2 or 3). Further information regarding the assessment process can be found at section 6.1 below.
A failure to comply with the requests for further information/documents within the prescribed timescale may result in the refusal of your organisation’s application for registration. The fee will not be refunded in these circumstances.
When an application is approved, an organisation will normally be granted a registration period of 12 months. Each organisation intending to remain in the regulatory scheme will be required to apply to the IAA on an annual basis.
6.1 Competence assessment
Applicant advisers will be invited to sit an IAA competence assessment when it is confirmed they have completed a Disclosure and Barring Service application and submitted a new adviser competence statement that meets the necessary experience and training requirements.
The IAA must consider your competence to provide immigration advice and services.
If you are applying to become regulated or increase your current level of authorisation you will be tested according to the level and category that you are applying for. You will be expected to demonstrate a sound knowledge of the area that you have applied to be regulated in by passing a formal test of your knowledge, ability to analyse an immigration situation and effectively communicate your understanding in written English.
The assessment provides the IAA with one indication of your competence and it will be reviewed by the assessing officer, along with other information submitted, before a final decision is made.
The syllabuses
Each level and category has a specific syllabus that provides information on the areas and standard that you will be expected to know.
You will need to ensure that you have the knowledge and skills to meet the standards that you are applying for.
To view the syllabuses for the different levels and categories choose:
The process
Assessment centre dates and locations
Sample questions
The level 1 assessment is a two-part assessment. The first part is a multiple choice answer test and the second part is an immigration scenario followed by a number of questions about the scenario. Both parts of the assessment must be passed at the same assessment session.
An example of the type of questions you can expect can be found in the level 1 sample question
The level 2 and 3 assessments are both scenario based questions. They include:
Exam resource books
The following exam resource books have been developed for candidates taking the assessments. The level 1 exam resource book contains all the relevant statutory material, rules and regulations you may need to refer to during the assessment for candidates taking the level 1 assessment only. Candidates taking a level 1 assessment as a prelude to taking a higher level exam, should only print the level 2 and 3 exam resource book as this contains all the statutory material, rules and regulations you may need for both the level 1 and level 2 or 3 assessments.
6.2 Qualifications and Law Society accreditation
You do not need any specific qualifications to apply for regulation. However, your competence and fitness will be thoroughly assessed before you will be approved.
You will need to satisfy the IAA that you have the knowledge and skills to practice competently at the level at which you have applied.
Your organisation will need to satisfy the IAA that you have the resources, management structures and procedures needed in accordance with the commissioner’s code of standards.
Law Society Immigration and Asylum accreditation
Prospective advisers who are seeking authorisation only in the category of Asylum and Protection and have successfully completed the Law Society Immigration and Asylum Accreditation Scheme (IAAS) examinations and gained IAAS accreditation, are not required to sit the corresponding level IAA competence assessment.
These include:
- IAAS level 1 accredited caseworker > IAA level 2 assessment (Asylum and Protection)
- IAAS level 2 senior caseworker > IAA level 3 assessment (Asylum and Protection)
- IAAS level 2 supervisor > IAA level 3 assessment (Asylum and Protection)
For IAA exemption at level 2, the minimum requirement is IAAS accredited caseworker. For level 3, it is IAAS senior caseworker or supervisor.
The relevant certificate must be enclosed with your application for regulation. Please ensure that one certificate for each accredited adviser is submitted. For example, if only one applicant has IAAS accreditation, the others need to sit IAA assessment.
Further exemptions from assessments may be given to organisations who have IAAS accreditation at accredited or senior caseworkers level, or supervisor level, who provide immigration advice and services which are entirely limited to work that falls within scope for Legal Aid (for example Domestic Violence and Immigration Bail applications). Such exemptions will be decided on a case by case basis.
6.3 Experience and training
Previous immigration work experience
It may be difficult for you to demonstrate that you have the required knowledge and skills if you have no previous training or experience in immigration law and practice, especially at levels 2 and 3.
Even if you demonstrate high levels of knowledge in the competence assessment, we may undertake oral competence assessments during pre-regulation visits and, ask that you attend additional training to improve your skills and abilities before authorisation is granted.
Continuing professional development (CPD)
All authorised immigration advisers are expected to demonstrate that they comply with the commissioner’s CPD requirements and will be asked each year, when applying for continued registration, to provide details of professional development undertaken. This includes advisers registered at all levels and categories. CPD is an ongoing process undertaken to ensure an adviser’s skills and knowledge are up to date and is essential in maintaining fitness and competence and improving the service provided to clients. Find out more about the CPD scheme here.
Providing immigration advice and services while an application is being assessed
You cannot provide immigration advice and services until the commissioner has approved your application.
While your application is being considered, you are not regulated and are not permitted to provide immigration advice or services.
If we become aware that you are practising illegally, for example without authorisation, this could affect our decision on whether or not we approve your application.
It is a criminal offence, punishable by fine and/or imprisonment, for anyone to provide, or offer to provide, immigration advice and services without being approved to do so by the commissioner (or other body, as defined in Section 82 (2) of the act).
To offer to provide immigration advice and services, such as advertising, before the commissioner has approved your application, is also a criminal offence.
Becoming competent if you cannot practise until you are regulated
The act allows people to gain experience of immigration advice without being regulated if they are employed by, or supervised by, another adviser who is authorised by the IAA to provide immigration advice and services. The organisation must inform the IAA of their intention to supervise. Further details related to supervision are available in the guidance note on supervision of trainee immigration advisers.
A person can also give immigration advice while employed (and supervised) by a member of a chosen professional body such as a practising solicitor.
7. Data protection
Our personal information charter contains the standards you can expect when we ask for, or hold, your personal information. It also covers what we ask of you, to help us keep information up to date.