Corporate report

[Withdrawn] Cabinet Office single departmental plan - December 2017

Updated 27 June 2019

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

This corporate report was withdrawn on

It has been replaced by our outcome delivery plan.

This publication was withdrawn on 23 May 2018

It has been replaced by a new version

Our single departmental plan sets out our objectives and how we will achieve them.

Cabinet Office single departmental plan

Minister for the Cabinet Office and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster

The Rt Hon David Lidington MP

Chief Executive of the Civil Service and Permanent Secretary for the Cabinet Office

John Manzoni

We support the Prime Minister and ensure the effective running of government. We are also the corporate headquarters for Government in partnership with HM Treasury, and we take the lead in certain critical policy areas.

Our objectives

We will:

  1. Maintain the integrity of the union, co-ordinate security of the realm and sustain a flourishing democracy
  2. Support the design and implementation of the HM Government’s policies and the Prime Minister’s priorities
  3. Ensure the delivery of the finest public services by attracting and developing the best public servants and improving the efficiency of Government

1. Maintain the integrity of the union, co-ordinate security of the realm and sustain a flourishing democracy

Lead ministers

The Rt Hon David Lidington MP, Minister for the Cabinet Office and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster

Chloe Smith MP, Minister for the Constitution

Lead officials

Lucy Smith, Director General of UK Governance

Mark Sedwill, National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister

Charles Farr, Chairman of the joint Intelligence Committee and Professional Head of Intelligence Analysis

1.1 Deliver a stable constitutional settlement that represents a fair deal for every part of our United Kingdom

How we will achieve this
Manage inter-governmental relations with the Scottish Government, Welsh Government and Northern Ireland Executive
Support implementation of the Scotland Act and Wales Act
Improve the capability of the Civil Service to understand devolution and sustain and strengthen the Union

1.2 Coordinate, deliver and implement the National Security Strategy and respond to national security threats at home and abroad

How we will achieve this
Implement the National Security Strategy and Strategic Defence and Security Review
Implement the National Cyber Security Programme
Provide all source assessments in support of the National Security Strategy, including for the National Security Council

1.3 Coordinate and develop international policy across Government

How we will achieve this
Successfully deliver the Commonwealth Summit in 2018
Deliver the UK’s commitments from the London Anti-Corruption summit
To support the development and execution of the Government’s strategy for an orderly withdrawal from, and establishment of a new partnership with, the European Union

1.4 Help make Parliament more effective and reform the electoral process

How we will achieve this
Continue to tackle electoral fraud
Ensure British citizens who have lived abroad for more than 15 years are able to vote in the next scheduled parliamentary general election

Our performance

UK’s soft power rating

Year UK soft power rating
2017 75.72
2016 75.97
2015 75.61

Source : Portland’s Global ranking of Soft Power 2016

Release schedule: annual

2. Support the design and implementation of HM Government’s policies and the Prime Minister’s priorities

Lead ministers

The Rt Hon David Lidington MP, Minister for the Cabinet Office and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster

Oliver Dowden CBE MP, Minister for Implementation

Lead officials

Shona Dunn, Director General of the Economic and Domestic Affairs Secretariat

James Quinault, Director, Implementation Unit

2.1 Drive policy innovation across Government

How we will achieve this
Deliver a range of innovative projects that have a demonstrable impact both on policy outcomes and the capability of civil servants in new policy-making methods
Support departments to ensure their own policy development reflects the latest policy making techniques and incorporate evidence from horizon scanning

2.2 Deliver the Government’s legislative agenda

How we will achieve this
Plan and draft the Government’s legislative programme
Facilitate the passage of Bills and secondary legislation through both Houses of Parliament

2.3 Support the effective operation of Cabinet and Cabinet Committees

How we will achieve this
Support the smooth operation of Cabinet, Cabinet Committees and Implementation Task Forces
Support departments to secure collective agreement to policies

2.4 Support the implementation of the Government’s priorities

How we will achieve this
Track the delivery of the Prime Minister’s priority policies and the Government’s wider programme, intervening where delivery or operational performance is at risk
Strengthen implementation capability across the Civil Service

2.5 Drive reform through reviews commissioned by the Prime Minister

How we will achieve this
Through the Race Disparity Audit, launch and keep updated a website featuring Government data about ethnic disparities - differences in treatment and outcome affecting people of different ethnicities - and co-ordinate the Government’s response to the key disparities identified
Prepare for publication of a Green Paper outlining proposals to improve care and support for older people and tackle the challenge of an ageing population

3. Ensure the delivery of the finest public services by attracting and developing the best public servants and improving the efficiency of Government

Lead ministers

The Rt Hon David Lidington MP, Minister for the Cabinet Office and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster

Chloe Smith MP, Minister for the Constitution

Oliver Dowden CBE MP, Minister for Implementation

Lead officials

John Manzoni, Chief Executive of the Civil Service and Permanent Secretary for the Cabinet Office

Kevin Cunnington, Director General of the Government Digital Service

Alex Aiken, Executive Director for Government Communications

Lesley-Ann Nash, Director for Public Bodies

Rupert McNeil, Chief People Officer

Tracey Waltho, Director General of the Civil Service

Mike Parsons, Director General of Government Property

Tony Meggs, Chief Executive, Infrastructure and Projects Authority

Gareth Rhys Williams, Government Chief Commercial Officer

Lesley Hume, Executive Director, Fraud Error & Debt

3.1 Digital service provision and Government technology

How we will achieve this
Government services are expected to be “digital by default”, being accessible online with assisted digital support available
Government having a better understanding of its users’ needs from “Government as a Platform” tools and guidance, enabling it to design and deliver great service and savings
Build a pipeline of talent and capability, and identify the top Digital, Data and Technology job roles across Government and secure high quality hires into them
Establish a GovTech Catalyst team at the heart of Government to oversee a new £20 million fund to help tech firms deliver innovative fixes to public sector challenges

3.2 Ensure Government continues to work in an open and transparent way

How we will achieve this
Support the publication of transparency data across Government
Maintain our position as a world leader on open data
Consult on and publish a revised code of practice for Freedom of Information requests
Establish a new Geospatial Commission to maximise the value of all UK Government data linked to location, and to create jobs and growth in a modern economy

3.3 Oversee communications for the Government

How we will achieve this
Deliver the 2017/18 Government Communication Plan
Implement the new model for procuring public sector communications across the Government Communications Service and UK creative industries
Deliver the Prime Minister’s communication priorities

3.4 Create an attractive, diverse and Brilliant Civil Service

How we will achieve this
Attract a more diverse pool of talent and implement a more streamlined and transparent recruitment process that improves the candidate experience. This includes overhauling the competency based approach in recruitment and promotion, and launching a new Civil Service career website
Increase applications from high-quality, board-ready diverse candidates to support the Government’s aim that, over the course of the Parliament, more new public appointments are filled by women, black and minority ethnic and disabled staff. This will make the Civil Service more representative of modern society
Build momentum across government to realise the vision for a Brilliant Civil Service
Develop a process for departments to collect a key dataset on socioeconomic backgrounds on their whole workforce

3.5 Create an efficient and effective Government estate

How we will achieve this
Revise the Government Estates Strategy for publication in Spring 2018 to set out an ambitious plan for further improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the Government’s estate, including hubs and a redistribution of public servants
Identify surplus and underutilised land and property to deliver capital receipts and free up land for at least 160,000 homes
Prepare for the launch of the Government Property Agency in April 2018 and secure agreement to the progressive transfer of non-specialist assets from Government departments
Strengthen the capacity and capability of the property profession across Government

3.6 Improve the way Government delivers infrastructure and Major Projects

How we will achieve this
Lead a programme of work to transform infrastructure performance, working with industry and Government departments to improve the productivity of infrastructure
Launch the Project Delivery Capability Framework to support the capability development of project delivery professionals in government
Develop and implement Project Delivery Standards across government
Publish 2017 National Infrastructure and Construction Pipeline

3.7 Increase Civil Service commercial capability

How we will achieve this
Set out a future shared services strategy and roadmap for Government that takes into account existing contractual arrangements, future needs, potential savings to be achieved and suitable technical solutions for shared services
Build the capability of the Government Commercial Function; centrally recruiting, training and integrating accredited departmental specialists in a CO sponsored central employer (GCO), and working with Arms Length Bodies to develop and accredit their commercial teams
Build our strategic relationship with Government’s biggest suppliers; managing the largest and most pervasive relationships centrally and rolling out a consistent methodology for departments to use with locally important vendors
Build our ability to derive value from our contracts; identify, train and accredit the departmental managers responsible for Government contracts

3.8 Reform, improve and ensure accountability of public bodies

How we will achieve this
Strengthen intervention to deliver a smaller, simplified and coherent public body landscape by March 2020
Progress plans to move significant numbers of public servants out of London and the south-east to cities around the UK
Embed grant standards across Government to ensure effective management of grant funding, and launch a central Government counter-fraud profession
Publish a refreshed code of practice on corporate governance

Our performance

UK ranking on Open Data Barometer

Year Global world ranking Overall score (out of 100)
2016 1 100
2015 1 100

Source: Open Data Barometer

Civil Service People Survey

Year Employee engagement index (%)
2017 61
2016 59
2015 58

Source: Civil Service People Survey: 2017 results

Release schedule: annual

Our finances

Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) - £457.9 million

Resource DEL (including depreciation) - £353.5 million

Capital DEL - £97 million

Annually Managed Expenditure - £5 million

Control totals included in this document are in line with the latest voted by Parliament in the Main Supply Estimates 2017-18

Source: Main Supply Estimates 2017-18