Publication scheme

Each government department and agency has a publication scheme, making information available to the public about how it operates and how it spends its budget.

This publication scheme specifies the categories of information that GIAA proactively and regularly publishes and explains how to get that information.

You can find specific documents for GIAA using the publication search

If the information you want is not routinely published, you can make a request under the Freedom of Information Act.

Who we are and what we do

This information covers our organisational details, structures, locations and contacts.

About us

Our Services

Framework Agreement (2023)

GIAA Customer List

GIAA Values

GIAA Vision 2026

Our contact details

What we spend and how we spend it

This is where we publish financial information, expenditure, procurement and contracts.

Our annual report and accounts

Spending for transactions over £25,000*

Contracts and tenders over £12,000

Government procurement card spend over £500*

*This information is published by HM Treasury on behalf of the Government Internal Audit Agency.

What are our priorities and how we are doing

Our annual report and accounts

Our 2023-2026 Strategy and 2023-24 Plan

GIAA Vision 2026

GIAA Tailored Review

GIAA People Survey Reports

How we make decisions

This is where we published details of our decision-making processes.

These include:

Other protocols, responsibilities and internal procedures are available on request.

Our policies and procedures

This includes;

Lists and Registers

GIAA Customer List

Board Members Register of Declared Interests

Requesting information

If you cannot find what you want through this scheme, or otherwise on GOV.UK, please make a request or contact us at

Be specific about the information you want, as this will help us to find it for you.

Before contacting us please consider the following:

  • Our role is to provide services to the Accounting Officers of Central Government Departments and their ALBs, rather than dealing directly with issues raised by individual members of the public. Please raise any concerns about Department’s processes or people directly to them using the appropriate contact details on their website.
  • We do not provide any services to the devolved bodies in Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland.
  • We do not provide services to local authorities or councils.
  • On leaving office, Ministers must seek advice from the independent Advisory Committee on Business Appointments (ACoBA) about any appointments or employment they wish to take up within two years of leaving office.

Any ACOBA advice letters relevant to GIAA will be published on ACOBA’s website

Please note that we are unable to respond as quickly to letters sent in the post due to our remote working patterns.