The Defence Ordnance, Munitions and Explosives (OME) Safety Regulator (DOSR)

DOSR regulates Ordnance, Munitions and Explosives (OME) safety across Defence activities, in accordance with the Secretary of State’s policy statement and to maintain a regulatory regime.

Who we are

Part of the Defence Safety Authority (DSA), DOSR is an independent regulator within Defence that holds a personal letter of delegation from the 3* Director General of the DSA which defines his authority and responsibilities. The letter of delegation directs the DOSR to regulate Ordnance, Munitions and Explosives (OME) safety across Defence activities, in accordance with the Secretary of State’s Policy Statement and to maintain a regulatory regime.

What we do

The DOSR supports the generation of operational capability through the provision of advice, regulation and assurance across Defence in the areas of laser safety, range safety, explosives safety, control of major accident hazards and OME acquisition.

The DOSR is made up of 3 sections; one responsible for maintenance of DOSR Policy, Regulations and Guidance, one responsible for assurance inspections, enforcement and reporting, and the third for analysing and exploiting information to support DOSR’s risk based assurance capability: additionally, providing Environmental subject matter expert support to DSA.


To be proactive and customer focussed in providing independent, effective, proportional and appropriate advice, regulation and assurance across Defence in the areas of laser safety, range safety, explosives safety, control of major accident hazards and OME acquisition.

Contact us

MOD Abbey Wood North
BS34 8QW


Defence Safety Authority

Military laser safety (JSP 390)

Handbook of Defence ranges safety (JSP403)

MOD explosives regulations (JSP 482)

Major Accident Control Regulations (JSP498)

Defence ordnance, munitions and explosives safety and environmental management policy (JSP 520)