Foreign travel advice


Safety and security


There is a high threat of terrorist attack globally affecting UK interests and British nationals, including from groups and individuals who view the UK and British nationals as targets. Stay aware of your surroundings at all times.

UK Counter Terrorism Policing has information and advice on staying safe abroad and what to do in the event of a terrorist attack. Find out how to reduce your risk from terrorism while abroad.

Terrorism in Cambodia

Although there’s no recent history of terrorism in Cambodia, attacks cannot be ruled out.

Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places visited by expatriates and foreign travellers. There have been a small number of grenade or bomb attacks and shootings. Most have been linked to business, personal and traffic disputes.

Political situation

Border with Thailand

The line of the international border near the Preah Vihear temple (Khaoi Pra Viharn in Thai) has been in dispute between Cambodia and Thailand, with occasional clashes between Thai and Cambodian troops. There have also been disputes over control of the Ta Moan and Ta Krabey temples, which are close to the Thailand-Cambodia border.

Take extra care when travelling in this area, and follow the instructions of the local authorities.

Other national borders

Be alert to the local security situation in border regions and at land crossings between countries. Get local advice before you set off. At the more remote crossing points, conditions can be basic. Local officials and tour operators can ask for unofficial fees or inflate visa prices at land borders. Make sure you know the correct visa requirements and fees before you travel.


Cambodia remains heavily affected by landmines and unexploded weapons. Mined areas are often unmarked. Do not:

  • stray off main routes in rural areas, including around temple complexes
  • pick up metal objects


Organised crime

A bomb was left near a casino in Phnom Penh in December 2022 and there was a shooting in the same month. Both were likely linked to organised crime, and tourists were not targeted.

Khmer New Year

Cambodia will celebrate Khmer New Year from Saturday 13 to Tuesday 16 April and large numbers of people are expected to travel during the holiday. Visitors should remain vigilant and be aware of their personal safety and belongings. If you see unattended baggage or suspicious activity, report it to local authorities. Travel around Cambodia will busier than usual with poor road conditions and driving standards.

Protecting your belongings

Most incidents of theft are bag snatchings, often by thieves riding past on motorbikes. Thieves will cut bag straps and snatch bags or phones from tourists on foot or in tuk-tuks and motorbikes, often causing injury. There have been incidents on bus journeys where passengers have had items taken from bags while asleep.

Hotspots for petty crime include:

  • the riverfront and BKK areas of Phnom Penh
  • the beaches and tourist areas of Sihanoukville and nearby islands

To protect yourself and your belongings:

  • use a hotel safe for your valuables
  • take extra care at night and in isolated areas and stick to well-used, well-lit roads
  • carry a personal alarm if possible
  • minimise the items you carry with you
  • carry bags on the side of you that is furthest from the road
  • do not place bags in the front basket of bicycles
  • try to travel in tuk-tuks with metal grills on the back and side that offer some protection against bag snatching

Personal safety and sexual assault

Female travellers, including British nationals have been sexually assaulted in Siem Reap and Sihanoukville. This includes incidents of lone women being sexually assaulted by men claiming to be motorbike taxi drivers in the Pub Street area of Siem Reap. Be wary of approaches from strangers and offers of transport.

Parties, including organised dance parties on Cambodia’s islands, may place you at risk of:

  • sexual assault
  • robbery
  • injury
  • arrest
  • losing belongings, including travel documents

Islands are often isolated and access to medical or emergency assistance is limited or non-existent.

Cambodians are friendly, but you should be wary if a Cambodian or other foreign national befriends you quickly and invites you to their home or hotel to meet their family.

Drink spiking

Police have reported instances of drink spiking in some bars visited by foreigners. Do not leave drinks unattended.


Travellers have reported fake dollar bills being given as change in shops and clubs. You should check that notes you receive are genuine and are not damaged or torn.

Be sceptical if offered an opportunity of easy work. Sophisticated job scams, mostly in and around Sihanoukville, border areas and Kandal, operate by advertising ‘easy jobs with high pay’. Often individuals are then trafficked into the country, particularly from regional countries. These jobs turned out to be long hours of factory work where pay was low, passports withheld and free movement was allegedly restricted.

Illegal drugs and prison sentences

Penalties for drug offences in Cambodia are severe and can include long jail sentences for possession of even small quantities of recreational drugs. Drugs have also caused the death of several foreign travellers. These are likely to be the result of impurities, or from being mixed with unknown substances.

Reporting a crime

To report a crime:

  • in Phnom Penh, go to the Tourist Police at Street 598, 12107 (Tel +855 (0)12 942 484).
  • in Siem Reap, go to the Tourist Police office which is next to the ticketing booth for the Angkor temple ruins.
  • in Sihanoukville, Battambang and other towns in Cambodia, check with the local police for which police station to which you should report.

Local law enforcement response to a crime, including a violent crime, is often limited. Foreigners attempting to report crimes have found:

  • police stations closed
  • emergency telephone numbers unanswered
  • police unwilling to investigate
  • police unable to speak English

There should be no cost for police to issue a police report. If police are demanding a fee, contact the British Embassy Phnom Penh and give details of the police station.

Laws and cultural differences

Prison sentences and conditions

If you’re arrested and convicted of a crime in Cambodia, you can expect a long prison sentence. Pre-trial detention can also last many months.

The legal process in Cambodia is unpredictable, lacks transparency and is open to interference from political and business interests. The investigation and trial process falls far below the standard of the UK. The British Embassy will not interfere in the legal processes of a host country.

The conditions in Cambodian prisons are extremely poor and overcrowded. Medical facilities in prisons are also very poor. The UK has no prisoner transfer agreement with Cambodia so if you’re found guilty you can expect to serve your full prison term in Cambodia.

Visits to religious sites

The Cambodian authorities have issued an official code of conduct for visitors to Angkor Wat and other religious sites. You may be refused admission to the sites if you wear skirts or shorts above the knee, or if you have bare shoulders.

Using cameras in secure areas

Never take photographs on or near military bases. Ask permission before taking pictures of people, especially monks and other religious figures.

Surveys, research and unusual travel plans

You should get permission from the district head, provincial governor or national tourism authority for any travel considered as out of the ordinary, including:

  • carrying out surveys

  • extensive photography
  • scientific research of any kind

LGBT+ travellers

Same-sex sexual relationships are legal in Cambodia. The LGBT+ community is becoming more visible, through gay clubs, club nights and the work of some human rights organisations.

Read more advice for LGBT+ travellers.

Adopting Cambodian children

The UK government has suspended all adoptions of Cambodian children by UK residents.

Commercial surrogacy

Commercial surrogacy is banned in Cambodia. If you pay a surrogate, you could get a fine or a prison sentence. FCDO and Home Office have produced guidance for anyone considering surrogacy abroad.

Phone and data connections

While there is good wi-fi and mobile phone networks in the main cities and towns of Cambodia, many of the islands and remote areas are not well covered. Make sure your friends and family are aware that you may be out of contact.

Health and safety

Cambodia does not have the same health and safety standards as in the UK. Be aware that safety advice will be minimal and there may be no warning signs about dangers at tourist sites.

Outdoor activities and adventure tourism

Jungle treks

If you’re considering jungle trekking, use a reputable tour guide. There’s no licensing system for tour guides, so get advice from your hotel, and look at online reviews before hiring a guide.

Water-based activities

When swimming, kayaking, rafting, or using jet-skis:

  • take extra care in the rainy season from May to October
  • watch for river currents – these can be extremely strong and there have been fatalities because of this
  • beware of jellyfish in the sea close to the shore – their sting can be fatal
  • take local advice from hotel management and rent equipment only from recommended operators
  • check for damage before using any equipment
  • insist on training and ask operators to explain safe practices


Diving school standards are not always as high as in the UK. You should:

  • check a dive operator’s credentials
  • make sure you’re covered by insurance
  • make sure safety equipment is available on the boat, particularly oxygen
  • ask about safety precautions, including the ability to transfer divers to a hyperbaric chamber

If you have not had any previous diving experience:

  • ask your dive instructor to explain what cover they offer before signing up
  • check what to do if something goes wrong, including how to call for help while at sea

Transport risks

Road travel

Cambodia has one of the highest rates of road traffic accidents in south-east Asia. There are high numbers of fatalities and serious injuries. Many accidents are due to poor vehicle and driver safety standards. Travel after dark significantly increases the risk of accidents.

You need a 1949 international driving permit (IDP) to get a Cambodian driving licence for cars or motorcycles. You cannot buy an IDP outside the UK, so get one before you travel.

If you have your IDP with you, you can apply for a Cambodian licence. Some local travel agencies can arrange this for a fee.

Driving or riding without a licence may invalidate your travel insurance and police may impound your vehicle.


Travelling as a passenger by motorcycle taxi (‘moto Dop’) is dangerous. Vehicles are poorly maintained and driving standards are low. There is also a risk that thieves (also on motorcycles) will snatch bags from you, particularly in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville.

The police can impose an on-the-spot fine if you ride a motorcycle without a helmet. Riding without a helmet may also invalidate your insurance. The police can stop tourists without Cambodian driving licences and impose a fine. In Sihanoukville, it’s a requirement for police to issue a receipt when issuing a fine for a traffic violation.

Vehicle hire

Before you hire a vehicle, check drivers and any passengers are covered by your travel insurance and check the small print of the rental agreement. Do not hand over your passport as a guarantee for returning a motorcycle or scooter.

Sea and river travel

Accidents have happened when boats are overloaded or poorly maintained. Tourist boats sometimes operate despite weather warnings, particularly between Sihanoukville and the nearby islands.

Water levels in rivers and lakes are high during the rainy season (June to October), making currents faster and more dangerous. Boat travel on rivers is difficult in the dry season (March to May), due to the exposure of sandbars and other hazards that can damage boats or cause them to run aground.

Extreme weather and natural disasters


Heavy storms during the monsoon season from June to October disrupt and damage the road network. Travel to some provinces can be seriously restricted by landslides at this time. Poor drainage results in flooded roads, causing major traffic congestion and delays in Phnom Penh (including along the route to the airport).

The Mekong River Commission posts official updates on the Mekong River. Monitor local news and weather reports, and weather updates from the World Meteorological Organisation.


Lakes, caves and waterfalls are particularly prone to dangerous flash flooding during the rainy season from June to October.