Check which EORI number you need

Which type of EORI number you need and where you get it from depends on where you’re moving goods to and from. You may need more than one.

If you do not have the right EORI number, you may have delays at customs and increased costs, for example your goods may have to be stored until you get an EORI.

If you’re moving goods to or from Great Britain

If you move goods to or from Great Britain you must get an EORI number that starts with GB. If you already have an EORI number and it does not start with GB, you must apply for a GB EORI number.

If you’re moving goods to or from Northern Ireland

You may also need an EORI number starting with XI if you move goods to or from Northern Ireland.

You do not need an EORI number starting with XI if you already have an EORI number from an EU country.

If your business will be making declarations or getting a customs decision in the EU

To make a declaration or get a customs decision in the EU you will need either:

You will need to contact the customs authority in an EU country if you need an EU EORI number.

If you cannot get an EORI number that can be used in the EU, you will need to appoint someone to deal with customs on your behalf.