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1,042 results sorted by Relevance
  • Official information British people moving to and living in the United States of America (USA) need to know, including residency, healthcare and driving.

  • Apply for a visa to visit the UK if you want to marry or register a civil partnership within 6 months - eligibility, documents, how to apply, how much it costs

    • Overview

      You must apply for a Marriage Visitor visa if: you want to get married or…

    • Eligibility

      You must prove that: you’re 18 or over you’re free to give notice of…

    • Documents you'll need

      You must provide a passport or travel document. Your passport should be…

    • Apply from outside the UK

      If you need a visa, you must apply online before you travel to the UK.…

  • Find out how to get help if you or someone you know is a victim of domestic abuse.

  • Apply for a UK Ancestry visa if you're a Commonwealth citizen and can prove that one of your grandparents was born in the UK - eligibility, fees, documents, how to apply, how long it takes and how to settle

  • Guidance for Ukrainian nationals and their immediate family members to come to the UK under the Homes for Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme.

  • Find out how to import your personal belongings, pets and private motor vehicles when moving or returning to the UK.

  • Official information British people moving to and living in India need to know, including residency, healthcare and driving.

  • Apply for a High Potential Individual (HPI) visa if you've been awarded a qualification by an eligible university in the last 5 years - eligibility, fees, documents, switch, bring your partner and children

  • What your options are if you want to continue to live with your host, or if you need to move on to a new host.

  • Check you can get a divorce, agree or disagree with a divorce application, what to do if your husband or wife lacks mental capacity.

  • Advice for British people living in Oman, including information on health, education, employment, residence requirements and more.

  • Marriage Allowance allows you to transfer some of your Personal Allowance to your husband, wife or civil partner: what you get and how to apply for free.

  • Apply for British citizenship if you're married to, or in a civil partnership with, a British citizen - form AN, who's eligible, fees and how to apply.

  • How to pay tax on your income if you come to live in the UK - tax returns, paying National Insurance, Portable Document A1, E101 or E102, claiming relief if you're taxed twice, claiming a refund (form R43)

  • Having right of abode means you're allowed to live or work in the UK without any immigration restrictions - apply for a certificate of entitlement to prove you have it.

  • The essential information for British nationals residing or visiting Morocco, including entry to Morocco, driving in Morocco and Moroccan residence cards.

  • How to divorce or end a civil partnership if your partner’s gone missing, you do not know their whereabouts or they are presumed dead

  • Official information British people moving to and living in Canada need to know, including residency, healthcare and driving.

  • Information for British citizens moving to or living in Bulgaria, including guidance on residency, healthcare and driving.

  • Apply to settle in the UK if your partner dies and you're in the UK as their dependant or partner