Appealing a judge's decision

If you think the judge made mistakes about the law or the facts of your case in the original hearing, you may be able to appeal.

Get legal advice if you want to appeal.

Normally the appeal will be heard by a more senior judge.

Permission to appeal

You can ask the judge at the end of your original possession hearing if you can appeal.

If the judge refuses to give permission to appeal, you can ask a more senior judge.

If you get permission, make an application as soon as possible after your original possession hearing. You’ll have to pay a court fee.

You may not have to pay the fee if you’re on benefits or low pay.

What could happen

At the appeal, the judge can make a number of decisions including:

  • keeping the original decision
  • dismissing the previous decision or changing it
  • ordering a new hearing

The judge can also decide who pays the legal costs of the appeal.