
Register to make an entry summary declaration in Northern Ireland

Use the Import Control System if you import goods from outside of the EU into Northern Ireland or move goods into Northern Ireland from Great Britain, to give information to customs before your goods arrive.

Applies to Northern Ireland

If you import goods outside of the EU into Northern Ireland or move goods into Northern Ireland from Great Britain, you’ll need to use the Import Control System to tell customs that your goods are arriving before they leave the country they’re coming from.

The Import Control System manages:

Before you register

You’ll need:

  • an EORI number starting XI — if you do not have one you can apply for an EORI number when you register
  • the postcode for the address given in your EORI registration

How to register

You can register through either:

After you’ve registered

If you register through Trader Front End, you’ll receive an activation code by post.

Once you’ve activated your account, you’ll be able to sign into the Import Control System.

Find out what to do if the Import Control System is unavailable.

Get more information

Businesses that move goods between Great Britain and Northern Ireland, or bring goods into Northern Ireland from outside of the UK, may want to sign up for the Trader Support Service (TSS).

If you need more information, contact the Import Control System Helpdesk.

Updates to this page

Published 1 December 2020

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