Statistical data set

Immigration system statistics data tables

Listing of the data tables included in 'Immigration system statistics'.

List of the data tables as part of the Immigration System Statistics Home Office release. Summary and detailed data tables covering the immigration system, including out-of-country and in-country visas, asylum, detention, and returns.

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Immigration system statistics, year ending June 2024
Immigration system statistics quarterly release
Immigration system statistics user guide
Publishing detailed data tables in migration statistics
Policy and legislative changes affecting migration to the UK: timeline
Immigration statistics data archives

Asylum and resettlement

Asylum and resettlement summary tables, year ending June 2024 (ODS, 122 KB)

Previous asylum and resettlement summary tables

Asylum applications, decisions and resettlement

Asylum applications, initial decisions and resettlement detailed datasets, year ending June 2024 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 10.5 MB)
Asy_D01: Asylum applications raised, by nationality, age, sex, UASC, applicant type, and location of application
Asy_D02: Outcomes of asylum applications at initial decision, and refugees resettled in the UK, by nationality, age, sex, applicant type, and UASC

Asylum applications awaiting a decision detailed datasets, year ending June 2024 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 1.46 MB)
Asy_D03: Asylum applications awaiting an initial decision or further review, by nationality and applicant type

Outcome analysis of asylum applications detailed datasets, year ending June 2024 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 352 KB)
Asy_D04: The initial decision and final outcome of all asylum applications raised in a period, by nationality

Age disputes

Age disputes detailed datasets, year ending June 2024 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 235 KB)
Asy_D05: Age disputes raised and outcomes of age disputes

Asylum appeals

Asylum appeals lodged and determined detailed datasets, year ending March 2023 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 851 KB)
Asy_D06: Asylum appeals raised at the First-Tier Tribunal, by nationality and sex
Asy_D07: Outcomes of asylum appeals raised at the First-Tier Tribunal, by nationality and sex

Asylum claims certified under Section 94 detailed datasets, year ending June 2024 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 302 KB)
Asy_D08: Initial decisions on asylum applications certified under Section 94, by nationality

Asylum support

Asylum seekers in receipt of support detailed datasets, year ending June 2024 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 2.92 MB)
Asy_D09: Asylum seekers in receipt of support at end of period, by nationality, support type, accommodation type, and UK region

Applications for section 95 support detailed datasets, year ending December 2023 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 267 KB)
Asy_D10: Applications for section 95 support, by nationality, support type granted, and group type

Dublin regulation

Dublin regulation (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 173 KB)
Dub_D01: Transfers and requests for transfer under the Dublin regulation, by EU member state and article

Family reunion

Family reunion visa grants detailed datasets, year ending June 2024 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 414 KB)
Fam_D01: Family reunion visas granted to family members of refugees, by nationality, sex and age

Asylum and resettlement local authority data

Resettlement by local authority detailed datasets, year ending June 2024 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 244 KB)
Res_D01: Refugees resettled by resettlement scheme and local authority

Asylum seekers in receipt of support by local authority detailed datasets, year ending June 2024 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 1.07 MB)
Asy_D11: Asylum seekers in receipt of support by support type, accommodation type and local authority

Asylum claims on the basis of sexual orientation

Asylum claims on the basis of sexual orientation, year ending June 2024 (ODS, 43.5 KB)


Sponsorship summary tables, year ending June 2024 (ODS, 62.1 KB)

Study sponsorship (Confirmation of acceptance for Studies) detailed datasets, year ending June 2024 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 1.13 MB)
CAS_D01: Confirmation of acceptance for study (CAS) used in applications for visas or extensions of stay to study in the UK, by institution type
CAS_D02: Confirmation of acceptance for study (CAS) used in applications for visas or extensions of stay to study in the UK, by nationality

Work sponsorship (Certificate of Sponsorship) detailed datasets, year ending June 2024 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 1.15 MB)
CoS_D01: Certificates of sponsorship (CoS) used in applications for visas or extensions of stay for work in the UK, by industry type
CoS_D02: Certificates of sponsorship (CoS) used in applications for visas or extensions of stay for work in the UK, by nationality

Sponsored study entry clearance visas by course level, year ending June 2024 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 1.12 MB)
Edu_D01: Applications of entry clearance visas, by course level and nationality
Edu_D02: Grants of entry clearance visas, by course level and nationality

Sponsored work entry clearance visas by occupation and industry, year ending March 2024 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 14.7 MB)
Occ_D01 – Applications for entry clearance visas, by occupation, industry and nationality
Occ_D02 – Grants of entry clearance visas, by occupation, industry and nationality

Entry clearance visas granted outside the UK

Entry clearance visas summary tables, year ending June 2024 (ODS, 58.8 KB)

Entry clearance visa applications and outcomes detailed datasets, year ending June 2024 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 27.8 MB)
Vis_D01: Entry clearance visa applications, by nationality and visa type
Vis_D02: Outcomes of entry clearance visa applications, by nationality, visa type, and outcome

Passenger arrivals

Passenger arrivals summary tables, year ending June 2024 (ODS, 29.9 KB)

Passengers refused entry at the border summary tables, year ending June 2024 (ODS, 38.3 KB)

Passengers refused entry at the border detailed datasets, year ending June 2024 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 619 KB)
Stp_D01:Passengers refused entry at the border, by nationality and location


Extensions summary tables, year ending June 2024 (ODS, 39 KB)

Extensions detailed datasets, year ending June 2024 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 7.74 MB)
Exe_D01: Grants and refusals of extensions of stay in the UK, by nationality and category of leave
Exe_D02: Grants of extensions of stay in the UK, by current and previous category of leave


Settlement summary tables, year ending June 2024 (ODS, 50.6 KB)

Settlement detailed datasets, year ending June 2024 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 6.76 MB)
Se_D01: Grants of settlement by country of nationality and category and in-country refusals of settlement
Se_D02: Grants of settlement by category and type of applicant, grants and refusals
Se_D03: Grants of settlement on removal of time limit by geographical region of nationality, sex and age


Citizenship summary tables, year ending June 2024 (ODS, 46.1 KB)

Citizenship detailed datasets, year ending June 2024 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 7.27 MB)
Cit_D01: Applications for British citizenship, by application type and nationality
Cit_D02: Grants of British citizenship, by application type, nationality, sex and age
Cit_D03: British citizenship ceremonies attended, by local authority

EU Settlement Scheme

EU Settlement Scheme - summary tables, year ending June 2024 (ODS, 79.1 KB)

EU Settlement Scheme detailed tables June 2024 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 7.1 MB)

EUSS_D01: Total applications received to the EU settlement scheme
EUSS_D02: Concluded applications to the EU settlement scheme
EUSS_D03: Concluded applications to the EU settlement scheme, from applications received post June 2021

EU Settlement Scheme local authority - summary tables, year ending June 2024 (ODS, 153 KB)

EUSS_LA_01: EU Settlement Scheme: applications by nationality, region and local authority, from 28 August 2018
EUSS_LA_02: EU Settlement Scheme: applications by age group, region and local authority, from 28 August 2018
EUSS_LA_03: EU Settlement Scheme: concluded applications by outcome type, region and local authority, from 28 August 2018


Returns summary tables, year ending June 2024 (ODS, 55.9 KB)

Previous returns summary tables

Returns detailed datasets, year ending June 2024 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 13.5 MB)
Ret_D01: Number of returns from the UK, by nationality, age, sex, type of return and return destination group
Ret_D02: Number of returns from the UK, by type of return and country of destination
Ret_D03: Number of foreign national offender returns from the UK, by nationality and return destination group
Ret_D04: Number of foreign national offender returns from the UK, by destination


Detention summary tables, year ending June 2024 (ODS, 79.9 KB)

Previous detention summary tables

Immigration detention detailed datasets, year ending June 2024 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 10.5 MB)
Det_D01: Number of entries into immigration detention by nationality, age, sex and initial place of detention
Det_D02: Number of people in immigration detention at the end of each quarter by nationality, age, sex, current place of detention and length of detention
Det_D03: Number of occurrences of people leaving detention by nationality, age, sex, reason for leaving detention and length of detention

European Economic Area - Release discontinued

European Economic Area summary tables, year ending December 2023 (ODS, 30.1 KB) - Release discontinued

EEA detailed datasets, year ending December 2023 (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 4.13 MB) - Release discontinued
EEA_D01: Issue and refusal of residence documentation (excluding EU Settlement Scheme) to EEA nationals and their family members, by country of nationality

Ukraine visa schemes

Ukraine visa schemes summary tables, year ending June 2024 (ODS, 32 KB)
UVS_01: Visa Applications under the Ukraine Family Scheme and Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme by week
UVS_02: Visa Grants under the Ukraine Family Scheme and Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme by week
UVS_03: Arrivals under Ukraine Family Scheme and Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme by week
UVS_04: Demographic (age/sex) breakdown for those arriving on Ukraine Schemes
UVS_05: Applications, Grants and Arrivals under Ukraine Family Scheme and Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme by Quarter

Previous Ukraine visa schemes summary tables

Regional and local authority data on immigration groups

Regional and Local authority dataset

Transfers to the UK under Section 67 of the Immigration Act 2016

Transfers to the UK under Section 67 of the Immigration Act 2016 (ODS, 15.9 KB)

Updates to this page

Published 24 August 2023
Last updated 22 August 2024 + show all updates
  1. Added 'EU Settlement Scheme detailed tables June 2024 '. Updated 'Asylum and resettlement summary tables, year ending June 2024 ', 'Asylum applications, initial decisions and resettlement detailed datasets, year ending June 2024', 'Asylum applications awaiting a decision detailed datasets, year ending June 2024', 'Outcome analysis of asylum applications detailed datasets, year ending June 2024', 'Age disputes detailed datasets, year ending June 2024', 'Asylum appeals lodged and determined detailed datasets, year ending June 2024', 'Asylum claims certified under Section 94 detailed datasets, year ending June 2024', 'Asylum seekers in receipt of support detailed datasets, year ending June 2024', 'Applications for section 95 support detailed datasets, year ending June 2024', 'Family reunion visa grants detailed datasets, year ending June 2024', 'Resettlement by local authority detailed datasets, year ending June 2024', 'Asylum seekers in receipt of support by local authority detailed datasets, year ending June 2024', 'Asylum claims on the basis of sexual orientation, year ending June 2024', 'Sponsorship summary tables, year ending June 2024', 'Study sponsorship (Confirmation of acceptance for Studies) detailed datasets, year ending June 2024', 'Work sponsorship (Certificate of Sponsorship) detailed datasets, year ending June 2024', 'Sponsored work entry clearance visas by occupation and industry, year ending June 2024', 'Entry clearance visas summary tables, year ending June 2024', 'Entry clearance visa applications and outcomes detailed datasets, year ending June 2024', 'Passenger arrivals summary tables, year ending June 2024', 'Passengers refused entry at the border detailed datasets, year ending June 2024', 'Extensions summary tables, year ending June 2024', 'Extensions detailed datasets, year ending June 2024', 'Settlement summary tables, year ending June 2024', 'Settlement detailed datasets, year ending June 2024', 'Citizenship summary tables, year ending June 2024', 'Citizenship detailed datasets, year ending June 2024', 'Returns summary tables, year ending June 2024', 'Returns detailed datasets, year ending June 2024', 'Detention summary tables, year ending June 2024', 'Immigration detention detailed datasets, year ending June 2024', 'Ukraine visa schemes summary tables, year ending June 2024', 'Sponsored study entry clearance visas by course level, year ending June 2024', 'Passengers refused entry at the border summary tables, year ending June 2024', 'EU Settlement Scheme local authority - summary tables, year ending June 2024' and 'EU Settlement Scheme - summary tables, year ending June 2024'.

  2. Updated 'Asylum and resettlement summary tables, year ending March 2024', 'Asylum seekers in receipt of support detailed datasets, year ending March 2024' and 'Asylum seekers in receipt of support by local authority detailed datasets, year ending March 2024' to second edition. A revision has been made to the data on asylum seekers receiving support, following a review of accommodation type during the transition to new reporting systems. The main categories affected are those in initial accommodation (revised downwards) and in hotels (revised upwards). Some corrections have also been necessary to the stated geographical distribution of the supported population. The total number of people on support remains unchanged. This revision affects asylum tables Asy_D09, Asy_D11, asylum summary table Asy_07e, and the Regional and local authority datasets.

  3. Added 'Sponsored study entry clearance visas by course level, year ending March 2024' and 'Passengers refused entry at the border summary tables, year ending March 2024', 'EU Settlement Scheme local authority - summary tables, year ending March 2024' and 'EU Settlement Scheme - summary tables, year ending March 2024'. Updated 'Asylum and resettlement summary tables, year ending March 2024', 'Asylum applications, initial decisions and resettlement detailed datasets, year ending March 2024', 'Asylum applications awaiting a decision detailed datasets, year ending March 2024', 'Age disputes detailed datasets, year ending March 2024', 'Asylum appeals lodged and determined detailed datasets, year ending March 2024', 'Asylum claims certified under Section 94 detailed datasets, year ending March 2024', 'Asylum seekers in receipt of support detailed datasets, year ending March 2024', 'Applications for section 95 support detailed datasets, year ending March 2024', 'Family reunion visa grants detailed datasets, year ending March 2024', 'Resettlement by local authority detailed datasets, year ending March 2024', 'Asylum seekers in receipt of support by local authority detailed datasets, year ending March 2024', 'Sponsorship summary tables, year ending March 2024', 'Study sponsorship (Confirmation of acceptance for Studies) detailed datasets, year ending March 2024', 'Work sponsorship (Certificate of Sponsorship) detailed datasets, year ending March 2024', 'Sponsored work entry clearance visas by occupation and industry, year ending March 2024', 'Entry clearance visas summary tables, year ending March 2024', 'Entry clearance visa applications and outcomes detailed datasets, year ending March 2024', 'Passenger arrivals (admissions) summary tables, year ending March 2024', 'Passengers refused entry at the border detailed datasets, year ending March 2024', 'Extensions summary tables, year ending March 2024', 'Extensions detailed datasets, year ending March 2024', 'Settlement detailed datasets, year ending March 2024', 'Citizenship summary tables, year ending March 2024', 'Citizenship detailed datasets, year ending March 2024', 'Returns summary tables, year ending March 2024', 'Returns detailed datasets, year ending March 2024', 'Detention summary tables, year ending March 2024', 'Immigration detention detailed datasets, year ending March 2024', 'Ukraine visa schemes summary tables, year ending March 2024', 'European Economic Area summary tables, year ending March 2024', 'EEA detailed datasets, year ending March 2024' .

  4. Updated 'Asylum and resettlement summary tables, year ending December 2023', 'Asylum applications, initial decisions and resettlement detailed datasets, year ending December 2023', 'Asylum applications awaiting a decision detailed datasets, year ending December 2023', 'Age disputes detailed datasets, year ending September 2023', 'Asylum appeals lodged and determined detailed datasets, year ending March 2023', 'Asylum claims certified under Section 94 detailed datasets, year ending December 2023', 'Asylum seekers in receipt of support detailed datasets, year ending December 2023', 'Applications for section 95 support detailed datasets, year ending December 2022', 'Family reunion visa grants detailed datasets, year ending December 2023', 'Resettlement by local authority detailed datasets, year ending December 2023', 'Asylum seekers in receipt of support by local authority detailed datasets, year ending December 2023', 'Sponsorship summary tables, year ending December 2023', 'Study sponsorship (Confirmation of acceptance for Studies) detailed datasets, year ending December 2023', 'Work sponsorship (Certificate of Sponsorship) detailed datasets, year ending December 2023', 'Sponsored work entry clearance visas by occupation and industry, year ending December 2023', 'Entry clearance visas summary tables, year ending December 2023', 'Entry clearance visa applications and outcomes detailed datasets, year ending December 2023', 'Passenger arrivals (admissions) summary tables, year ending December 2023', 'Passengers refused entry at the border detailed datasets, year ending December 2023', 'Extensions summary tables, year ending December 2023', 'Extensions detailed datasets, year ending December 2023', 'Settlement summary tables, year ending December 2023', 'Settlement detailed datasets, year ending December 2023', 'Citizenship summary tables, year ending December 2023', 'Citizenship detailed datasets, year ending December 2023' ,'Returns summary tables, year ending December 2023', 'Returns detailed datasets, year ending December 2023', 'Detention summary tables, year ending December 2023', 'Immigration detention detailed datasets, year ending December 2023', 'European Economic Area summary tables, year ending December 2023', 'EEA detailed datasets, year ending December 2023' and 'Ukraine visa schemes summary tables, year ending December 2023'

  5. Updated 'Asylum and resettlement summary tables, year ending September 2023', 'Asylum applications, initial decisions and resettlement detailed datasets, year ending September 2023', 'Asylum applications awaiting a decision detailed datasets, year ending September 2023', 'Age disputes detailed datasets, year ending September 2023', 'Asylum claims certified under Section 94 detailed datasets, year ending September 2023', 'Asylum seekers in receipt of support detailed datasets, year ending September 2023', 'Family reunion visa grants detailed datasets, year ending September 2023', 'Resettlement by local authority detailed datasets, year ending September 2023', 'Asylum seekers in receipt of support by local authority detailed datasets, year ending September 2023', 'Sponsorship summary tables, year ending September 2023', 'Study sponsorship (Confirmation of acceptance for Studies) detailed datasets, year ending September 2023', 'Work sponsorship (Certificate of Sponsorship) detailed datasets, year ending September 2023' ,'Sponsored work entry clearance visas by occupation and industry, year ending September 2023', 'Entry clearance visas summary tables, year ending September 2023', 'Entry clearance visa applications and outcomes detailed datasets, year ending September 2023', 'Passenger arrivals (admissions) summary tables, year ending September 202', 'Passengers refused entry at the border detailed datasets, year ending September 2023', 'Extensions summary tables, year ending September 2023', 'Extensions detailed datasets, year ending September 2023', 'Settlement summary tables, year ending September 2023', 'Settlement detailed datasets, year ending September 2023', 'Citizenship summary tables, year ending September 2023', 'Citizenship detailed datasets, year ending September 2023', 'Returns summary tables, year ending September 2023', 'Returns detailed datasets, year ending September 2023', 'Detention summary tables, year ending September 2023', 'Immigration detention detailed datasets, year ending September 2023', 'European Economic Area summary tables, year ending September 2023', 'EEA detailed datasets, year ending September 2023' and 'Ukraine visa schemes summary tables, year ending September 2023'

  6. First published.