
Bywyd cwmni: ffeilio digwyddiadau

Gwybodaeth am newidiadau y mae angen i gwmnïau'r DU eu ffeilio gyda Thŷ'r Cwmnïau a'r rheolau a'r gofynion ar sut i'w cyflwyno.



Mae’r canllaw hwn ar gyfer cyfarwyddwyr, ysgrifenyddion ac unigolion sy’n gweithredu fel cynghorwyr i gwmnïau cofrestredig yn y DU.

Mae’n cwmpasu’r hyn y mae angen i chi ei ffeilio pan fydd newidiadau penodol yn digwydd yn eich cwmni fel y gall Tŷ’r Cwmnïau ddiweddaru’r cofnod cyhoeddus a sicrhau bod chwilwyr yn cael mynediad at lun cyfoes o’ch cwmni. Daeth y trawsnewidiad Brexit i ben ar 31 Rhagfyr 2020. Gweler y Newidiadau i gofrestru cwmnïau o 1 Ionawr 2021.

Cyhoeddwyd ar 1 February 2014
Diweddarwyd ddiwethaf ar 11 May 2023 + show all updates
  1. Additional information on how members of a company can object to a company being re-registered from public to private has been added.

  2. Updated guidance in accordance with the end of Brexit transition.

  3. Link added to video guidance - how to register a mortgage charge online.

  4. Some guidance removed as duplicated elsewhere on GOV.UK

  5. PROOF content removed as it's duplicated elsewhere on GOV.UK

  6. Update to Welsh guidance

  7. PSC guidance updated.

  8. PSC information updated in the guidance English and Welsh

  9. Welsh guidance added

  10. Update to guidance

  11. Guidance updated and converted to HTML. Welsh guidance removed for updating.

  12. Version 4.1 replaced by version 4.2. Inserted link at the end of chapter 3 part 2 to the registers guidance

  13. New version relating to changes brought in by the The Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act.

  14. Guidance updated to version 3.4

  15. Welsh translation added

  16. First published.