News story

Jeremy Hunt’s four year vision for DCMS

Business plan sets out how we will boost economic growth, equip country for success and transform culture, media, sport and tourism delivery

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

The DCMS has today published its business plan along with all other Government departments.

“This sets out how we will, over the next four years, boost economic growth, equip the country for future success and transform the way we deliver culture, media, sport and tourism,” said Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt.

“These new business plans are a key part of the Government’s reform programme, giving the public a completely new way to hold us to account.” 

Reform priorities

The plan sets out six key reform priorities:

  • Delivering a successful Olympic and Parlympic Games. London 2012 will be a symbol of our economic vitality and catalyst for further growth, and mark our standing on the global stage.

  • Creating the conditions for growth in the tourism, media, leisure, creative and cultural institutions, by stripping away red tape and stimulating private sector investment. These sectors should be free to drive their own success - with the Government only intervening where there is a real need.

  • Boosting the Big Society by encouraging philanthropic giving so more of us can have a connection with the things we care about and enjoy. We are also returning the National Lottery to its founding principles so more money is invested in the arts, sport, heritage and the voluntary and community sector.  We will enable the creation of new local TV services and scrap rules on local cross-media ownership to help foster a new breed of local media groups.

  • Facilitating the delivery of universal broadband. We have set a stretching ambition to have the best broadband network in Europe by 2015 and want there to be fairer access across the country.

  • Creating a sporting legacy from the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Playing sport not only improves health but equips people with skills for life, such as confidence, teamwork, commitment and drive. This is why we want to encourage competitive sport in schools and create a lasting community sporting legacy from 2012.

  • Strengthening cultural organisations. Our world-renowned culture is part of what makes this country great and it’s important that our cultural institutions can continue to thrive for the benefit of future generations. We will reform our cultural bodies, reducing administration and focusing funding on the frontline. We will support the sector to move towards more sustainable business models, liberating organisations so they can raise and spend money as they see fit.

Increased transparency

The plans represent a completely new way for citizens to hold the Government to account. They include dates and milestones for delivery - changing fundamentally the way that departments are held accountable by the public for putting policies into practice. 
Increased data transparency will also mean that the public will have access to more information than ever before, building on the Government’s transparency agenda.

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Published 24 December 2010