News story

Hold the date for the NDA Supply Chain Event at a new venue in 2020

The event, now in its ninth year, has been an overwhelming success in engaging with the suppliers who are so essential to achieving our decommissioning mission.

Save the date: 18 June 2020 (NDA Group Supply Chain Event) at International Centre, Telford

Since launching in 2011, the event has attracted a total of around 10,000 visitors from more than 20 countries, representing thousands of companies both large and small.

At each of our events, attendees have:

  • celebrated dozens of NDA Supply Chain award winners, in categories ranging from innovation to collaboration and exports

  • made valuable face-to-face connections, built collaborative networks and win contracts across the NDA group

  • found opportunities for their businesses to move into the nuclear decommissioning market for the first time, adding to our supply chain’s strength and diversity, and boosting the UK economy

  • come from overseas to see the wide range of UK expertise at first hand

  • met with other government departments, such as the Department of International Trade (DIT) and Ministry of Defence (MOD), to understand future opportunities and meet potential suppliers

The event has grown from attracting a few hundred visitors to almost 1,700 and is now the largest event of its kind anywhere in Europe.

The event started life in Bolton, Lancashire, before travelling a few miles down the M61 to Manchester’s EventCity. Whilst this has been an extremely popular, accessible location, we’re aware that this venue favoured suppliers based in the North West. It can be difficult or expensive for suppliers from elsewhere in the UK to travel to EventCity - especially the small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) we’re keen to encourage into the nuclear decommissioning sector. The influx of thousands of overnight visitors also brings a significant boost for local hotels and restaurants.

Looking across the whole UK and listening to other feedback, we believe it’s time for a change of venue, to look at a different time of year and improve the event for the future.

The next event will be on Thursday 18 June 2020 at The International Centre, Telford. This venue has has world-class facilities and easy access to motorway and rail networks. And we truly believe that the updates and improvements will be worth the wait!

We’ll still be holding our supply chain awards to celebrate our suppliers’ huge contribution to the clean-up mission.

The success of the event is down to our suppliers and we very much look forward to seeing you in Telford. 

Registration via the supply chain event website will open in the autumn. If you would like to be notified when registration opens please sign up to our e-bulletin.

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Published 3 June 2019