Press release

Prime Minister David Cameron's call with President Putin

Conflict in Syria, Iran's nuclear programme and the Winter Olympic Games were discussed by the Prime Minister and Russia's President.

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

Following the telephone call this evening, a Downing Street spokesperson said:

Earlier this evening, the Prime Minister called Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss a range of bilateral and global issues.

This was their first call in 2014 and discussions focused on P5+1 co-operation on Iran, particularly the steps needed to secure a long term comprehensive solution that would ensure Iran’s nuclear programme will be exclusively peaceful. The Prime Minister emphasised the importance of maintaining a joint approach on this issue and ensuring that the bulk of sanctions, including core measures on oil, remain in place.

They also discussed Syria and how they could keep working together, with international partners, to find a political solution to end the conflict. The Prime Minister noted the need for progress towards a transitional authority and to continue promptly with the process of destroying Syria’s chemical weapons.

On Ukraine, they agreed that it is in the interests of both Europe and Russia that Ukraine has a peaceful and prosperous future and that we should work together to encourage the Ukrainian authorities to pursue a path that avoids further violence.

Finally, the Prime Minister wished President Putin a safe and successful Winter Olympics. The 2 leaders agreed to keep in touch and President Putin said he looked forward to welcoming the Prime Minister to Russia later this year.

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Published 3 February 2014