Case study

Norton Motorcycles – riding the road to exporting success

Norton Motorcycles is selling its iconic motorcycles around the world with the support of a tailored financing model from UKEF and Santander.

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Norton Motorcycles
About Norton Motorcycles
Region Derbyshire
Sector Manufacturing: prestige motorcycles
Export destination Australia, China, India, Japan, and the USA
UKEF support Invoice financing model

Norton Motorcycles needed a tailored financing model to support its exports and widen its distribution network. Norton worked with UKEF and Santander to develop a solution: a rolling working capital facility to support an invoice finance model. This means Norton can borrow with a HM Government guarantee, offer its customers competitive credit terms and grow its business.

Stuart Garner, CEO of Norton Motorcycles, said:

Overseas sales are a hugely important part of Norton’s business and our growth plans for the future. The bespoke support we have received from UK Export Finance has meant that we can realise our ambitions secure in the knowledge that our finance matches our plans.

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Published 17 October 2017