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  • What is a public appointment and how to apply for one.

  • Agreements setting out the outcomes to be achieved and the funding provided for NHS England to commission public health services.

  • Use Contracts Finder to find out about current contract opportunities with the government and its agencies.

  • The role of the Government Debt Management Function (GDMF), the Government Debt Strategy, the Debt Functional Standard, and the the Debt Centre of Excellence

  • We work to create better places for people and wildlife, and support sustainable development. EA is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs , supported by 1 public body .

  • This guidance sets out the standards for those that serve on the boards of public bodies, and how they can best support effective working relationships with departments.

  • Guidance primarily aimed at local responders covering some economic issues that may arise during the Recovery Phase of an emergency in the UK.

  • The Government Commercial Function is a cross-government network procuring or supporting the procurement of goods and services for the government. GCF is part of the Civil Service and the Cabinet Office .

  • Guidance for buyers and suppliers of cloud technology, digital outcomes, digital specialists, user research participants and labs.

  • This section presents an overview of providing communications operators with access to public sector assets.

  • This is collated guidance from government websites and independent bodies to help you follow the technology code of practice.

  • How organisations can report and manage operational issues on PSN.

  • This page collates the various existing ethical principles for data and AI, developed by government and public sector sector bodies. It intends to provide clarity and guidance for public servants working with data and/or AI.

  • The Government Finance Function enables the delivery of high quality public services and ensures that public money is spent efficiently and effectively. GFF is part of the Civil Service and HM Treasury .

  • New and old Fair Deal policy, TUPE regulations, bulk transfers and broad comparability assessments; GAD support for public sector organisations.

  • This guidance explains why and how public sector organisations should move to modern network solutions and away from legacy networks with information on standards you need to follow and case studies.

  • Support and resources for councils in England and the public libraries sector in England and its partners provided through the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS)

  • Annual statistics on multi-agency public protection arrangements (MAPPA) eligible offenders.

  • The zoonotic helminth T. solium is one of the leading causes of acquired epilepsy in endemic countries

  • Access online catalogues and get quotes for the procurement of low value goods and services across the public sector.