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137 results sorted by Relevance
  • Steven Dick died in Hungary on 24 March 2020 after contracting coronavirus. At the time, he was serving as the Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy in Budapest. Roles Dec 2019 to March 2020 Deputy British Ambassador to...

  • Steven has been Deputy Head of Mission and HM Consul since October 2020.  He is a career diplomat, who joined the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in 1990. During his career, he has undertaken a wide range of roles and worked...

  • Stephen Bridges served as Consul General in Chicago, Illinois from August 2013 until August 2017. Formerly, he was in London leading on organizational design and workforce issues for the Foreign & Commonwealth Office from 2011 until 2013. From 2007 to...

  • Steven leads the Data, Analytics and Surveillance group within the UK Health Security Agency ( UKHSA ) which provides a world-class analytics capability that informs health protection activities, decision-making, and outcomes. Steven joined UKHSA from Imperial College where he is...

  • Steve Baker was appointed Minister of State at the Northern Ireland Office on 7 September 2022. He was previously Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Exiting the European Union from June 2017 to 9 July 2018. He...

  • Steven brings more than 30 years communications, media and digital experience having worked for BT since 1989 until retiring in 2021. His roles included leading teams across Europe, Americas and Asia Pacific focusing on global contracts, strategic controls and revenue...

  • The Acting British High Commissioner Steven Chandler arrived in Fiji on 16 January 2013. Born in 1968, Steven joined the Diplomatic Service in 1987. He was Deputy Head of Mission at the British Embassy in Bangkok before coming to Fiji....

  • Stephen Oram (appointed in 2009) worked for 28 years at director level in the regional and national newspaper industry and as a Chief Executive of daily, weekly and free regional newspapers. He was Director of the Newspaper Publishers Association for...

  • Steven is the incoming CEO of Aldermore Bank, having recently stepped down as Group CEO of C. Hoare & Co, a leading UK Private Bank. Previously Steven was a Senior Executive at Barclays where he held a number of executive...

  • Steven is an independent adviser on HMRC’s Customer Experience Committee. He is currently a Managing Director at InHealth, the largest independent medical diagnostic provider in the UK. Prior to that Steven was Vice President of Data Partnerships Europe and APAC...

  • Steven Mark Fisher was appointed Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova and took up his appointment at the beginning of September 2019. From 2009 to 2015, Mr Fisher served as Her Majesty’s Ambassador to the Dominican Republic and...

  • Steve O’Donoghue joined the TRA as our Director of Corporate Services in February 2021 and was appointed an executive director of the Board in June 2021. He has extensive experience in public sector finances, corporate governance, risk management and strategic...

  • Steve joined the IPO in 1991 and has held a number of operational and tribunal roles within the IPO. These roles covered patents, trade marks and designs, including as a Principal Hearing Officer deciding trade mark disputes. From September 2013...

  • Stephen started his role as British Consul General in Chongqing in October 2020 and leads the British Government’s engagement in south west China. Before this, Stephen was Minister Counsellor for the Department for International Trade at the British Embassy Beijing...

  • Self-taught artist, photographer, filmmaker and broadcaster Simon Frederick was born in London to Grenadian parents. His photographs made history when his collection entitled ‘Black Is The New Black’ became the largest acquisition of African-Caribbean sitters by the National Portrait Gallery,...

  • Stephen McPartland was Minister of State (Minister for Security) between 7 July 2022 and 6 September 2022. He was elected Conservative MP for Stevenage in May 2010. Stephen completed his first degree in History at the University of Liverpool, and...

  • Stephen Duffy is a statistician and epidemiologist, educated at Edinburgh University and Imperial College, London. His research is mainly in cancer epidemiology, prevention and screening, including work on the pioneering Swedish two-county trial of mammography. Since then he has taken...

  • Stephen Braviner Roman, Director General for Directorate Litigation with Justice and Security, responsible for GLD’s Litigation Group, the advisory Divisions for the Home Office, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Defence, DCMS and HSE and the Bona Vacantia Division. Stephen is...

  • Steve Webb was appointed Minister of State for Pensions in May 2010. He was elected Liberal Democrat MP for Thornbury and Yate in May 2010. Education Steve studied philosophy, politics and economics at Hertford College, Oxford. Political career Steve was...

  • Stephen Lightfoot became the Chair of the MHRA on 1 September 2020, having been a Non-Executive Director of the agency since September 2015. He is also Chair of the NHS Sussex Integrated Care Board (ICB) and was previously the Deputy...