
Water grants 2015: stone wall restoration (BN12)

Eligibility and requirements for stone wall restoration.

This guidance was withdrawn on

Capital items for improving water quality are now available through the Mid Tier of Countryside Stewardship.

Applies to England

Farmers and other land managers can apply for water grants.

Read the accompanying guidance to find out more about Countryside Stewardship water grants 2015.

How much will be paid

£25 per metre.

Where the item is available

This item is available in Catchment Sensitive Farming (CSF) target areas.

It can only be used to refill a gap in the wall with stones after a gateway has been removed and relocated. This item has to be used with the gateway relocation capital item (RP2).

How this option will benefit the environment

This item will help to control livestock by rebuilding a stone wall after a gateway has been removed and relocated.


Applicants will need to send dated photographs of the sections of wall that will be restored with their application.

On the land

Rebuild walls to their original height in the local style. Refer to the height and style of other stone walls nearby that are in good condition.

Building the stone wall

To build the wall:

  • dismantle some of the existing wall either side of the gap left by the gateway, and use these to fill in the gap;
  • add a filling of solid rocks with each course where it’s part of the traditional construction; and
  • fill the gap so there’s an even top line, a consistent batter, and no bulges or depressions along the face of the wall.

What stones to use

Successful applicants will need to:

  • use original stone where it’s available;
  • make sure imported stone matches those traditional to the area in type, size and style; and
  • haul stone only when ground conditions are firm enough to prevent damage to the fields next to it.

Dispose of leftover materials

Remove any leftover materials used to complete the wall from the site and restore the ground where the work has been carried out.

Keeping records

Successful applicants will need to keep:

  • dated photographs to show they’ve carried out the work to specification (send these with any claim and show on request); and
  • consents, bank statements and receipted invoices associated with the work, and show them on request.

What must not be done


  • disturb foundation stones unless it’s to create a firm base;
  • use topsoil, earth, sand or fine gravel as filling between courses;
  • use concrete or mortar; and
  • take stone from other walls, banks or buildings on the holding.

How to carry out this option

The following section gives advice on how to carry out this option successfully. Use the right style for the wall. It’s important to fill the gap in a style and stone type which matches the remainder of the wall.

Restoring the wall

The following advice should be followed:

  • lay stones level and pack under each one so that it won’t move;
  • always bring up the level of the middle of the wall for each course if using filling before going to the next one - it shouldn’t be possible to see daylight through the wall;
  • place through stones where the wall is double-faced (they can’t stick out more than 15cm), so weight and stresses are spread evenly;
  • make stones next to each other touch as much as possible, covering joints below as the wall is buillt: one stone on two, two on one;
  • place each stone with its length reaching well into the wall, not along the outside;
  • pack coping stones (stones placed along the top of the wall, ‘capping’ it) as firmly as possible to tie the whole wall together; and
  • avoid placing stone on sites of archaeological, historic or ecological importance.

The sides of the wall should slant evenly on both sides, creating an even ‘batter’ from a wide base to a narrower top of the wall. Avoid creating bulges as it weakens the wall and may collapse.

This item can be used on the same feature as the following items:

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Published 2 March 2015

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