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Woodland grants and incentives overview table

Updated 18 July 2024

Applies to England

There are several grants and other incentives available for woodland creation, maintenance, management and tree health. Here is a brief overview so you can see at-a-glance which you would like to explore in more detail. This is a starting point and further information can be found at the links provided, or contact your local Forestry Commission (FC) area office.

Woodland Creation Planning Grant (WCPG)


The WCPG provides funding to prepare a Woodland Creation Design Plan, which is UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant. Landowners, land managers and public bodies can apply to the FC to support the planning of woodland creation.

Can I apply year round?

Yes it’s open year round.

Are there financial incentives available?

You can apply for £1,500 to complete a stage 1 checklist.

At stage 2, you can get £150 per hectare to produce a woodland creation design plan, minus the £1,500 offered at stage 1. You can also receive a funding contribution towards any additional, specialist surveys that we agree need to be undertaken.

Funding is capped at £30,500 per project.

You will never be paid less than £1,500 for approved Stage 1 work and a minimum of £500 for approved Stage 2 work

Can I apply alongside other FC grant and funding schemes?

If you’ve already applied for a woodland creation grant such as England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO), or submitted an Environmental Impact Assessment enquiry form to plant a new woodland, you’re not eligible to apply for a WCPG on that site.

You can however apply for EWCO once the FC have made you a Stage 2 offer under the WCPG.

Minimum area

5 hectares or more.

Minimum woodland block size

Any block must meet the definition of woodland set out by the National Forest Inventory: a minimum area of 0.5 hectares and a minimum width of 20 metres.

You should consider the minimum thresholds that apply to grants for woodland creation if you intend to seek grant aid to plant the woodland.

Applicant and land registration with the RPA


Eligibility with Basic Payment Scheme delinked payments (land manager and land must be registered with the RPA)

Not applicable.

Does it include support for leaky woody dams?


Where can I find out more?

Woodland Creation Planning Grant

England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO)


The EWCO is a flagship grant scheme for farmers and land managers to encourage investment in woodland creation. These woodlands will help to mitigate climate change, deliver nature recovery and provide wider environmental and social benefits.

Can I apply year round?

Yes, open year round.

Are there financial incentives available?

In addition to covering the standard capital costs of tree planting (up to a cap of £10,200 per hectare) and annual maintenance payments of £400 per hectare for 15 years, EWCO also offers an additional £1,100 per hectare when planting on low sensitivity land and ‘Additional Contributions’ (per hectare) for:

  • nature recovery: up to £3,300
  • water quality: £500
  • reduced flood risk: £1,000
  • riparian buffers: £2,500
  • close to settlements: £600
  • public access: £3,700

Can I apply alongside other FC grant and funding schemes?

You cannot switch from one grant that pays for woodland establishment to another. For example you can’t withdraw from a CS agreement to apply for the HS2WF or vice versa.

Before you apply to the EWCO you should consider using the WCPG. The WCPG provides funding to prepare a UKFS-compliant Woodland Creation Design Plan - this plan can subsequently be used to support a EWCO application.

Minimum area

The minimum total size of woodland included in a EWCO application is 1 hectare.

Minimum woodland block size

All woodland blocks within a EWCO application must be 0.1 hectare or more in size. Blocks must have a minimum width of 20 metres (except for riparian buffers and shelterbelts, where the minimum width is 10 metres).

Applicant and Land Registration with the RPA


Eligibility with Basic Payment Scheme delinked payments (land manager and land must be registered with the RPA)

Eligible land under EWCO can also be used to claim delinked payments.

Does it include support for leaky woody dams?


Where can I find out more?

England Woodland Creation Offer

HS2 Woodland Fund (HS2WF)


The HS2WF provides funding for woodland creation and restoration of plantations on ancient woodland sites (PAWS). Your land will need to be within a 25-mile zone of phase one of the HS2 route from London to the West Midlands. From May 2023 the woodland creation element will be delivered via EWCO.

Can I apply year round?

Yes - open year round, but the PAWS element will be subject to quarterly application review panels.

Are there financial incentives available?

PAWS restoration will pay 100% of fixed standard costs for a range of capital items to plant and protect new trees. Woodland creation will be delivered via EWCO which has a range of financial incentives available.

Can I apply alongside other FC grant and funding schemes?

You can’t get an HS2WF agreement if your land is already under an Environmental Stewardship agreement or a Countryside Stewardship agreement, but you may still apply if the existing agreement is due to expire or you are planning to withdraw the land from it (financial penalties may apply - check with the relevant grant administrator).

Minimum area

For PAWS restoration the minimum application size is 0.5ha. Woodland creation thresholds match EWCO.

Minimum woodland block size

For PAWS restoration the minimum felling coupe size is 0.1ha. Woodland creation thresholds match EWCO.

Applicant and Land Registration with the RPA

Applicant and land registration is not required for the PAWS restoration element of the woodland fund.

Eligibility with Basic Payment Scheme delinked payments (land manager and land must be registered with the RPA)

For PAWS restoration this is dealt with on a case by case basis if applicable. Woodland creation now delivered via EWCO.

Does it include support for leaky woody dams?


Where can I find out more?

HS2 Woodland Fund

Urban Tree Challenge Fund (UTCF)


The UTCF provides capital funding to plant and establish large ‘standard’ trees in urban and peri-urban areas. The fund will provide 3 years of establishment payments following planting of the trees.

Can I apply year round?

Applications are assessed year-round, but your application needs to be submitted by a specific date. Read more about the UTCF.

Are there financial incentives available?

The UTCF provides 80% of published standard costs for planting large ‘standard’ trees and their establishment costs for 3 years following planting. The remaining funding must be met via the recipient, either in the form of money or labour.

Can I apply alongside other FC grant and funding schemes?

You cannot switch from one grant that pays for woodland establishment to another. For example you can’t withdraw from a CS agreement to apply for the HS2WF or vice versa.


Minimum area

There isn’t a minimum area size to apply, but individual applications will be required to meet a minimum value threshold (Minimum value subject to change). This is £250,000 for block bids, or £10,000 for individual applications.

Minimum woodland block size

For street trees, parkland trees (planted as specimens singly or in groups), orchards and other planting. Minimum block size of 10 standard trees.

Applicant and Land Registration with the RPA


Eligibility with Basic Payment Scheme delinked payments (land manager and land must be registered with RPA)

This is dealt with on a case by case basis if applicable.

Does it include support for leaky woody dams?


Where can I find out more?

Urban Tree Challenge Fund

England Woodland Creation Offer

Woodland Carbon Code (WCC)


The WCC is the UK’s voluntary carbon standard for woodland creation projects. If you are a landowner and can demonstrate that you meet this standard, you can sell the carbon sequestered in your woodland in the form of Woodland Carbon Units.

Can I apply year round?

Yes, open year round.

Are there financial incentives available?

A new native woodland can capture 400-500 tonnes of CO2 (tCO2e/ha) over 100 years, buyers have recently paid between £5 and £15/tCO2e for carbon units captured by woodland projects verified through the Woodland Carbon Code.

Can I apply alongside other FC grant and funding schemes?

You cannot switch from one grant that pays for woodland establishment to another. For example you can’t withdraw from a CS agreement to apply for the HS2WF or vice versa.

If you apply for registration with the WCC you are not excluded from applying for other FC grant and funding schemes.

Minimum area

There’s no minimum size for the WCC and there’s a streamlined process for small woods which are less than 5 hectares.

Minimum woodland block size


Applicant and Land Registration with the RPA


Eligibility with Basic Payment Scheme delinked payments (land manager and land must be registered with the RPA)


Does it include support for leaky woody dams?

Not applicable.

Where can I find out more?

Woodland Carbon code website

Woodland Carbon Guarantee (WCaG)


The WCaG is an incentive scheme to help accelerate woodland planting rates across England to mitigate for the effects of climate change. These new woodlands will permanently remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere.

Can I apply year round?

Yes - applications are open year round, however participation in the scheme is through periodic auctions and there is a cut-off date for applications in advance of each auction. Auction dates are advertised online.

Are there financial incentives available?

The WCaG provides you with the option to sell your captured CO2 to the government for a guaranteed price every 5 or 10 years up to 2055/56, which provides an additional long-term income from your woodland. If you prefer, you can still choose to sell the CO2 on the open market rather than to the government. If you are successful in the auction, the government will buy the CO2 for the price that you bid - which is protected against inflation for the life of the contract.

Can I apply alongside other FC grant and funding schemes?

WCaG applications can be made alongside applications for woodland creation grants (for example, EWCO, Countryside Stewardship or the HS2WF). However, you can still apply for WCaG if your woodland creation project does not have grant support.

Participation in the WCC is a prerequisite to participation in the WCaG and its additionality tests will apply.

Minimum area

The WCaG does not have specific minimum area thresholds. The minimum area of a successful WCaG project will therefore be the area threshold of any associated establishment grant scheme.

Minimum woodland block size

The WCaG does not have specific minimum area thresholds. The minimum woodland block size of a successful WCaG project will therefore be the threshold of any associated establishment grant scheme.

Applicant and Land Registration with the RPA

The WCaG does not have any specific RPA applicant or land registration requirements. Registration requirements will be those of any associated establishment or maintenance grant scheme.

Eligibility with Basic Payment Scheme delinked payments (land manager and land must be registered with the RPA)

Eligibility with delinked payments will be dependent on the eligibility of any associated establishment or maintenance grant.

Does it include support for leaky woody dams?

Not applicable.

Where can I find out more?

Woodland Carbon Guarantee

Local Authority Treescapes Fund (LATF)

The Local Authority Treescapes Fund (LATF) is a grant scheme for local authorities (LAs), to drive an increase in non-woodland tree planting across our landscapes. The fund is focused on replanting trees outside of woodlands including trees in hedgerows, parklands, riparian zones, urban areas, beside roads and footpaths as well as small linear woodlands, copses, and shelterbelts. For more information visit Local Authority Treescapes Fund page.

Countryside Stewardship grants

There are a range of woodland grants available under Countryside Stewardship (CS). CS is jointly delivered by the Forestry Commission, Natural England and the Rural Payments Agency (RPA) on behalf of Defra. The RPA process the applications and claims, and the Forestry Commission will discuss and agree your proposals with you.

Applications for Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier, including the woodland improvement grant (WD2), are currently closed. For information about the Higher Tier offer, when you can apply and what improvements have been made read Countryside Stewardship Higher Tier.

The woodland grants within Countryside Stewardship are:

Woodland Management Planning Grant (WMP) part of Countryside Stewardship


The WMP is a one-off payment to create a 10 year Woodland Management Plan, which is UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) compliant.

You have 2 years from the agreement start date to write your plan and secure approval from the FC. Once your plan is approved you can claim the grant payment. You must make your claim within 2 years and 3 months of the agreement start date.

Can I apply year round?

Yes, open year round.

Are there financial incentives available?

The payment rate for the WMP is based on the area of woodland:

  • 3 - 50 hectares: flat rate of £1,500
  • 51 - 100 hectares: flat rate of £1,500 for first 50ha, plus £30 per additional hectare
  • over 100 hectares: flat rate of £3,000 for first 100ha plus £15 per additional hectare

Is this Higher Tier, Mid Tier or a capital item?

Capital only.

There are 3 main elements within Countryside Stewardship:

  • Mid Tier: multi-year agreements for environmental improvements in the wider countryside, that include multi-year options and capital items
  • Higher Tier: multi-year agreements for environmentally significant sites, commons and woodlands where more complex management requires support from Natural England or the Forestry Commission, that include multi-year options and capital items
  • Capital-only grants: a range of grants specific to outcomes for hedgerows and boundaries, developing implementation plans, feasibility studies, woodland management plans, woodland creation (establishment), and tree health - normally 2 year agreements

Can I apply alongside other FC and CS grant and funding schemes?

Yes - but to apply for the Countryside Stewardship Woodland Improvement Grant (part of Higher Tier) your Woodland Management Plan must be approved.

Minimum area

3 hectares.

Minimum woodland block size

0.5 hectares.

Applicant and Land Registration with the RPA


Eligibility with Basic Payment Scheme delinked payments (land manager and land must be registered with the RPA)


Does it include support for leaky woody dams (RP32 and RP33)?


Does it include support for woodland infrastructure (FY2)?


Where can I find out more?

Countryside Stewardship Woodland Management Plan grant manual

Woodland Tree Health part of Countryside Stewardship


There are 2 elements within this grant:

  • restoration provides support for restocking woodland after felling due to a tree health issue

  • improvement provides support for the removal of diseased trees and infected rhododendron

Can I apply year round?

Yes, open year round.

Are there financial incentives available?

To restock native tree species on an ancient woodland site the payment is capped at an average of £6,000 per hectare (£3,000 per hectare for non-native species), whilst on other sites it’s £4,720 per hectare for native species (£3,850 per hectare for non-native species).

To fell diseased trees you can receive between £375 and £2,424.20 per hectare, and between £3,500 and £5,500 per hectare for rhododendron control.

Is this Higher Tier, Mid Tier or a capital item?

Capital only.

There are 3 main elements within Countryside Stewardship:

  • Mid Tier: multi-year agreements for environmental improvements in the wider countryside, that include multi-year options and capital items
  • Higher Tier: multi-year agreements for environmentally significant sites, commons and woodlands where more complex management requires support from Natural England or the Forestry Commission, that include multi-year options and capital items
  • Capital-only grants: a range of grants specific to outcomes for hedgerows and boundaries, developing implementation plans, feasibility studies, woodland management plans, woodland creation (establishment), and tree health - normally 2 year agreements

Can I apply alongside other FC and CS grant and funding schemes?

Yes - a Woodland Management Plan is strongly recommended and the woodland can already be subject to other grants.

Minimum area

0.25 hectares.

Minimum woodland block size

0.1 hectares.

Applicant and Land Registration with the RPA


Eligibility with Basic Payment Scheme delinked payments (land manager and land must be registered with the RPA)

Yes - only while the grant agreement is in place and where the land can be claimed under BPS as RD01.

Does it include support for leaky woody dams (RP32 and RP33)?


Does it include support for woodland infrastructure (FY2)?


Where can I find out more?

Countryside Stewardship Woodland Tree Health Grant Manual

Tree Health Pilot Scheme

The Tree Health Pilot is a grant scheme for owners and managers of trees and woodlands, to help deal with tree pests and diseases. It is running in target areas across the South East and the North West and West Midlands. The pilot is testing and refining new variations of support for tree health issues and the learning will inform the design of an expanded Countryside Stewardship grant available in ELM. Tree Health Pilot grants will continue until transition into ELM ensuring there is no gap in support.

There are grants available for:

  • larch trees with Phytophthora ramorum
  • spruce trees affected by Ips typographus
  • sweet chestnut trees with Phytophthora ramorum or sweet chestnut blight
  • oak trees with oak processionary moth (OPM)
  • ash trees with ash dieback

For more information visit Tree health pilot scheme 2024.