
NTE 2024/12: export declarations move from CHIEF to CDS from 4 June 2024

Updated 5 June 2024


Customs Declaration Service (CDS) is the UK government’s new electronic system for handling customs declaration processes.

All export declarations are due to move from the Customs Handling of Import and Export Freight (CHIEF) system to the new CDS by 4 June 2024.

From 4 June 2024, HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) will not be able to accept the single administrative document (SAD) form that is currently submitted on CHIEF. After this date, an electronic export declaration will need to be submitted on CDS.

This notice provides links to guidance on submitting export declarations on CDS and advice on declaring exports under the retained General Export Authorisations.

If you have not already done so, subscribe to the Customs Declaration Service.

Helping you complete a CDS export declaration

HMRC has published guidance to help support you to complete a CDS export declaration. This includes guidance on:

Declaring an export under a retained general export authorisation

The move from CHIEF to CDS changes the way you declare your exports using the retained general export authorisations (GEA) set out under Annex IIa to Annex IIf of the Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009 (assimilated Dual-Use Regulation).

If you are declaring an export using a retained GEA, you will now need to enter the document code X002 and specify the retained GEA reference number in the Data Element 2/3 of the CDS export declaration. You should also note that the items are being exported under the specific GEA, for example GEA 001, and include the retained GEA reference number, on the relevant commercial export documentation.

Further guidance on customs declarations

You can find further guidance and resources to help you prepare for your move to the CDS on the CDS guidance pages and in the supporting CDS Declaration Completion Instructions for Exports pack.

For queries on customs declarations

If you have any questions on export declarations, or need help with moving your exports to CDS, contact HMRC using one of these channels, or where appropriate speak to your Account Manager or Customer Compliance Manager.

Report a problem when using the CDS. If your problem is considered urgent, you’ll receive a response within 2 hours. All other problems will be responded to within 24 hours.  

For general enquires on EU Exit or customs processes, contact HMRC using one of these channels.

For general queries on strategic export licensing

General queries about strategic export licensing

Export Control Joint Unit
Department for Business and Trade
Old Admiralty Building
Admiralty Place


Telephone 020 7215 4594

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