
MGN 476 (M) MLC 2006 advice signing on non MLC ratified country's ships

Amendment 1 outlines guidance for seafarers about their protection, rights and entitlements under the maritime labour convention 2006 (MLC).



This notice sets out to raise awareness amongst seafarers to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 (MLC) and how this will impact on seafarers’ working lives. It aims to inform them of their assured level of protection, their rights and entitlements under the MLC, and will enable seafarers to make an informed decision whether they choose to work on a ship registered with a country which has not ratified the MLC and replaces MGN 476 (M).

Amendment 1 adds the protection that the MLC 2018 amendments provide in section 14 and 15 on abandonment and piracy or armed robbery respectively.

Notice to

  • seafarers
  • employment agencies and businesses
Published 15 August 2022